(Joe.Muscle @ Aug. 31 2007,21:36)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Aaron_F @ Aug. 30 2007,17:12)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Joe.Muscle @ Aug. 31 2007,15:19)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I have never seen anyone gain more muscle on a Large bulk or dirty bulk...than someone who was bulking cleanly.
NOw I have seen them gain more mass/ fat...but when they cut down they were no bigger than if they had done a smaller bulk..and not gained as much fat.
I have seen plenty people on 'clean' bulks not gaining anything at all.
but i gotta eat clean, yawn</div>
I wasn't saying clean eating bulk is better or worse than a dirty bulk...we all know the clean vs dirty eating is complete bullsh-it.
However what I was reiterating IMO...is given a clean ro dirty bulk...I dont see how 1000 calories over your maintenance is going to be better than say 500 over maintenance given protein and training is correct.
I would think IMO 1000 calories over maintenance is going to lead to more fat.
I think when you bring partioning and the ability to put on muscle you have to have and excess calorie surplus but at some point excess is just excess IMO over maintenance unless of course drugs are involved.
i agree completely. some of the proposed callorie intakes are way too high.
people often dont realise just how much fat a surplus of a 1000 callories
can potentially give you.i mean a thin layer of fat over the body is hardly noticable and people can easily be fooled into thinking theyve gained leanmass when infact they havent . i
perosnally would go with around 500 surplus callories.
but then again im not a big fan of gaining loads of weight and then going into a cut anyway.if i were to use a high callorie surplus it would only be for a short time.
unless you are on aas theres no use in anything over a 1000 callorie SURPLUS imo. however age/metabolism are important factors as to just how many surplus callories you need.
p.s im not discussing power lifters or sumo wrestlers here!
and my reference to surplus callories is factored in after training,work and anyother activity.