Calves, Abs, And HST


New Member
Okie...back on the HST boards.

History, two years back I decided to get serious about putting some muscle on my 6'2", 150lb body. I went all out for 8 months, lots of eating, lots of rest, and through 2 cycles of HST. Got my skinny little @$$ up to 194lbs ( wasn't just my @$$...but my whole get the picture). Then I changed jobs, got lazy/stupid and quit working out for a little over a year. Lost 34 lbs. ACK!!! So I've been back at it now for 2+ months, 15 lbs heavier (scale said 18 last I weighed in, but I'm hesitant to believe it) and I'm about to start a cycle of HST.

I've figured out my 15, 10, and 5 rep max's and am currently enjoying my first day of SD. But here's where I need advice regarding calves and abs. Program is as follows...

Deadlifts (shoulder shrugs added in as well)
Bent over Dumbell rows
Overhead Dumbell press
Bicep curls
Calf extensions***

Ok...I hate calf extensions. The whole "feel the burn" is never more true then when doing this exercise. But should I use the HST priciples with calves as well? Are these even needed? What do you do for calves?

Crunches (abs in gerneral) I hate Ab exercises even more. Seems like an incredible amount of work with no visual results. The good ol' saying "Abs are created in the kitchen" so why the hell am I busting my abs in the gym? If I remember correctly HST is not something one would apply to abs, otherwise you get "bulging abs". So what should I do? I don't think I've seen my abs since grade nine. dang I hate abs.

Thanks in advance.
Hey Cybersteak

I understand that Donkey Raises are Excellent for the calves because of the ROM, I do standing Barbell calf raises though (can't facilitate Donkeys where I work out) no complaints :)

1 legged calf raises with Dumbbells may be another option

and yeap HST for calves too. well it depends...
if you naturally walk around with huge long gastros squatting alone would suffice but if you're like me with High calves bang em out with HST principals

as for abs, personally I use HST here as well (wanna get a Eugene Sandow stomach). but Squats and overhead work should work pretty well with good eating habits for the six pack
Hello :)

Yes, "kitchen" work is more important for your abs to show. But you also have to do some ab work. No need to punish yourself or go crazy. Just do a few crunches with weights.

The calves need much more work than the rest of your muscles. Start at a higher weight and increment a bit larger.

ditto on calves. start heavier, increment larger, and more frequency. i have gone as far as working them 6 times a week. you should also make an effort to pause at the bottom (or at the stretched position), especially with standing calf raises. 3-4 seconds is good enough.
I have high insertion for my gastroc/soleus, so I know the pain of trying to get my calves to look BIG. I will say that HST has given me more fullness in my calves than ever before. I have gained 1/4 inch in my calves in about 4 wks. That's pretty good improvement. Usually do 4 sets for calves every workout plus jumprope.
Hey chiefhog
how often do you workout? 6 or 3 days per week?

seems you guys uses alot of Volume with High Frequency for calves. but I agree 1/4 inch in 4 weeks is impressive
You can apply HST principles to your abs. You aren't going to get a Ronnie Coleman gut from doing abs HST style.
Rakki: I train 3 days per week. I train calves 2x per day. Next cycle I'm going to train everything 2x per day, though.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (chiefhog @ Aug. 07 2005,9:35)]Rakki: I train 3 days per week. I train calves 2x per day. Next cycle I'm going to train everything 2x per day, though.

Thanx bro