[b said:
Quote[/b] (GiO @ Nov. 10 2002,12:21)]Regardless of how information is written, I can only go on experience.
Notice he did not say that it was poorly written, what he did say was that it was offensive and quackish.
The site
http://www.hps-online.com/troph9.htm is a food combination site, which is 'nutritional quackery' at its best.
"curdles immediately upon entering the stomach, so if there is other food present the curds coagulate around other food particles and insulate them from exposure to gastric juices, delaying digestion long enough to permit the onset of putrefaction" This is one of the many laughable parts of the text. Casein curdles upon exposure to the lower pH in the stomach, this is why it takes longer to digest. It doesnt trap particles of food in it, because unless you are an infant with an immature digestive system, you break down all casien micelles during digestion.
"while calcium deficiency has become so rampant that over 90 percent of all American children suffer chronic tooth decay." I love this, american children would suffer tooth decay (possibly not at this high a prevalence, but who knows) because they eat and drink rubbish. How many litres of coke would they drink a week?
"That such denatured milk does not deliver sufficient calcium to prevent this condition is abundantly evident from the fact that American women, who consume great quantities of pasteurized milk products, suffer the world's highest incidence of osteoporosis" Strange that time and time again, in all DEXA examinations around the world, groups that take in calcium (via dairy) compared to those who dont, have higher bone densities. American women have a high incidence of osteoporosis, becuase as a whole they have a poor diet, they do little physical activity amongst other things.
I wont even bother with nomilk and notmilk.
And its true, the Lactose tolerant are those who are different. ie a report in the journal Nature last year or so showed that (thousands) years ago most people where lactose intolerant into adulthood. European polymorphisms took over in white, which is why asians and africans are more lactose intolerant and europeans generally are not. But, if there was polymorphisms in the blacks they would be drinking milk all the time (see Maasai in Western Africa).
If milk gives you the runs it means that you are probably lactose intolerant, which is possibly passed onto your children. They 'possibly' also have allergen problems with milk, which could 'possibly' be manifested in the complaints you have said.
Does this mean everyone should avoid milk, no. If they have allergies they can be tested, and if they have lactose intolerance they can be tested for that as well.
I know these sites may like to paint (pasturized) milk as the cause of every disease known to man, but it aint (we all know that aspartame is
