Deadlift/Squat Mid - Lower Back Pain

Strengthening the abs, stretching the hams and hip flexors should help. I strained my lower back badly (L4-L5 sprain) many years ago and went to rehab/therapy and laid off from weights. What helped really well in the therapy were the Williams flexion exercises. Just be patient with them though, coz they seem so light and easy.
Early this year, I hurt my back (not as bad though) and did the same exercises at home. Pain was gone after a week.
The tightness in your muscles could be related to an unaligned spine. In which case going to the chiro to realign your spine then afterwards get a sports massage to loosen up your tight muscle. You may have to do this process (in that order) a couple of times to get it to stay aligned as the spine can easily fall back out of place. During this period using an inversion table would help to relieve the pressure on your spine that could be affecting the mis alignment. However, if that does not fix the issue, I would get an MRI done to see if you've slipped a disc or degraded any of your vertebrae. MRI normally cost around $200 - $250 to get done. It may not seem worth it. But you've only got one spine and if your serious about lifting then you'd be silly not to take as many precautionary measures as you need, especially if your already getting symptoms of a serious injury. Just my 2 cents worth.
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