(_Simon_ @ Aug. 08 2007,22:34)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Results
No relationship could be found between frequency of training and the increase per day in muscle cross sectional area. When the intensity was plotted against the rate of increase, a weak tendency was found for the rate to increase with increasing intensity. The highest rates of increase tended to occur around 75% of 1RM. When volume was plotted against the rate of increase, greater gains in muscle mass were seen initially with increasing volume while there were diminishing returns as the volume increased further. The highest rates of increase tended to occur with 30-60 repetitions per session.</div>
ok, this just seems strange considering that i thought progressive LOAD was a main determining factor in hypertrophy. i knew volume of course had a role of course, but is anyone else as confused as me?
so NOW increasing volume is the key while sticking to 75% of your 1RM? (to a certain level of course).
and also 2 sessions per muscle group is just as good as 3? ARRRRGH! LOL
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
Training Implications and Recommendations: For your typical "dynamic external resistance", recommendations are given for "Moderate load slow-speed training", "Conventional hypertrophy training", and "Eccentric (ecc) overload training". These three modes are denoted as suitable for beginners, novice-well trained, and advanced-elite, respectively. For the "Conventional hypertrophy training" for the novice to the well trained, they recommend an 8-10RM load (75-80% 1RM), with 8-10 reps to failure or near failure, 1-3 sets per exercise, progression from 1–2 to 3–6 sets total per muscle group, moderate velocity (1-2 seconds for each CON and ECC), 60-180 seconds rest between sets, and 2-3 sessions per muscle group per week.</div>
okay, this is almost EXACTLY what i learned in my Certificate III in Fitness, that 8-10/12 rep range, to failure, progressive load, and increase volume over time. but i sorta threw that almost out the window considering the other research i've done on all this (HST studies).
plus increasing volume, is that designed to increase microtrauma, or increase work capacity/performance/resistance to fatigue?
? this is EXACTLY the stuff i was talking about in a previous post a long time ago regarding what the DETERMINANT of hypertrophy was: increased work of the muscle, or increased load (regardless of total volume).
i really wanna talk about this more, this whole failure argument, and volume and intensity. can i still trust HST? i just honestly don't know what to THINK anymore there's so much yaagaa!!! whatever that means!
thanks for the talk guys!</div>
i cant give you the exact answers you are looking for but this is the workout that i came up with to bring together and optimise some of the training routines out there.
first off i train each bodypart once per week,this allows me to be sure i have "no less" than "enough" volume in a given workout.i find this type of training leads to more strength gains working near your max's.
secondly i use high reps to low reps,which makes sure i cover the rep ranges needed for varying muscle groups. which
i believe is important.
thirdly i train at around 90-95%rm(the first week block)(failure the second week block) to ensure full recruitment where possible.as there are
some studies that encourage training near to failure which ensures full recruitment(although this maybe incorrect).
and finally although somewhat linked to my third point is to use progressive load throughout the cycle.
i still believe progressive load is one of the most important aspects of hst even if the increments are used every 2 week block.
i also sd for a week or so after a cycle but mainly to give the joints a break from maxing out.recuperate and head back in.
this kind of program may not suit everyone,but i can say with confidence it works for me.
people grow using hst and people grow on a standard split so why not take the best bits from both and make them work?