End of Cycle Question?

He's not gonna SD after the 15's, I hope!
I'll say it's your choice in the matter. Your max set is done, and you can't expect to do it twice, but if you just want to get in your workload, (weight x reps total) you can cluster the second set. If you can do it twice, your max is probably a little higher; not unusual to gain strength mid-cycle with HST.
Lol...definitely not SDing after the 15's.
Ok, thats what I thought Quad...that I'd just push thru a 2nd 15 set, knowing that I wouldnt be able to get to the actual 15 number a 2nd time around.
Ok guys, Im on the first week of the 5's (finished today) and Im really liking HST however I have some issues. Let me run my issues by you and then ask some questions. Here's my current workout:

BB bench press
SL/Dead Lift
Weighted Dips
Pull Ups
Military Press
Bent Over Rows
Skull Crushers (1st 2 mesos, then switched to Close Grips for the 5's)
DB Curls
Bent over Lateral Raises
Calf Raises

On the first weeks of the meso-cycles I really feel like the weight is too light. I know Ive calculated back from my correct RM's and I used 5lb increments for smaller muscles and 10lb increments for larger. My body (and mind) keep telling me to keep lifting, which is killing me to stop. But Im adhering to the rules! The SECOND weeks of the meso's I absolutely LOVE because I feel like Im REALLY getting a workout. Any advice here?
I also feel like Im not getting enough arm and shoulder work. I used to kill my arms and shoulders with a traditional once a week routine where I would usually train to failure each workout. Should I just stick with what Im doing and then go back to hitting them both harder AFTER HST?
Are you guys doing any "traditional" work outs after HST? Is it fine to go right into a once per week (Chest, Tri's Delts, one day, back/bi's another, and legs another) for a few weeks then SD? Then go back to a slightly heavier HST and repeat?? Just looking for ideas/suggestions/advice.
Thanks guys!
Looks to me like you have a huge workout there, especially if you're doing 2-3 sets per exercise.  I don't like the idea of adding 5 or 10lbs each workout.  I start with 65% and add 7% each workout until I get to 100.  If you feel the workouts are too easy for the first week, go slower and work on your form.  During my first week I go with pause/rest bench presses, slow leg presses, etc. etc.
Yeah, I think on the next cycle I will do the 70% of RM's instead of the 5/10lb increments. And maybe I will just add in some extra bi/shoulder work toward the end of the week of each meso.
As far as the work out goes, so far Ive really been handling it. (And Im only doing 2 sets per). Im not a newbie when it comes to lifting, so my body and CNS havnt been getting burned out (yet). I'll SD when I feel like Ive had too much.
Guys I need some guidance.

My work out is listed above on a previous thread. Ive been pretty consistant with this workout doing the same excercises. Ive gone thru 4 cycles now of HST (two vanilla, one 16, 12, 8 and the last doing a 16, 12, 8, 4) and Ive gained around 12 solid pounds. However I feel now that Ive plateued again. My question would be the following:

1. Should I go back to vanilla and just try to increase my rep maxes (pushing myself a little harder)?

2. Should I increase my loan volume (ie, 3 or 4 sets per as opposed to 2 sets per in the 15's and 10's)?

3. Should I lower my mesos to say a 10, 8, 6, 3 cycle so I can get heavier WEIGHT involved over a longer period of time? Is spacing my mesos by only two reps not a good idea?

4. Any other suggestions?

***Im not a newbie at lifting, Ive been eating great, however I am a hard gainer. Ive been really happy with HST but feel like I made the most gains right out of the gate, and now feel like Im stagnating. Any help/input would be greatly appreciated!