Eccentric contrations high frequency?


New Member
I've read "the" studies concerning eccentric contractions and the certain benefits they have for muscle growth, and I think I understand how taxing negatives are on the body and the nervous system...

But what if I performed a single set of eccentrics per workout/every other workout? Does a single set of negatives with ~100% of 1RM (per applicable muscle group) contain sufficient efficacy to induce the desired physiological processes (i.e. increase in MGF expression mentioned by Lyle in his HST Summary) and also allow you to continue these stand-alone sets throughout the duration of say, a mesocycle? Could this not be optimal for additional growth/strength?

I'd like to incorporate this into a strength orientated workout but before that I'd like opinions on how gd (or bad) of an idea this is - e.g. one of my thoughts is how much muscle damage will repeated bouts of single eccentrics (2-4 days per week) produce in the long term.
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Doing negatives for such an extended period could start to really wear on your joints, so be mindful of the joint pain. Other than that, have at it. I've done negatives for some lifts a couple times a week and had good results until my joints started hurting.