Log - Dojomatic



First, a little background:

I'm in my early 30's and I'm 5'11". In early 2004 I was at the peak of my fat and untrained period, hitting the scales at 235lb. I actually have a small frame, so at that weight I looked like a sea lion. After getting an all around bad report card on my yearly blood test, I decided to make some changes. Nothing drastic, just enough to deal with the guilt of how negligent I was being to my body.

I started to eat cleaner, but not less. But still, my weight slightly improved to 225 after 3 months. Some time in March, a co-worker and I started a weight loss bet. So in a time-frame of 6 weeks I lost 39 lbs and was down to 186 lb. This was done by cutting my caloric intake in half and doing intense cardio 3 times a week. Sometimes I did more, but that was the exception. I wasn't weight training at this time because the reduced calories plus the 750 to 1000 calories burned per workout was very effective in losing flab.

After a while, I shifted to weight training and almost no cardio, but still stuck with the reduced caloric intake. I didn't know about HST at the time, but I was doing full body workouts 3 times a week. I did 2 or 3 sets and 8 to 12 reps per set for the most part. Occasionally, I would increase the weight. Because of the reduced calories, I wasn't progressing very quickly, but my weight kept dropping. All the while, my appearance was improving. Without knowing it I was actually doing a "cut". By the end of that year I was at 165lb.

Introduction to HST:

I knew I badly needed to put on some muscle. But still, I was happy with the decision to lose the flab first and then add some lean mass. Enter HST. I found this website around Spring 2005 and I completed 2 cycles. My nutrition was admittedly not very good. I think I was still eating under maintenance. I basically only ate three times a day, including my post workout shake as a meal. But still HST worked. I gained maybe 6 or 7 lbs and my body fat was the same or lower. My only gauge was the mirror. I look for vascularity in my upper arms, shoulders, chest, and lower abdomen. As well as my abs. I was only able to achieve a faint 'four-pack'.

Falling of the wagon:

After a couple of months, due to incredibly stressful personal factors, my workouts started to decline in frequency and intensity until I stopped completely. Every now and then I tried to re-start, but my efforts would fail after a week or so. Eventually I stopped working out all together. My diet deteriorated somewhat, but not to the levels from before.


Apparently, the fall off the wagon broke my motivation bone. Up until 6 weeks ago, I was pretty much inactive for over a year and a half. I gained 12-15 lbs and lost all of the modest gains from my brief try at HST. So in the beginning of August, I began my "comeback" with a couple of weeks of very light workouts to get my system accustomed to an environment that wasn't the couch or the chair at my desk. I've done cardio here and there and I've re-established my RMs again. Took a short SD and began my journey once again. Currently, I am on week two of my first HST cycle. Wish me luck!

More details of my goals, training, and my progress in posts to come…
Motivation is easy. Post a log here, and we'll cheerfully make fun of you when you get lax...
Welcome dojo. I'm glad you have the motivation is get things rolling again.. once you start seeing results the motivation just starts to snowball... as I'm sure you've had before from dropping all that weight. And, I like any fan/alumni/student from a school that put's a whoopin' on Notre Dame so I look forward to seeing you around the forum!
(UFGatorDude30 @ Sep. 17 2007,22:04)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> And, I like any fan/alumni/student from a school that put's a whoopin' on Notre Dame so I look forward to seeing you around the forum!</div>
Yeah, seeing Notre Dame lose makes me feel so good. Now, if only PSU could break the string of 8 straight losses to Michigan! We'll see this Saturday.
Thanks for the support guys.

Ok, so what are my goals:

Generally, my goal is to have that &quot;fitness guy' physique. I want to be very lean with modest increases in mass.

So let's say I want to put on 15 lbs of muscle and lower my BF to whatever % looks &quot;elite&quot;. The number doesn't really matter to me. I'll know when I see it.


Instead of the normal rep schemes of 15,10,5,5(-), for this cycle I'm going to be doing 12,9,6, and 3. With the 3s being in Max-Stim.

I'll be doing 2 sets per exercise in the 12s and 9s, maybe 3x for all or some in the 6s.

Current exercises:

Lat Pulldown (or Pull-ups/Chin-ups)
Cable Upright Row
Bench Press
Machine Rear Delt Row
DB Incline Press

DB Side Raises and Curls as optional extras.

I want to make some changes, though. Now that my stamina and pre-WO nutrition has improved, I want to add or substitute one or more of the following:

Hang Clean and Press
Power Clean
Dips (need to get a dip belt)

Any suggestions?

I'm thinking the Bench and DB Incline Press are too similar, so I'll probably substitute the Dips here.
Dojo -

Welcome. I hope you like the feedback you get here.

