gbglifters bulk-log

What program are you doing right now? Bulking up to 94? How do you do it??? I'm desperately trying to reach 90 but never pass 88 no matter how much i eat it seems... guess i just need more carbs more often.
Ive changed the routine I was doing. Im doing upper and lower split with A and B workouts. Lower A on monday, upper A tuesday, lower B thursday and upper B on friday. Three weeks per mini-cycle with rep range 12, 8 and then 4 or perhaps 5 then negs etc.Trying to get in more volume each workout too. My plan was to bulk to 90 but Ive kept going so Im planning on at least 100kg before I cut again. My cycle finishes at the end of next month and I dont want to cut in december/christmas as there´s just too much tasty food on the go. Ill wait and see how long I can go before the cut.

Yeah, you just need to eat more. Im not sure how your diet is but just try and get more meals in. Eat breakfast twice, once at home and once at work(if youre not already). Sometimes Ill eat candy just to get my calories in!
Upper A 2nd week of the 8´s(5th week total)

Chins: BW+17.5kg 8+6+5+5
Military: 65kg 8+8+7+1
Skullcrusher: 55kg 8+8+7+1
15 degree DB: 47.5kg 8(PR)+6 then 27.5kg x 14reps
Seated rows sup-grip: 65kg 12reps

Skipped abs as I was fighting throwing up for half the workout due, once again, to eating too close to workout time. It was apple cake in my defence.
Lower B 2nd week of 8´s(5th week total)

Squats: 95kg 8(PR)+6+2+5+3
RDL: 75kg 8+8+7+1
Legextension: 72,5kg 8+8+8
Leg curl: 75kg 8+8+8
Seated calf: 75kg 8+8+7+1. 40kg x 14.

Did some back extensions and then stretched properly. I felt really pleased with the squats today. Ill be extending that new PR next week by 10kg.
Upper B 2nd week of 8´s(5th week total)

Seated rows sup-grip: 80kg 8+8+8
Shoulder press plate loaded: 75kg 8+8+8 then 30kg x 17
Dips: BW+35kg 10+7+5+3
Flies: 75kg 8+8+8 supersetted with pullups BW only 8+5+5. Then 45kg x 12
DB side lifts: 30kg 12 left 12 right.

Im pretty sure there was a couple of PR´s today but cant be bothered checking. They will be getting beat next week anyhowz. Glad Im making abit of progress in the weight department. I seem to be gaining roughly 700g´ish per week now.

I did the shoulder press with my old training mate. It felt good as he only managed 70kg and they werent full ROM either. I dont mean in the way that I dont want him to do well but it is a confirmation that HST works really well compared to a standard set-up. He goes to failure every single set almost. He is only 22 so he´s able to handle it better than I could.
Lower A 3rd week of 8´s(6th week total)

Deads: 145kg 8reps
Good mornings: 60kg 8reps
Legpress: 250kg 8+7+6+4
Legextension: 75kg 8+8+4
Legcurls: 77.5kg 12+8
Standing calfraise: 110kg 8+7 50kg x 7

Im cutting down the volume this week as the mini-cycle ends and the load increases/peaks. PLeased with the deads. I could have done more. Im looking at finishing the next cycle with 175 x 5. Thats a great improvement since the cut. I may try my 1rm the week after my 5rm cycle finishes whilst doing 3rm and negatives. 210kg!
Upper A 3rd week of the 8´s (6th week total)

Chins: BW+20kg(114.8kg) 8(PR)+6+6
Military: 70kg 8(PR)+6+6
Skullcrusher: 60kg 8(PR)+6 40kg x 14
15 degree DB: 50kg 7+5+3 27.5kg x 10
AB crunch-machine max-stim: 100kg x 12

I did some metabolic work for rows and chest. Had a great day. New PR´s for everything apart from the one final rep on the db press. The chins are really strict, my arms are fully extended "at the bottom". Very rarely see people do full ROM for chins.
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Lower B 3rd week of 8´s

Squats: 105kg 8(PR)+5+3(failure)
RDL: 80kg 10(PR)+7+3
Legextension 77.5kg 9(PR)+3+3+2+2+1 Myo-reps
Legcurl: 82.5kg 8(PR)+3+2+2+1 Myo-reps
Seated calf raise: 80kg 8(PR)+3+2+1 Myo-reps then 40kg x 15

Last leg day for the 8´s. Really happy with the squats PR. An improvement of 10kg over last weeks PR. PR´d everything! Ive PR´d everything this cycle. Last Upper B sesh tomorrow and Im expecting PR´s on all exercises again. Bulk=awesome strength gains!

The myo-reps felt great afterwards. I ended up on failure on the last rep for all three concerned exercises.
3rd week of 8´s Final session

Seated rows sup-grip: 85kg 11(PR)+7+7
Seated shoulder press plate loaded: 80kg 10(PR)+6+4
Dips: bw+40kg(total 134.8kg) 8(PR)+7
Fly machine: 80kg 8(PR)+7+5 super setted with pullups bw only: 7+6

Finished off with bicepcurls myo-reps style.

