

New Member
Hello, As you see i am new to this forum. I'm 17 years of age and live in sweden.
I have a few questions regarding the HST training method.

1. Do you use the same weights when for example your 15rep max is 20kg, and you do monday lets say - 10kg, wednesday - 15kg, friday - 20kg. And you do that a week and you do it again on the last week of the 15 rep weeks? (i mean use the same weights as the week before.)

2. the example on the site says if your i.e 15 rep max is 20kg. you go as i said above 10-15-20(mon,wed,fri). So if you're doing Bicepscurls you could do(if your 15RM is 20kg) something like 15-17.5-20? Correct?

That's all i can come up with at the moment. Help would be appreciated, Really want to get all the things clear before i start a new training regime. later
Hi rxd, welcome to the forum.

If 20kg is your max, take 6 workouts to reach it, not 3. So it should take 2 weeks to reach your RMs for each rep range.
ah okay, But in what increments should i reach my RM? For example it seems highly unneccessary to go 5-10-15-20-25-30 with a bicepscurl if 30 is my max.

So my question is. What increment is too small? For example squats, bicepscurl, bench and so forth.

Is 2.5kg good? Maybe even less for the bicepscurl right?
most of us use rule of 5% as an increament
so if 30 is your max I would take

22,5, 24, 25,5, 27, 28,5, 30
so if you have your bench 15RM on lets say 50kg and you go with the 5% increments. you start on monday at 35kg. It's quite obvious that when you reach 15 reps with 35kg you could easily go to 20 or 30 reps? But i should stop at the 15 reps mark right?
For simplicity, I use the following table:

RM for rep range ---- Use this increment

0-25kg/lbs ------------ 1-2.5kg/lbs

25-50 ------------------- 2.5

50-100 ------------------- 5

100-150 ----------------- 7.5

150-200 ------------------ 10

200-300 ------------------ 15

[b said:
Quote[/b] (rxd @ Nov. 27 2003,12:33)]It's quite obvious that when you reach 15 reps with 35kg you could easily go to 20 or 30 reps? But i should stop at the 15 reps mark right?
you should stop on 15 reps
growth is not about fatigue :)
if weight is really too light you can use slower pace
or in case of 15s you can even use one weight through all 15 workouts
Why do you go below your max? Shouldn't it be if your 15RM is 15kg. you go 15-15.5-16-16.5 and so on? Why go below?
Welcome, rxd!

Lifting at max effort is NOT what builds muscles, certainly not for those of us who have been lifting for a long time. If it were that simple, any program that had you lifting maxes would have you growing.

HST is based upon the gradual increase of mechanical load on the muscle. Number of repetitions becomes a function of how heavy you are lifting.

Read and reread the FAQs and become familiar with the basic principles. A young man such as yourself will probably get decent results with any type of lifting. If you want to do HST, dig into the reading material and do it right!

Happy hypertrophy,
I have read the FAQ and the site but i will reread it :D
I've been experimenting with different training methods and trying to find what's best for me. But i will try HST maybe after christmas. Thanks for all the help guys, really appreciate it
Dont want to hijack the thread, but thought i might stick a little increment query of my own here :)

on the FAQ it says

"....Your muscle, depending on the size of the muscle group, will not likely be able to sense a small increases in load, such as 2.5 pounds or 1 kilo.Your CNS won't really know the difference either...... .......Too little or no damage due to imperceptibly small increments means your muscle's ability to resist trauma will soon catch up to you and growth will stop....."

- Is there any rule of thumb for determining what the effective increment size is going to be? Or would following the 5% standard produce an adequate increase in load every time?

thanks again :)
[b said:
Quote[/b] (psychonaut @ Nov. 30 2003,4:12)]- Is there any rule of thumb for determining what the effective increment size is going to be? Or would following the 5% standard produce an adequate increase in load every time?
thanks again :)
5 % is close
of course if weight is very small e.g. for dumbell curl for beginner is it allowed to repeat the weight even 2, 3 times before moving ahead
use commom sense to judge when to repeat weight
5% is a good zone. For most people, using the 5% ballpark is fine -- or go by Blade's general guide. There's no "magic increment," just a rough zone.

2.5% will also continue to produce growth, but not as much growth per workout because of the RBE creeping in. On the other hand, doing 2.5% increments, you can stretch out your cycle to be longer. You may want to spend more time lifting and less time in decon.

10% will produce excellent growth per workout, but you will likely shorten your minicycles -- either you'll start with so light a weight that there's not much point, or, if you start with a decent weight, you'll hit your RM in less than 6 workouts.

It's fun to adjust cycle length and use 10% increments if, say, you know you'll be going on a trip and be unable to go work out in five or six weeks.
hey, the time has come, I'm thinking of starting HST next week, need to figure out my 15,10 and 5 RM's.. My question is..

Should i figure out my 15 RM and then do the 15 RM 2 week cycle.
then figure out my 10 RM and then do the 10 RM 2 week cycle.
and so on..

or should I figure out my 15,10 and 5 RM's and then do the whole 6-8 week cycle at once?

Or how exactly is it done? I mean if you do all the RM's before you start and you get some extra strength from the 15 RM's then you won't gain max from the 10 and 5's? Some explanations would be REALLY helpful
You should figure out all your maxes before starting.
Figure out you 15's rep max, then use a reps calculator to have an idea of your 10's and 5's reps max weight and work around it to determine your REAL maxes.
Find your maxes for one week then take a 2 week SD:

"Max Week"
Monday - 15s
Wednesday - 10s
Friday - 5s

2 Weeks SD

Start 15s....

I agree with ghostrider by using the rep calculater to help give you an idea where you should start looking for your maxes (tho I wouldn't rely on the calculations as your true maxes).
okay thanks, hmm can you explain what i should do when i SD ? I've been searching the forums and the site for it but can't find a good explanation.. :confused:
How to Strategically Decondition?

Well, I have a very good TV and sound system, so I like to watch movies. Reading is also very good, and I like to play the piano.

I would go to the theatre more, since I'm right next to NY City, but it becomes expensive quickly if you go often.