Surely its more important that you consider the number of times you hit each muscle group per week? I mean if you only do say 5 exercises per workout (1 per bodypart), doing 1x15, 2x10, 3x5 wouldn't be that great because at most its 60 reps per week ( on 10s) per bodypart.
It is to my knowledge from reading on BB from lots of sources that around 100 reps per muscle group per week is a more ideal number of reps for hypertrophy (volume wise anyway). Sooo whatever you do meeting the required number of reps is more important? Thats the way I've always looked at it anyway.
See this article for more on this:
I'll personally be doing 12 exercises (2 exercises per muscle group), with 1 to 2 sets . Therefore, on 15s for example, I will do Rows + Pullups for back - 1x15 for each, giving me 30 reps for the back, x3 times a week giving me a good solid 90 reps done on the back - a good amount to induce hypertrophy.
I think something that might have got forgotten along the way, is what you are conditioned to. So if you're used to doing 5x5 3 times a week, the chest for example would get 75 reps per week. Therefore, upon doing HST, aim for 75 reps as you are conditioned to, e.g. 25 reps per muscle group per workout.
Do you agree with my thinking here or am I talking crazy
I'm new to HST by the way but not BB. Would sticking to the same volume I am used to be advisable for my first cycle of HST, i.e. 12 exercises, 1 to 2 sets per exercise?
Looking forward to hearing from you guys!