I managed to make gains during 2012 while following a basic 3 day a week fullbody HST cycle.
I managed to make gains during 2012 while following a basic 3 day a week fullbody HST cycle.
I used to agree with Lyle's opinion on that, which was why I started using splits where I was only hitting full body twice a week (DC, etc.) and I did make gains doing that but the fact that I can now make gains on regular HST style full body done 3 times a week with significantly less volume per session than I was doing with the split routines when I am now at the largest I have ever been says to me that three times a week still works for advanced trainees as well. Just for illustration purposes, going by the strength guidelines on exrx (http://www.exrx.net/Testing/WeightLifting/StrengthStandards.htm) I am in the the advanced category for every lift except deadlift where I am in the elite category. So someone at my level can indeed make gains on 3 times a week when gains are much harder to come by than a beginner.
Now, you want to know how many sets you have to use to grow your muscles. If you
understood the principles as outlined above you would already know the answer to that
question. If you want research on the matter, mechanical-overload studies show that a muscle
can be loaded for days to weeks without being unloaded and experience tremendous growth.
So ask yourself, will any number of sets you could possibly do in one workout equal even 1
hour of constant load? So asking whether you should do 1 set or 2 sets isn’t really relevant
unless you are simply interested in how to set up your routine. As far as muscle growth goes,
the more time under tension the more potent the growth stimulus.
Once again, if you understand the principles of hypertrophy, you should be thinking, “My CNS
could never handle loading the muscle for even 30 minutes in one session and still allow me to
train again in 48 hours.” So, you must find the amount of volume you can handle and still train
effectively in 48 hours. For someone who isn’t conditioned, 1 - 2 sets per exercise (~3-6
sets/week) is sufficient to cause muscle growth. If you have been training for many years (5+)
consistently then it might take more time under tension. This person will either need to take
more time training in order to accommodate more sets per exercise, or split up their workout
into two sessions and train either twice per day, or 6 days per week. This is how guys like
myself, Blade, Boris, and others train. I have been training for over 25 years, and it takes a bit
more strain and time to overcome years of RBE. Does this mean that the principles of load and
time under load have changed for me, as opposed to the new guy? Absolutely NOT!
Strain is what my muscles grow. It is what makes the new guy’s muscle grow. The difference?
RBE. RBE makes my muscle more resistant to strain, thus, I need to either increase the strain or
increase the time that my muscle is strained. Here are the limitations:
1) My strength levels limit increasing the strain
2) My tissues ability to support the strain without tearing limit increasing the strain
3) My CNS limits increasing the time my muscles can be strained.
So, I must work within these limitations to continue to grow over time. My only other option is
to use testosterone which will reduce the need for both strain and time under strain for the most
part. But as a natural lifter, I am left to manipulate my training to make the most of the
principles. The method that results from these manipulations is called HST when growth is the
primary goal.
Now, as I have already done as much as I can over the years to freely try to help people get the
most from their training, I don’t know that I need to feel like I’m on trial on my own message
board. The information that “I” have provided on this board is true. The research that I have
shared on this board is of high quality and can be trusted to be valid. The basic HST program
that I have outlined to be applied by anybody and everybody on this board is as good as can be
offered considering it must be “one-size-fits-all”.
My advice, if you are interested in saving years of wasted time, use HST as outlined. Then as
you grow more and more resistant to further growth (i.e. conditioned), increase those factors
you know are responsible for muscle growth. Take it to the limit. But no-one can really tell you
ahead of time what your limit will be. Not only that, your limit will change from day to day and
will definitely change as the years go by and you begin noticing grey hairs...in your ears!
Thats awesome!
Casey Butt who has a great website believes and advocates what you are saying as well Tot.
And justs for the record I think you are 100% correct...many classic bodybuilders back in the 50s and 60s made great gains on basic full body workouts!
Congrats on your accomplishments!
Wernbom's study probably doesn't take muscle's level of conditioning into consideration. When muscle is highly conditioned to max loads, then yes, it maybe takes 30-60 reps to work it out effectively. But in HST there's another way: take some time off (SD) and start training it with lighter effective loads. But there's another issue: RBE, or tissue's ability to sustain stress. Here's what Bryan said about all this:
Now, you want to know how many sets you have to use to grow your muscles. If you
understood the principles as outlined above you would already know the answer to that
question. If you want research on the matter, mechanical-overload studies show that a muscle
can be loaded for days to weeks without being unloaded and experience tremendous growth.