Begin the 5´s on monday.
1st week of 5´s(7th week total)

Deads: 155kg x 6
Good mornings: 65kg x 6
Legpress: 255kg 7+6+2
Legextension: 77.5kg 5+5+5. 40kg x 15
Legcurl: 82.5kg 5+5+5. 45kg x 15
Stand calf raise: 115kg 5+5+5
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1st week of 5´s

Chins: BW+25kg 5+5+2+2+1
Shoulderpress machine: 82.5kg 5+5+5
15degree DB: 50kg 5+5. 27.5kg x 17
CGBP: 65kg 5+5+5. 40kg x 17
Standing DB press one arm at a time: 10kg 17+15
DB row bent over: 22.5kg x 15
Ab crunch: 105kg x 12 maxstim.
1st week of 5´s

Squats: 105kg 5+4+1. Then 70kg x 13
RDL: 85kg 5+5. Then 50kg x 12
Legextension: 80kg 5+5+5. Then 40kg x 18
Seated legcurl: 85kg 5+5+5. Then 45kg x 21
Seated calf raise: 85kg 5+5. Then 60kg x 13
1st week of 5´s

Shoulder press plateloaded: 85kg 5+5+5. Then 40kg x 17
Seated row supgrip: 90kg 5+5+5. Then 60kg x 14
Benchpress: 60kgx8 100kgx1 120kgx1 130kgx1(PR) 100kgx10 60kgx15
Dips: BW+45kg 5+5. Then BW only x 15
DB side lift: 35kg 12 left 12 right.

I decided to change over to bench instead of flymachine now when it gets heavy. I had no idea Id beat my PR and Ive got more in me. My last PR was 117.5kg.

Ill be looking at the big 1000lb soon. My 1RMs so far:

Deads: 200kg 440lb
Bench: 130kg 286lb
Squats. 110kg 242lb

960lb total. The squats PR is for my 4RM so I think I can get up 120kg at least once. That would give me a total of 982 and I think Ill be increasing my deads PR to 210kg soon, pushing me over 1000lb.
Wow, great benching there. I have to catch up to you on bench and deads, my squat is really strong though. Good work.
Thanks mate. Im working on my squats though. Been doing much more leg work the last couple of months now. Should see some good progress the next couple of months there too.

2nd week of the 5´s

Deads: 160kg x 6
Good mornings: 70kg x 6
Legpress: 265kg 8+7
Legextension: 82.5kg 5+5+5. Then 40kg x 16
Seated legcurl: 87.5kg 7+8. Then 45kg x 21
Standing calfraise: 120kg 5+5. Then 50kg x 10

Previous dead PR was 160kg x 4. Managed 6 now so next week should easily be a PR. Im pretty sure I could do 175/180 for 4.
2nd week of 5´s

Chins: BW+27.5kg 5+4+1. Pullups BW only x 8
Seated shoulder press: 87.5kg 5+5+5 DB single arm 10kg 19+19+19+19
15 degree DB: 52.5KG 5+4 Then BP:70kg x 17
CGBP: 70KG 5+5+5+5
Ab crunch: 110kg x 8. 50kg x 12
2nd week of 5´s Lower B

Squats: 110kg 5(previous PR X 4)+5+4
RDL: 90kg x 5
Legextension: 85kg 5+5+5. Then 45kg x 16
Legcurls: 90kg 5+5+5. Then 50kg x 21
Seated calf: 90kg x 6.(PR) 70kg x 10. 50kg x 14.
I was feeling a bit poorly the other day so I decided to wait a couple of days.

2nd week of 5´s, Upper B

Seated row sup-grip: 95kg 5+5
Seated shoulder press plate loaded: 90kg 5+8 Could have done more than 8 but stopped. 90kg is a PR for 5 so Ill be trying for 100kg next friday.
BP: 60kgx8. 80kgx6. 100kgx1. 135kgx1(PR). 100kgx9. 60kgx16
One arm db press: 12.5kg 12left 12right.

I skipped dips as I was a bit tired today. Hadnt eaten properly. Tris got hit during shoulder and bench press anyhow.

Last week of this cycle tomorrow. Ill probably SD after that as Im feeling a bit worn down cns-wise. Ive made great gains this cycle already so Im already satisfied.
3rd and final week of the 5´s, Lower A

Deads: 170kgx5 (PR!)
Goodmornings: 75kgx8
Legpress: 275kg 5+5+5
Legextension: 87.5kg 5+5
Curls: 92.6kg 5+5
Standing calf: 125kg 5+4+1

Cant be bothered looking but Im sure thats PRs on all exercises!
Upper A

Chins: BW+30kg 5+4
Shoulder press: 95kg 5+5+4
15degree DB: 55kgx4
BP: 100kg 8+6
CGBP: 75kgx5. 80kg 5+8