I like crossfit. I like it so much that I went ahead and got certified in it. Although I had a choice between the crossfit cert and the basica barbell training cert from Rippetoe. Rippetoes's certs were sold out a year in advance anywhere near where I live so I went with the Crossfit one. I eventually planned on getting both so it doesnt matter.
Now currently I dont do crossfit because I want to hit my strength and size goals first. They are the most important to me and I could care less about metcon.
I think Crossfit is getting short changed here. It is a general physical preparedness program and I would argue that it is the best out there in its category.
The retarded thing doesnt make a whole lot of sense to me. The WODs as prescribed are for those that are pretty damn fit and strong already. Someone who can clean and jerk 200lbs (just as a similar example) is not going to be injured by 30reps of 135lb clean and jerks. Sure the form is going to get bad as they tire but their bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles, etc have been conditioned for 200lbs already. As a conditioning exercise I would rather get punched in the nuts than do that workout because it ruins you so well. For me, even though I am plenty strong enough for the workout, I just dont have the work capacity to do it with a quick time. That is, however, why it is so great. My brief foray into CF has made post SD 15s seem easy (in terms of sheer pain).
Its actually funny to see people say oh I can do that because I can squat 400lbs then get destroyed by the shear power output required.
Also Crossfit has evolved over the years, mainly due to Rippetoes influence, and has become a lot more strength oriented as people have discovered the effects of acute strength gain (via SS) on CF.
One thing I have not seen Crossfit produce is hyooge mofos. I think that is mainly because the zone diet is very popular there and they all tend to be on the lighter side.
Although Lol states that it seems to favor lighter/smaller people, I think it tends to favor the middle weights better (180-200 @ 5'10"

. Lighter people tend to get buried under heavy weight, while heavier people get buried on the BW exercises like the metric asstons of pullups they do. Middle weights tend to suffer a bit on both sides but overall seem to do better. Since crossfit measures fitness as power over time, nearly all crossfitters tend to migrate towards middle weight.
I disagree with the statements saying it wont make you strong. Here are examples of what Crossfit can do strengthwise:
Sub 6 mile + 385lb DL
A woman DLing almost 3xBW (video)
450lb DL
535 DL @ 170