Back in March '06 Tot and I were discussing burn sets and I'd posted this about a shock routine called Progressive Rest-Pause:
Progressive rest-pause
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Do a ten-rep max and rest 10 seconds.
Go to failure and rest 15 seconds.
Go to failure and rest 20 seconds.
Go to failure and rest 25 seconds.
Go to failure and rest 30 seconds.
Go home.
I find that the final set would be only about 2-3 reps for compound movements and maybe 5 reps for small muscles, like bi's. These sets are brutal, not for noobs. Only one set needed per week!</div>
As you can see, it's sort of a MaxStim with failure sets, and extending M-time. But unlike MS, you can't keep doing it: it definitely will leave you sore, but MAN; the workload is awesome!