Hello Navigator,
I will try to answer your questions:
Not counting reps and sets means not counting reps and sets.
I know that the sample basic HST routine as outlined in the website ( or at least it was when i started) consists of 2 weeks 2 sets of 15's, 2 weeks 2 sets of 10's, 2 weeks 2 sets of 5's, and finally either 2 weeks of 2 sets of 5RM's, or a final 2 weeks of negatives.
That is a good routine to start with and can be done multiple cycles, with an inbetween SD period of 2 weeks every time.
Later on, on the forums, volumecontrol became popular.
What i personally think contriibuted to overcome stagnating growth, was not to train more ( both volume-wise or more frequent), but to split the exercises i used to divide over two different alternating workouts (A and B), now spreading over 3 different workouts per week instead ( A B and C).
So to be specific: Workout A monday, B wednesday, C friday.
I try to minimize time-impact and keep the workout within one hour.That's possible except for maybe the last few workouts( week 8).
Average Five exercises per workout.
Workout A:
Squat to Parallel
Bench Press ( very low incline)
Reverse grip Weighted Chins
Standing Incline EZ SkullCrusher
Standing Calf Raises
Workout B:
Reverse grip Barbell Row
Bent over Weighted Dips
Olympic Style Overhead Shoulder Press
Standing EZ Bar curl
Seated Calf Raises
Workout C:
Regular Deadlift (under/overgrip)
Dumbbell Pullover
Small grip Bench Press
Seated one arm Dumbbell Curl
Standing Calf Raises
Now as i mentioned, i don't count reps. Still, to have a target load to work up to for the last and heaviest workouts of week 8 of the cycle, i must know what weights i can barely handle in good form for three sets of five reps. ( so for all exercises of workout A B and C )
To give an example:
Suppose your 3 x 5 load for Squat is 150 kilograms.
thats your workoad in week 8 as part of workout A)
Calculate bacwards:
week 7 140 kilograms
week 6 130 kg
week 5 120 kg
week 4 110 kg
week 3 100 kg
week 2 90 kg
week 1 80 kg
In that way you have nice large ( percentage-wise ) load increases. These larger load-increases are far more important (IMO) than clustering reps using volume control system or whatever.
And, but of course that is also my personal view from experience, i believe in calculating back from the final and heaviest load, and not starting with too light a load at the beginning of your cycle.
No,I wont use 3 sets throughout the cycle.
Now , staying with the squat as example, for the first and lightest wotkout of the cycle i just go under the bar with the load involved, and start squatting under tension as long as my body can handle the strain of the load. No counting involved, keep going until you are on fire or whatever you want to call it.
Lactid acid buildup.(Hm sounds pretty)
So one set per exercise for the early phase of the cycle .
If you insist on numbers, well i gues maybe 30 ,40 reps and decreasing in week 2 to 20 , 15?
IMO:no second set needed if you are already rubbing your burning sensations if you know what i mean.
Then of course the loads become more and more difficult to really "feel" on the muscle itself as the loads become heavier during the cycle ( at least thats in my case: difficulty sensing the weight instead of just wanting to push it)
In that case : throw in another set. And again:dont count the reps but let the load become your "tool" to finish what you are after and that is causing microtrauma to the muscles involved.
Never go to failure though...
So do i do 15'and 10's ? i think you can call it that way, although i dont feel "harnassed" to reprangesanymore .
Al long as the loads ( again..) jump higher and higher..
I dont believe in repeating the same workloads,tried that but got better results ramping up quickly.
In the final two weeks of course the weights are that heavy that, again,depending on how i feel the load on the muscles, i throw in maybe an extra third set.At most.
Warmups: yes i do them on main exercises like squats deadlifts and rows, : 1 set of 5 reps with 50 % of workingset-weight, 1 set of 3 reps with 70% of workingset-weight, and 1 set of 80 %.
For remainder of exercises like shoulders, triceps and biceps i use 1 set of 5 reps with 70 % of workset-load.
Pretty sure you can be in and out within an hour.
SD i do always, and always after the eighth week.Always, even if i think i can go on for another week (or two.)
I feel ( again maybe just me) that sustaining 5RM periods ,negatives, after already such a strenuous (?) 6 - 8 weeks gave me small but irritating elbow,wrist and shoulder and knee pains and strains.
Since working up this slightly different way and using HST's same methodic loading scheme, made new growth possible and no more injuries. ( hm, so far..)
Oh yes, about my eating slightly below maintenance, and adding in cardio : that simply had to do with my targets then: to come down from above 20% bodyfat to a more reasonable 15%.
I dont believe in eating everything in sight unless you have a skeleton-type of body.
Depend of course on your goal, but i would say, if you want to lose fat:
use the same HSTworkout principles you would when trying to bulk up, but eat slightly below maintenance ( find that out first of course), with focus on high protein, low but essential fats, and moderate in slow complex carbs.Dont forget your pre and post workout-shake!
And throw in some cardio on non HSt days.
On the other hand, when you try to bulk, you dont need to eat much above maintenance either..
Cut until you have visible abs ,whether that is 12% , 10% or 8% or whatever, (if you still feel well of course)
Then slightly build up the contents of each meal again.
Always eat around eacht three hours, a small meal.
Well, bedtime for me, i hope this is of some help.