So ask yourself, will any number of sets you could possibly do in one workout equal even 1
hour of constant load? So asking whether you should do 1 set or 2 sets isn’t really relevant
unless you are simply interested in how to set up your routine. As far as muscle growth goes,
the more time under tension the more potent the growth stimulus.
Once again, if you understand the principles of hypertrophy, you should be thinking, “My CNS
could never handle loading the muscle for even 30 minutes in one session and still allow me to
train again in 48 hours.” So, you must find the amount of volume you can handle and still train
effectively in 48 hours. For someone who isn’t conditioned, 1 - 2 sets per exercise (~3-6
sets/week) is sufficient to cause muscle growth. If you have been training for many years (5+)
consistently then it might take more time under tension. This person will either need to take
more time training in order to accommodate more sets per exercise, or split up their workout
into two sessions and train either twice per day, or 6 days per week. This is how guys like
myself, Blade, Boris, and others train. I have been training for over 25 years, and it takes a bit
more strain and time to overcome years of RBE. Does this mean that the principles of load and
time under load have changed for me, as opposed to the new guy? Absolutely NOT!
Strain is what my muscles grow. It is what makes the new guy’s muscle grow. The difference?
RBE. RBE makes my muscle more resistant to strain, thus, I need to either increase the strain or
increase the time that my muscle is strained. Here are the limitations:
1) My strength levels limit increasing the strain
2) My tissues ability to support the strain without tearing limit increasing the strain
3) My CNS limits increasing the time my muscles can be strained.
So, I must work within these limitations to continue to grow over time. My only other option is
to use testosterone which will reduce the need for both strain and time under strain for the most
part. But as a natural lifter, I am left to manipulate my training to make the most of the
principles. The method that results from these manipulations is called HST when growth is the
primary goal.
Now, as I have already done as much as I can over the years to freely try to help people get the
most from their training, I don’t know that I need to feel like I’m on trial on my own message
board. The information that “I” have provided on this board is true. The research that I have
shared on this board is of high quality and can be trusted to be valid. The basic HST program
that I have outlined to be applied by anybody and everybody on this board is as good as can be
offered considering it must be “one-size-fits-all”.
My advice, if you are interested in saving years of wasted time, use HST as outlined. Then as
you grow more and more resistant to further growth (i.e. conditioned), increase those factors
you know are responsible for muscle growth. Take it to the limit. But no-one can really tell you
ahead of time what your limit will be. Not only that, your limit will change from day to day and
will definitely change as the years go by and you begin noticing grey hairs...in your ears!
How is this meant to be understood? When I'm on my 5's I sometimes cannot do required reps for 2nd set of an exercise, e.g. on bench I might do 5, then after rest, do 3-4. Does Bryan mean it's nfg to repeat that load on future workouts, waiting till I'm able to do 5 reps on 2nd set, and ONLY then increase the load further?Yes, the # of reps a person uses is related to the amount of a weight they’re using as well as
their level of strength. However, the # of reps in no way should be used to dictate how much
weight they should use. In other words, the only reason we designate a specific number of reps
to use is to maintain order in our training. They are used as a guide whereby we can measure
our progress. An incorrect usage of reps is to only increase the weight when more reps can be
performed at a given weight load. This might be sufficient for an average strength-training
program, but it is not a good way to increase hypertrophy.
But yes, in your example, it would be stupid to keep using that load until you can get all reps on both sets. Nobody cares if you get all the reps on the second set straight without rest. Just cluster reps after the first set or do whatever. Who cares. Load progression is kind. As Bryan says in the part that you did not bold "number of reps in no way should dictate how much weight they should use"
The purpose of this research was to compare the effects of continuous repetition and intra-set rest training on maximal strength and power output of the upper body.
The 6 repetition maximum (6RM) and bench press throw power output against masses of 20, 30 and 40 kg of 26 elite junior male basketball and soccer players were tested on 2 separate occasions for reliability purposes. Subjects were then randomly assigned to either a continuous repetition (CR - 4 sets x 6 repetitions) or intra-set rest (ISR - 8 sets x 3 repetitions) training regime over 6-weeks. Volume (sets x repetitions x %6RM) between groups was equated and both groups completed all sets in the same time period (13 minutes and 20 seconds). The total concentric work time was determined to identify differences in training regimes. Independent sample t-tests on preintervention and postintervention percentage change scores were analysed for significant differences (p<0.05).
