New program on the market! :D

For the interested, this is a recap of the actual Muscle Explosion program.

Week 1 - Metabolic Acceleration and Tissue Remodeling Training
- Lowcarb, high rep training (carb depletion) first half of week.
- Lowcarb, lactic acid training (to increase GH levels) second half of week.
- Focus on stretch and partials - fascia stretching
- A lot of interval training cardio
- First week ends with two low calorie days, the last a low protein day.
- Purpose: Ramp up your Metabolism

- Comparison: HST 15RM for joint health (1 week) combined with Lyle McDonald's Ultimate Diet with a twist (Carb loading on week 2). Fascia stretcing to stimulate protein synthesis.

Week 2 - Five Day Structural Attack
- Either Deadlifts or Squats. Do them in clusters of 3 reps for as many sets you can do (none to failure) with drop-sets at the end
- First day 20 min this one exercise only; second 25 min of the same; third 30 min of the same, and so on.
- Add some pounds to the staring weigth every day if you can. Gradually decrease during the bout.
- Eat a lot! (Carb and high protein loading)
- Specificity of exercise movement (Rate coding adaptation)
- Purpose: Stimulating hyperplasia (fiber splitting from extreme volume) and rapid rate coding adaptation to specific movement

- Comparison: Hm, Cronic overload!? Keeping ahead of RBE!? Some MaxStim-variant. This one is new.

Week 3 and 4 - Stretch-Pause Training
- Alternate between DC stretches and strong range partials or static hold for every exercise
- 2-3 sets of 10 (at least for first set, then whatever you can manage per set)
- 2 days workouts -1 rest- 2 days workouts -2 rest
- Eat a lot.
- Purpose: DC style fascia stretching to stimulate protein synthesis, intraset pauses (MaxStim) and static holds for longer TUL.

- Comparison: DC Training stretches combined with static contraction and Rest-Pause (similar to MaxStim) for 10RMs or something like that.

Conclusion: Nick have combined a range of familiar techniques into a 4 week-program. I recognize a lot and there is some merit to it. He have some pages of references to PubMed reports at the end.

I haven´t tried it .