My very simple HST explanation


New Member
Hey y'all,
I'v been preaching to my friends about the good ways of HST and have had surpising difficulty summing up the principles so I made this -very basic- explanation, I hope that it will be read and constructive criticiscm offered.

Cheers :D
I like it but it's missing some info. Pre-workout drink, and post-workout drink. How much dextrose/whey ration and creatine.

Also percentage for example,

For example I weigh 160lb. I need to consume 2702 calories after calculations. This is how i partioned my protein, carbs, and fats. Protein 1g/lb,

101 protein = 405 calories =15%

90 fat =810 calories = 30%

371 carbs=1486 calories = 55 %
I think it's a good effort (calkid has a sticky thread explaining the same sort of thing on the general training board!) although negatives should be included.

I don't agree that it's missing any information regarding nutrition, there are no specific recommendations about the amount of protein carbs pre/post workout and the information regarding nutrition on this website doesn't form part of the 'principles' of HST - or at least not in my view.


Yeah, like rob said, there is nothing about nutrition in the HST principles. A 'simple' guide on HST should really focus only on the easiest way to apply the HST principles to construct a workout, perhaps giving a few alternative ways to apply them as well.
Thanks guys, I didtnt go into diet because I'v been reading about it and I'm still far from sure what the ideal diet is. I'll add negatives.

Cheers :)
IMO, your suggested routine puts too much stress on the lower back. Squats + bent over rows + standing military press + deadlifts, 3x a week can equal a sore lower back. I'd substitute the bent over rows for seated rows, and use either the squat or the deadlift, but not both.

You also have two exercises for the back, bent over rows and pullups (and deadlifts), and relatively little for the chest. A set of flat bench or incline press would go good with the dips.

Besides that, though, looks good to me. Good job.
I think the back thing is a personal issue. Personally, I do all those exercises plus I also do weighted chins and good mornings without issue. The back can handle a lot, unless you have some sort of spinal injury or something to hold you back.

Good point about chest though. Some sort of bench press would go well with dips. I would probably suggest incline bench to go with it, so you can get more focus on the upper pec after doing dips.
Thanks guys. Good point on the lower back, my friend followed this routine and had to alternate squats and deadlifts because he couldn't handle them both in the same workout. Although i follow this routine and all I'v developed is a very strong lower back. I'll add in incline presses.

Not too bad, missing out the negatives, it is important in HST, either or carrying on with 5's using higher weights where possible.

So at least 8 weeks, that is 21 workouts.

Also frequency as three times per week is the minimum, but as has been verified and tested can be modified to 4, 5 or 6 and still be effective.

Number os sets, minimum would be 1 but can go up to 4, that too is rather personal.

Last but not least, for diet, I'd rather not go there as it very personal either than stressing that eating 500 or so calories above maintenance is essential to get you to grow.

However imports4069 is getting carried away, that info although it could be available is not something one would carry around sharing but rather download and offere people to work out at home.

Protein, carb, fat ratios are also personal and will vary from person to person according to body types and metabolisms, one can only give a fair guideline.

Anyhoo, my 0.2$ worth
you also wrote this
Earlier in the cycle, you don't need isolation exercises for your arms. You may throw in some more exercises later in the cycle -fly's, skullcrushers, incline d bell curls- if you wish.

you can also do this the other way round start with isos and drop them in the 5s ..i do this as recomended by jvroig..
but they are not part of hst just recomendations :D
I'm still waiting for a debate to start about this as using isos that way (as far as I can tell) is the opposite of using them in the way vicious advocates.

I know jvroig will be able to argue his side but need vicious or someone (dan?) to be able to argue the other side as I'm just not knowledgeable enough