FF's Log .1

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^ thanks TR, just didn't have the time. I feel bad for missing the session.





15 pullups (3x3xbw and 1x6xbw)
3x10xbw+25 incline situps (last set I put the weight on my chest rather than behind my head)
^ thank you electric.  that lift meant a lot to me.



1x3x235 (+10# PR)
1x1x260 (+35# PR)


1 arm db snatch
1x5x35 (each arm) - 1st time trying these

4x4xbw pullups
3x15xbw incline situps (did 1 barbell rollout too)
Excellent FF, that's a great lift!  Thanks for the laugh on the clean video you posted in my log.  Too frickin' funny.  He should use your bumpers so he could bounce it up to his shoulders and catch it.   My favorite clean vid is of some Texas high school student doing 305.  I'm not sure how to post the site so you can click on it ,but if you have time check it out,  the guys name is jster3308 and the vid is called Hang Cleans 305.  It's on youtube.  Hope you enjoy it like I did.  Once again, congrats on the sweet lift.  One arm dumbbell snatch....nice!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEW_lpvYmD0&feature=related Here's the link for the hang clean 305.
thanks BAX!  I'm hoping to get some decent 1 arm snatches going... will definitely check that youtube video.  I LOVE to see people who are worse than me (rare) do cleans.

check out my before & after pics:
Fear, that's just superb getting 260 for a clean. Well done that man. As I grow steadily weaker you are going from strength to strength. I don't know how you managed to do cleans after deads? 18 reps with 395 is a shed load of work and then you go and get a massive PB for your cleans, followed by some great OHPs!!

The only thing I feel up to you on now is pull-ups; for every pound I lose I hope to find them easier and easier. I managed 32 kips in a row tonight and only had to stop because I was completely out of breath. I will get 40 soon.

One thing I noticed watching your clean vid was that you still appear to be using your arms at the start of and during the second pull. If I'm right, you will be losing some of the energy transferred from the jump. If you can iron that out, I really think you have a 275 in you pretty soon.
(Lol @ Jul. 16 2008,10:22)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The only thing I feel up to you on now is pull-ups</div>
(Lol @ Jul. 16 2008,10:22)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">One thing I noticed watching your clean vid was that you still appear to be using your arms at the start of and during the second pull. If I'm right, you will be losing some of the energy transferred from the jump. If you can iron that out, I really think you have a 275 in you pretty soon.</div>
could not possibly agree more. I think I was scared to contact my quads w/ the bar. weak sauce.

also...I didn't get low enough under the bar on the catch.

at any rate, I definitely think my confidence has been raised. if I sort out those two issues, I hope to smoothly clean 280 before year's end.


Pendlay Rows

7x3xbw pullups (last set didn't quite get chest to bar)
2x10xbw+25 incline situps (weight behind neck)
1x5xbw+25 incline situps

1x2x185 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvPJL0nQF70 (may not yet be processed)

couldn't get 5 reps w/ 185...will try again Weds
^ thanks. form is normally a bit better w/ elbows more in front of the bar (at least I try to do that anyway). it's surprising how much bench pressing can take out of my OHP's. did a lot of prehab w/ YTWL's yesterday too.
FF, it's not really surprising that bench takes a lot out of your OHP. Front delts are hit really hard by bench so you have to expect a compromised OHP effort esp. after 25 reps of heavy bench. Why not do OHPs before bench next time so you can see how your presses are doing?

Oh, surely if you moved the stands back a bit, you would have more ceiling height and could then press without having to split your legs like that. Just a thought.
(Lol @ Jul. 20 2008,7:37)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"></div>
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Why not do OHPs before bench next time so you can see how your presses are doing?</div>

you are an astute man. normally, I wouldn't OHP on the same day as bench. that was a special occassion for the Colbster.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Oh, surely if you moved the stands back a bit, you would have more ceiling height and could then press without having to split your legs like that. Just a thought.

and a good thought too! I like doing a staggered stance, just feels more stable for me. looking to get into split jerks, as I'm not sure I can reach my goal of 250+ before the end of the year w/ just a push press/push jerk. I can't wait until I can do a full on clean &amp; jerk w/ a respectable weight!
got up super early (for me) and lifted today. edit - left my garage door open and my neighbor came over and drank a cup of coffee w/ me while I lifted. it was a good way to start the day. old people get up early!


YTWL's w/ 2.5# plates


5x5x230 (I can't believe I did this weight during 10's thinking it was ~200.  FF = ain't got it)

3x10xbw+25 incline situps
7x3xbw pullups

notes - sitting here eating lunch listening to my right quad complain about being overworked.  going to do extensive stretching/foam roller tonight.
lined a pickup-bed w/ plastic and fetched 3/4 yard of concrete. after bringing it home, used a 5 gallon plastic bucket to transport the concrete 10 feet to my forms which were 8&quot; wide and 19&quot; high. - logged that because it was the hardest thing I did all day.


3x3x215 (a few of these had good form)

2x3x185 (couldn't get 5)

Push Press

1 arm DB snatch
5x65 (5 reps each arm)