Lateral Deltoid exercises


New Member
Which exercise works the Lateral Deltoid best ?
Im already doing shoulder presses on a seated machine, but apparently that works the Anterior Deltoid.

I have a few choises,
1. lateral raises machine
2. latera dumbell raises
3. Cable upright row

I would think that the dumbell would be the worst because it doesnt allow alot of increase ( dumbells go like 10lbs, 15lbs, 20lbs, 25lbs etc...) unlike the cable or the machine which allows for 5lbs increases.

Also should i keep the shoulder presses ( for anterior deltoids ) or lateral raises are enough ?
don't forget safety too, upright rows are nasty for most people. It causes (external?) rotation.. (the bad one).
Lying side laterals are good and safe, but you have to do one arm at a time so it's kind of a hassle.

Internal rotation causing an impingement of Supraspinatus. Stay away from any kind of upright row.
yeah for sure i dont want to do 1 arm at a time,
so i guess the best would be lateral raise with the machine.. id do dumbells if i could lift more but its not practical right now because ill have to repeat the dumbell weights alot
so are lateral raises with the machine safe ?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Internal rotation causing an impingement of Supraspinatus. Stay away from any kind of upright row.

Internal, that's it! I had a 50/50 shot and picked the wrong one LOL. I could not remember which was the bad one. Thanks for posting that :D
I prefer lying side laterals, as they seem to enhance ROM. Also, another one not mentioned which I used to do is cable laterals.
My personal favorite is cable laterals using a sling at the elbow.
difficult to explain. You attach a sling or something similar to a pulley and then put your forearm in the sling right beneath the elbow.
I could be wrong but I would think the shoulder press is the principle mass builder for the entire shoulder, although it does emphasise the front delt.

lying lateral raises (across your body) increase the stretch and can therefore be of additional benefit for the side delts but I think other exercises that focus on the lateral delts without increasing stretch are largely redundant...well when I say I think that's what I've picked up from others on here! There's a lot about it in the customising thread above
with standing lateral raises, you can get a little more out of your increments by alternating between straight and bent arms. for example, you do 10lbs with straight arms, then you increase the weight next workout, but do the set with bent arms. then on the subsequent workout, you use the same weight with straight arms. makes any sense?