My current workout is as follows (if anybody feels like givig critique, go ahead
Chins / pulldowns
One-arm row/bent-over row
Incline barbell bench
Db bench
Db Shoulder press
Upright row
Biceps curl
Tri pushdown
Weighted crunch
Weighted oblique sidebent
Weighted hyperextension
I do two sets of each exercise.
After reading a lot in this forum, I'm thinking about replacing Tri pushdown with Dips, and BiCurl with close palms up grip chins - my question is: since you're not supposed to do to much work with your chest and back, wouldn't these two excercises put to much pressure on the chest/back? Or should I just go ahead?

Chins / pulldowns
One-arm row/bent-over row
Incline barbell bench
Db bench
Db Shoulder press
Upright row
Biceps curl
Tri pushdown
Weighted crunch
Weighted oblique sidebent
Weighted hyperextension
I do two sets of each exercise.
After reading a lot in this forum, I'm thinking about replacing Tri pushdown with Dips, and BiCurl with close palms up grip chins - my question is: since you're not supposed to do to much work with your chest and back, wouldn't these two excercises put to much pressure on the chest/back? Or should I just go ahead?