Formulating Hst For Hitting Body Part 2 Times A Week

what's your guys tips on barbell shrugs? typically i do dumbbell or hammer shrugs just because i feel like i get a better squeeze. i really want to do barbell though as suggested by totentanz though this cycle. also can do a heck of a lot more weight. what kind of grip width is ideal? any tips?
Don't do shrugs with a DB if you are trying to build serious mass in them. DB shrugs are for women. (Honestly, not a big fan of DBs with any exercises with the exception of a few...) BB shrugs allow a lot more load so as long as you keep the form good, you get more tension on the upper traps. Use just a normal shoulder width grip. You can use straps if you have to but I just do mixed grip on BB shrugs when the loads get over 500 or so, or whatever the limiting load is for your grip with double overhand.
I use a trap bar (also called a deadlift bar) set on a pair of saw horses as it allows me to lift more load with my wrists in a neutral position and the bar does not pull my back forward. DB shrugs are useful if you are looking for a finishing metabolic exercise.
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