Karate kata as Cardio


New Member
Hi Guys,

I've been googling around for some time about this... I'm trying to cut and get alot leaner (been off the weights for some time and the Fat Build up is driving me Crazy)

Started back HST but more concerned with dropping fat (not muscle) instead of pure bulking. So I need to introduce Cardio.

I was wondering just how effective running through some kata at different intensities would work as Cardio

I seen some chubby but Sharp as hell kata Champs though :confused:
gotcha Tcup :)

I guess a better question would have been how does Kata compare with say running, or swimming (traditional cardio) I'm guessing Kata is kind of like HIIT just you do it in like 30-40 sec intervals...

I Mean if it were to be rated compared to say running, how would it stand up. Any Takes?
Hey :)

You just want to do the forms?

I think a better alternative if you want more calorie-burning power is to actually practice some butt-kicking kung-fu fighting moves

I'm an obsessive martial arts fanatic myself (look at my avatar, you can't be more obsessive than that). I've spent a decade of my life in martial arts, and doing the forms never seemed to put me out of breath really, even when done intensely or continuously. Compared to running, I don't think that will measure up.

What gets the wind out of me and makes me sweat like a pig is doing the butt-kicking moves. As long as you don't overdo it or injure yourself, I guess that would be a better alternative. Hey, better practice kicking butt than running on a treadmill, don't you think?

I have done my kung fu hand forms, then a bunch of drills over and over again as a means of cardio. It works really well. I don't know the karate katas or anything about karate really, but I'm sure it would be the same. Try holding a couple 5 or 10 lb weights in each hand while you go through the movements if you want to increase the intensity a little bit.
most of the japanese/korean forms i have seen are all very very short compared to mine. so it might get boring after a while doing them over and over again. also, depending on the form/intensity you are giving your arms a lot more metabolic work than if you were running(not sure if that matters though)
btw i have read a lot leaning towards high-intensity/short-duration so if you were doing them i would do it like 15-20 minutes total at very high intensity and getting your wind back fully after every form.

& jvroig....you must be doing something wrong if you aint tired :D
I suppose if I did them for about 3-4 times in succession, without taking a break, then yeah, it would probably tire me.

But the thing is I find that really pointless. I run through them one or twice, and that's it. I spend most of the time actually practicing what, in my opinion only, is the stuff that will really kick butt. I doubt a 300 pound gorilla of a guy would be terrified with any of the forms from any of the martial arts I know. But I could knock one out in a few seconds because of all attention and hardwork I put in actually throwing a punch or a kick (speed + force + grace = True Power, as one of my ol instructors put it), or I can make him scream uncle in a second using aikido and judo moves. If I tire myself with just practicing the various katas or forms, I doubt I'd really be able to do all that. I'd win the forms competittion, big whoop... who gives a crap about that?

Well, that's just my take, which is why I'd rather adivse actually spending more time practicing and sweating out calories in the punches and kicks rather than the forms.
Well, let's not turn this into a different forum, the short answer is, obviously, they are needed to advance in rank. Second, they do have their use, but if you focus on them more than in the fighting moves, you are missing the point.

Forms are just there to teach you the techniques and give you a tool to train your body so it knows the techniques reflexively. You don't use the actual handforms to fight... In theory, someone could just teach you each technique and train you in those using drills instead of handforms and you could still be a proficient fighter.
Yeap I know the value of Forms/kata are very controversial. I think as far as martial arts are concerned it can help you feel all Zenny and lets you get into the esoteric aspect and all that... If that's what you're into...
We can argue about it's relation to real fighting back and forth :)
but lets say Joe Somebody
coudn't really go running would Kata/forms suffice in increacing a Calorie deficit enough to dent subcutaneous bodyfat like running would?
ohh and lets say Joe Somebody didn't mind doing forms/kata reguardless of it it made him a proficient fighter or not
I hope I didn't offend anyone with that last post

sorry 'bout that f I did, I was just curious about the cardio aspect as opposed to the fighting :confused:
I think doing various drills would be better cardiovascular exercise than just doing forms, though it depends on how you do the forms. Some people go slow and all zen like, while others make them a workout.

I agree with totentanz and JV. Unless you do the katas really fast, over and over and over, you will not be doing anything that will get your heart rate high enough to approximate anything close to running. And if you do them fast enough to get your heart rate up high, then your form will probably suffer. Doesn't seem like a good way to use the katas to me.

As Totentanz suggested, you must have drills you can do instead. Or the method JV spoke of...the buttkicking: If you have access to a heavy bag then that is where you can get some great cardio while still training your martial art. I practice Muay Thai and when I need to do some cardio outside of class, I hit the heavy bag for gut wrenching, sweat drenching interval training cardio. As you said, the forms have their place, but frankly, trying to do them fast enough to be a viable substitute for running is not it.

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Brak @ Oct. 12 2005,3:10)]Rakki,
I agree with totentanz and JV. Unless you do the katas really fast, over and over and over, you will not be doing anything that will get your heart rate high enough to approximate anything close to running. And if you do them fast enough to get your heart rate up high, then your form will probably suffer. Doesn't seem like a good way to use the katas to me.
As Totentanz suggested, you must have drills you can do instead. Or the method JV spoke of...the buttkicking: If you have access to a heavy bag then that is where you can get some great cardio while still training your martial art. I practice Muay Thai and when I need to do some cardio outside of class, I hit the heavy bag for gut wrenching, sweat drenching interval training cardio. As you said, the forms have their place, but frankly, trying to do them fast enough to be a viable substitute for running is not it.

end of thread the I guess

thanx guys