I must prewarn that I'm a Buckeye, and as such will support you as a Nittany Lion on all but perhaps one Saturday. Do me proud and destroy those losers from the state up North, will 'ya?

To your workout...

Bench and DB Incline Press work two different parts of the chest; Bench works your Pectoralis Major and the Incline work hits the Pectoralis Minor. Dips will hit the Pect. Major as well - so maybe alternate your Dips and Bench. Just a thought.

As far as all the other exercises your considering, I honestly don't think you can go wrong with any of them if you're familiar with all the lifts. Deads will supremely develop your legs, but in a full-body kind of way. The Olympic lifts will develop darn near every muscle in your body AND give you power that will translate into greater loads for your non-Olympic lifts. So - choose away - just be careful about doing squats and deads on the same day when the loads increase and the reps drop.

Good luck, man.
Yeah, gotta have deads. Otherwise what is the point of working out...?

[Michigan v. Penn State isn't like Michigan v. Notre Dame. When Michigan plays Notre Dame I wish both teams could lose...]
Reiterating what the others said... I would highly consider throwing in the deads in there. Also, I think the switch of db incline for dips would be a solid move.. dips gave me more chest growth than anything else and since you don't have any tricep iso's they will help them grow quite a bit as well. You could do what tim does and use the oly stuff as a warmup which will get the juices flowing through your whole body.

The only other thing I would suggest would be to switch out the cable uprights with BB or DB uprights.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Yeah, seeing Notre Dame lose makes me feel so good. Now, if only PSU could break the string of 8 straight losses to Michigan! We'll see this Saturday.</div>

I am worried about this game. Morelli better limit his mistakes.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Ok, so what are my goals:

Generally, my goal is to have that &quot;fitness guy' physique. I want to be very lean with modest increases in mass.</div>

Who doesn't?

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">

Instead of the normal rep schemes of 15,10,5,5(-), for this cycle I'm going to be doing 12,9,6, and 3. With the 3s being in Max-Stim.</div>

I like it -- different, yet it doesn't get too high of reps, and the seperation between 6 and 3 reps is much better than 5 and 3.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Any suggestions?</div>

Take out the machine rear delt row.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I must prewarn that I'm a Buckeye, and as such will support you as a Nittany Lion on all but perhaps one Saturday. Do me proud and destroy those losers from the state up North, will 'ya?</div>

Tim, you were one of my favorite newbies around here until that comment. J/K, I still like you except when the Nittany Lions play the Buckeyes.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Yeah, gotta have deads. Otherwise what is the point of working out...?</div>

I concur.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">[Michigan v. Penn State isn't like Michigan v. Notre Dame. When Michigan plays Notre Dame I wish both teams could lose...] </div>

The stadium could have blown up, but instead Chad Henne was wrecked.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Reiterating what the others said... I would highly consider throwing in the deads in there.</div>

+Deads, -something else

Now on to my designed WO for you, take it or leave it -- just my two cents:

A/B WO schedule...

Lat Pulldown
Hang Clean and Press

Cable Upright Row
Power Clean
Bench Press
(colby2152 @ Sep. 18 2007,13:53)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I am worried about this game.  Morelli better limit his mistakes.</div>
I'm worried too because the defense gave up 3 TD's in the 4th quarter to....gasp.... Buffalo!

Tim: Believe me, this upcoming game is THE game of the season as far as I'm concerned. If we get past this one, then we can start thinking about fighting you guys for the Big Ten title.

Ok. Back to training stuff. Thanks for the feedback, everyone.

I'm definitely going to add Deadlifts. I'm thinking I'll do these in an A/B shedule with Squats.

I'm leaning towards dropping the Incline DB Press for Dips, but the dip station at my gym has a narrowish grip, which I understand is more geared towards tri's. Does this matter much?

As far as Oly lifts, I think I'll start with the Hang Clean and Press. I'm not very familiar with the Oly lifts, but I'll have someone experienced coaching me on these. Gator, I do like the idea of doing these in the beginning to get the juices flowing.

So, the tentative 'Revised' program is:

Bench Press
Lat Pulldown (or Chins/Pull-ups)
Upright Row
Squat / Deadlift (A/B format)
Hang Clean and Press

Optional Extras: DB Side Raises, Curls, Rear Delt Rows. On off days I currently do some cardio and abs.

Changing my WO presents an issue. I don't have RM's for some of these. Should I stop the cycle, find RM's for everything, and then start again? Or should I estimate and slowly incorportate them into my WO? I'm leaning towards the latter because in the case of Deadlifts and Hang Cleans, I'm basically going to be learning these exercises and I don't think I can find true RM's anyway.