The observed coefficients of variation (1.7% to 4.8%) and intraclass correlation coefficients (r=0.87 to 0.98) indicated stability of these measures across testing occasions. The CR group significantly increased 6RM strength (9.7%) compared with the ISR group (4.9%). The total concentric work time was significantly longer in CR training than ISR (36.03+/- 4.03 s and 31.74+/-4.71 s; p=0.13). Power output increases across the 20, 30 and 40 kg loads ranged from 5.8% to 10.9% for both training groups but the between-group percentage change scores were not significantly different.
Bench press training involving 4 sets of 6 continuous repetitions elicited a greater improvement in bench press strength than 8 sets of 3 repetitions at the same percentage load of their 6RM. Both ISR and CR training were equally effective in increasing power output.
So clustered sets seem to be the right thing for hypertrophy, because first rep in a set isn't worse than the last one tension-wise for heavy enough weights (4-5RM) which employ full fiber activation from the start.I think where more confusion comes in, is when people begin talking about "intensity".
Intensity is generally associated with effort; the greater the effort required, the greater the
intensity. This naturally leads to the idea that the last few reps, which require the most effort,
are the most effective. If we are strength training, this is often true. However, when training for
muscle growth, the fatigue generated by training to failure and beyond (e.g. forced reps)
quickly interferes with our ability to train with sufficient frequency.
The total concentric work time was significantly longer in CR training than ISR (36.03+/- 4.03 s and 31.74+/-4.71 s; p=0.13).
In my case, I did 170 lbs (77.5 kg) inclined bench 5 reps on first set, 2 on the second (rest around 3-4 minutes until feeling ready). Then, without waiting for second set reps to catch up, I immediately increased load to 176 lbs (80 kg) on my next w/o and could only do 2 reps x 2 sets on Mon & Wed, and 3 reps, 2 reps on Fri. Had I first taken the time to get to 170 x 5 in two sets, my CNS would have been readier for the weight increase, and would have been able to work in greater volume.
I'm normally working towards my new 5RM (penultimate 2 weeks) and then attempt to go beyond that. Both 77,5 kg (170 lb) and 80 kg (176 lb) were done on my last 2 weeks of 5RM's, so those where essentially new weights. Yes, 170x5 lb was apparently my truest 5RM as I could only do it 4 reps right before that w/o (no failure, just stopping when speed slows down greatly). Nothing to complain about, I liked the progress (from 75x4 to 80x3 in 7 weeks (including SD)), it's just that had I allowed for more volume by not jumping prematurely at 80 kg (176 lb), my muscles could have shown better growth. TheoreticallyIf you performed 5 x 170 in one session and then you could only manage 2 x 176 in your next session (a 3.5% load increase), that implies that your estimated 1RM has dropped from about 190 to about 180, a 5% drop (and that's if I assume 170 is your 5RM)! Also, the fact that you are working towards a known 5RM means that 170 should be below your previous 5RM!
I'm normally working towards my new 5RM (penultimate 2 weeks) and then attempt to go beyond that. Both 77,5 kg (170 lb) and 80 kg (176 lb) were done on my last 2 weeks of 5RM's, so those where essentially new weights. Yes, 170x5 lb was apparently my truest 5RM as I could only do it 4 reps right before that w/o (no failure, just stopping when speed slows down greatly). Nothing to complain about, I liked the progress (from 75x4 to 80x3 in 7 weeks (including SD)), it's just that had I allowed for more volume by not jumping prematurely at 80 kg (176 lb), my muscles could have shown better growth. Theoretically
No obvious sickness/sleeping/diet disorders one could notice.
That's probably the specificity principle kicking in. If you normally work with 5RM loads, your body will get better at just that. Working true 2RM or even 4RM might take some learning, despite calculators telling you the contrary. That's why I don't terribly trust those calculators when laying out my weight progression.Ah, ok. So, if these were loads higher than your previous 5RM then that might explain it. Theoretically, if you managed 170 for a max-effort (ME) set of 5, you should have been able to manage 176 for a ME set of four reps, 185 for a ME double or 180 for a ME triple. However, with ME lifts, sometimes our brains get in the way and if our form is not perfectly drilled, even a slight deviation from the correct bar-path can spoil a set.
The other problem is that with ME lifts our CNS takes much longer to recover for any subsequent sets we might want to do. This is why it's going to be less taxing neurologically to do five triples (or 7 doubles) with your 5RM than it is to try to do all ME sets—eg. a set of 5, then 2 sets of 4, then a double.
Is it really (evidenced by research) as effective as a normal set for the purposes of inducing muscle growth?