Getting Stronger


New Member
It is true that one will get bigger through the increased loading on compound movements, provided there is a caloric excess, correct?

If so, a routine that focuses primarily on compounds (squats, deadlifts, good mornings, bench presses, standing military presses, bentover rows, and chinups) would work nicely in adding a good deal of size to a novice lifter, especially if their progress was paltry, correct?

Assuming I'm on the right path here, would there be a need for a dedicated strength routine? What would really be necessary to increase a person's, say, 5 RM? What level of frequency? How little of volume could they get away with?
I have used that same routine that you listed with great success, although some people would argue against using deadlifts and squats in the same workout. It works well for me though.

For a strength specific routine, I think you could get away with two days a week and still see decent results. I would be cautious about doing less than that though.
This past winter I was doing a strength specific program and was doing each body part only one day per week. I made huge gains in every movement. For deadlifts I was sometimes going 8-10 days between workouts and was still making the best gains I have ever made. Many of these workouts would involve only 1 set of and exercise and maybe even only 1 to 2 reps. Not much volume at all compared to HST but it is a totally different goal I was striving for.

I am now only doing HST and loving it but I'm sure sometime or other I will get the bug to go back to a strength program again for a change. It's always fun to see the numbers get bigger and bigger. Having said that, I am still seeing strength gains with HST but not nearly as quickly as in the winter.

Were you gaining weight? Did you get any bigger?

I would think that, through increasing poundages you would grow if you ate enough, but the volume sounds a little too low to cause any significant amount of growth.
I actually put on 12 lbs over the winter using this program. I have hardly put on any since I started HST but I have certainly developed a better physique. Not all my movements were really low volume either. Only bench, DL's and squats did I go really low reps and heavy. All the other movements I was still doing 8-10 reps.
I'm going to try and find my log from last winter and then will post it. I couldn't put my hand on it easily but it must be here somewhere. If I can't find it I will try and summarize.
You've added no size, yet you claim you developed a better physique. In what way? Functionally? Aesthetically? Did you experience some form of body recomposition? If so, that may be more attributed to diet, not HST.
I didn't say that I had not added size, just that I had not added weight since starting HST. You are right that I have just undergone a recomposition of my body and that is partly do to HST and the new routine that I am doing as well as my diet for sure. I am currently just starting a cutting cycle and will be losing more weight again. I hope. It's time to start showing off all this hard work.