I'm not very familiar with the Oly lifts, but I'll have someone experienced coaching me on these.

You are fortunate to have an experienced coach. You cannot learn the Oly lifts from a video or a book.

...in the case of Deadlifts and Hang Cleans, I'm basically going to be learning these exercises and I don't think I can find true RM's anyway.

You can get a rough estimate of your Deadlift RM by multiplying your Squat RM by 1.2
(TunnelRat @ Sep. 18 2007,16:43)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You can get a rough estimate of your Deadlift RM by multiplying your Squat RM by 1.2</div>
Thanks for the tip, Rat. I'll try some easy ones today and see how it goes.
Dojoman -

Don't even think about getting RM's for the Oly lifts. Work the mechanics and get really, really comfortable with them before you even start thinking about adding weight in any appreciable amount.

Think about maybe just doing the Hang Clean part for a while. The Press part is cool, but perhaps not at all beneficial while you are learning the lift.

Take it from me - I'm still technically learning the lift and getting my form down, but I know more now than I did about two weeks ago. Back then, I thought I knew what I was doing, put two plates on the bar started the lift (hang clean), lost my balance, and dumped the bar ON MY SHINS. The scabs just came off, but my shins ain't at all pretty right now.

Take it slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

As a side note, I really hope you guys do well this Saturday!
(_tim @ Sep. 19 2007,12:44)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Dojoman -

Don't even think about getting RM's for the Oly lifts.  Work the mechanics and get really, really comfortable with them before you even start thinking about adding weight in any appreciable amount.

Think about maybe just doing the Hang Clean part for a while.  The Press part is cool, but perhaps not at all beneficial while you are learning the lift.

Take it slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.</div>
Tim, that is very sensible advice and is exactly what I did today. Coincidently, the guy who is coaching me also mentioned I shoudn't focus on the Press just yet. I did them anyway... I couldn't help it. But I'll heed the advise for the next few weeks.

So anyway, for the hang clean and press, I put two 25's on the bar and tried to get the hang of it. What have I learned already? Arm flexibility and grip strength are very important. And of course, balance, fluidity, and rhythm all come into play. I felt a little awkward and I'm sure it didn't look pretty, but I sure liked it!

As part of my 'new and improved' workout, I also started doing Deads. I went with the weight of my Squat 12RM, which is a measly 180. At least it's more than my bodyweight...
Overall, it went ok. I got a little dizzy for a few seconds after each set, but other than that they felt good. Question though: What is the appropriate tempo for this exercise? The eccentric portion seems much harder to me.

I also added the Dips at BW. (Ordered dip belt yesterday, I hope to get it before the 9's) I completed some optional iso's as well. Needless to say, I am definitely beat! But it feels soooo good!!
(_tim @ Sep. 19 2007,12:44)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">As a side note, I really hope you guys do well this Saturday!</div>
Me too! In the last few years, PSU has had the bad habit of not meeting expectations when they are high. When they are low (as in 2005) they do well. I'm worried about their mental game.
In the interest of keeping with a similar format to what I see on other logs, here's my latest workout:

HST Cycle # 1

12 Rep mesocyle - Workout # 5

2 sets each exercise

Hang Clean and Press - 90
Lat Pulldown - 132
Cable Upright Row - 90
Flat Bench - 130
Dips - BW
Deadlift - 180
DB Side Raises - 15
Curls - 25
Rear Delt Rows - 85

Squats and Deadlifts are on A/B format.
I assign a weight of 40lbs for the bar. Since it's really 44, I round down.
I'm on a Cal. deficit at the moment. Daily intake of 1800-1900 cals.
Stats: &quot;small-boned&quot; 5'11&quot;, 175 lbs., BF guesstimate: 15%
HST Cycle # 1

(Rep Scheme - 12,9,6,3)

12 Rep mesocyle - Workout # 6 (RM Time!)

Hang Clean 2 x 12 x 100
Lat Pulldown 2 x 12 x 132
Cable Upright Row 2 x 12 x 100
Flat Bench 2 x 12 x 150
Dips 2 x 12 x BW
Squat 2 x 12 x 180
Rear Delt Rows 2 x 12 x 90
DB Side Raises 1 x 12 x 17.5 (15 plus 2 1/2 lb magnet)
Curls 1 x 12 x 25

I felt ok today. The hang cleans were tough, but it's a completely new exercise for me and I'm still learning it. I had to put the bar down for a few secs before completing the last 3 reps. My form needs a lot of work. It's definitely a good way to warm up and start the workout, though!

Looking forward to 9's on Monday.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm worried about their mental game.</div>

Seriously, I think I was 12 the last time they beat Michigan.