I combined negs with dropsets

I am so sore after doing that. Well, I am not sore as in overtraining sore, but as in when I use to work to failure sore. luckly, that was my last workout and I am going in to SD. But seriously, I wont be doing that again.
Negs and dropsets are fine to use together. Of course you'll be sore and you shouldn't use them everyday, but there's no reason they're "bad", so to speak.
Negatives made me real sore. I prefer to just do some high rep (15-20 rep) work with light weights for the muscle groups after negatives, but either way should work. Negatives are great. They are the only thing that seem to make my lats grow.
Totentanz - have you tried pulse stretching for your lats when doing chins?

I suppose you could call it heavy, controlled bouncing at the most eccentric point of the rep? Fast, short range concentric from the bottom up, followed by quick negatives...they're tricky to master, but I use them in my post 5s when I'm getting up to 120% of 1RM.
I haven't tried that yet, but it sounds like a fun idea. I think I'll do some experiments with it before I get to adding a lot of weight on.
Yeh, it's diff. to a normal neg. because you're essentially doing "controlling dropping" during the eccentric portion...good acceleration and good mass provides some nice tension :)