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I've applied some of these nutritional principles to my diet recently and I've had amazing results.

1. no refined grain product of any sort
2. no refined rice
3. no refined sugar - you'll go through a nasty withdrawl with this one
4. no artificial, non-caloric sweeteners (asparatme, splenda, etc...)
5. no artifical, caloric sweeteners (high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, etc...)
6. no alcohol - its hard on the liver and impairs the ability to use macronutrients effeciently
7. limited use of synthetic foods

Yes you're diet ends up boring after this, but managing your weight becomes extremley easy not to mention the #### load of toxins you can get out of your body by giving all this stuff up
I'd have to agree with you fearofthedark, years ago I went on a 3 month diet where I ate nothing that came from a box or bag. All I ate was fresh fruits, vegtables, organic grains, etc.
I felt soooooooooo good all the time. I needed less sleep, my bf% droped, I had a lot of energy. It was awesome.
If it wasn't for the convience of quick easy food now and the high price of organics I would eat that way all the time. I couldn't explain why it felt so much better but it sure did.
It only lasted 3 months because when I gave into eating desserts occasionally my discipline fell apart and I was back to eating anything again.
I did recently switch back to organic oats, instead of the store bought Quaker oats and that helped get rid of gas and bloating. Quaker must put a preservative in them or something that has a negative effect on the body.
Personally, I feel the best when I eat anything and everything that I possibly can. I think part of it is a psychological thing.
I agree with Totentanz - you probably felt better 'cause you believed it was healthier to eat that way. A psychological thing, at best.
Well all I can say is it was no psycological thing.
You'd have to try it to understand what it's like.

Please give it a shot... Be as skeptical as possible and then eat as much organic, fresh, or unpreserved stuff as you can for two weeks and let us know how it affects you.

It certainly won't be bad for you, what could it hurt?

Nothing else in this world becomes one with your body as much as the food that you eat.
How can you say it was no psychological thing? Did you have any tests run on your body to show it put you in a more prime state of health than when you ate less anally?

If not, I'm not bothering. Organic stuff isn't worth the money. I'll stick to my grilled sirloin burgers.
Yea, my bodyfat dropped 2% minimum. Probably due to the lack of sugar. As far as sleep, I was getting 5-6 hours a night and felt much more energetic and alert while eating like that. Now I'm needing 9 or I'm dragging my butt around all day. If that was purely Psycological I'll take it.
I have no problem with grilled sirloin burgers. Have you ever tasted Free range chicken? You'll never want regular chicken again. It is pricey though...
Also, it seems to me that a difference in 3-4 waking hours every day will alter your caloric needs...
If it's psychological, then by all means do it again. Can't argue with results, right? As far as I know, though, there's no real benefit to doing that. 'sides, I enjoy my diet and lifestyle pretty well now, and I don't have the kind've money to eat all organic foods. Should I come into big money one day soon, I'll give it a shot...but I won't last long.
You guys shouldn't be so sceptical of 'clean' food, of course eating a better diet is going to make you feel better, when your body has enough vitamins and minerals and doesn't have to deal with chemicals you will feel the difference. I eat this way too and never get ill, high energy levels, low body fat ( it's hard to eat 3000 calories plus of good food) my skin got better...

You don't have to eat organic, just try eating more fruit and veg and nothing processed ( added salt, sugar, flavourings, preservatives) and you'll feel better.
Clean eating is the way to go. I've been eating a raw food diet for over 6 years. I lost a lot of fat and while my muscles are a bit smaller than before, I can lift significantly more than I ever could before.
My diet consists of fruits, veggies, nuts, eggs and meat (all raw, all unprocessed). If it's in a box, it's not food.

Animals in the wild that have been studied do not get diseases. Humans get diseases because they consume chemicals that they call food (ie protein drinks) and end up poisoning their bodies. are on the right track. long term health is more important that short term gains. don't let these other people dissuade you from what you know to be true.
Actually, what he's describing is the diet referred to in the book "The Maker's Diet", a biblical-based system, that there IS a lot of research done on with evidence clearly stating that the health benefits are quite pronounced. My business partner is way overweight and went on it for a while, and lost weight without cutting calories. The problem is that it's virtually unaffordable for the regular guy. There are actually entire societies (islanders, etc.) who eat naturally without heart disease, diabetes, and a host of other maladies, who, when coming to the good 'ol USA, and eating our way, got sick like we do. Returning to their native diets, the symptoms eventually disappeared.
For me, I'd just avoid as much processed stuff as I can afford. Except for the dextrose and maltodextrin. That's another story.
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Animals in the wild that have been studied do not get diseases. Humans get diseases because they consume chemicals that they call food (ie protein drinks) and end up poisoning their bodies.

I'm sorry, but this is the stupidest thing I've heard in my entire life.

Disease is usually caused by bacteria or maybe a virus. If no animals in the wild ever got disease, then there would be no diseases left in the world to infect the rest of us, since diseases are caused by actual organisms. Everything in the world is effected by disease at some point. Whoever &quot;did a study and found that animals in the wild don't get disease&quot; is lying. Check pubmed or some other legitimate place, there are NO studies showing this. NONE. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE.

Heart disease, cholesterol, etc are effected equally, if not much more by genetics than they are by diet. I know a couple guys who are totally screwed genetically, they have horrible cholesterol, blood pressure, etc despite eating a clean diet. Only medications seem to help them and only slightly. They have a family history of those kind of problems. Contrast that with someone like me - I eat whatever I want when I'm bulking, a diet high in fats, lots of food from the restaurant I manage, etc, yet my blood pressure is great and my lipid profile is too. Probably because people in my family don't have those kind of problems.

If you believe what everyone says about diet, you'd think I'd have had a cardiac episode already, while the two guys I mentioned would be in perfect health. Funny thing that the roles are reversed, despite what the &quot;diet gurus&quot; say.

AND - I don't care WHO you are. Eating RAW MEAT is RETARDED. You WILL get sick. And if you try doing that crap to your kids, I hope you get put in jail. E Coli 0157 is a very serious disease. Anyone remember all those kids who died because of the Jack-In-The-Box fast food places that weren't cooking their meat long enough? The kids who managed to not die are on kidney dialysis for the rest of their lives. All because the food wasn't cooked quite long enough. And now some people are eating meats that are totally raw and uncooked? That is LUNACY.
This is not a game. Cook your damn food or you will probably die a lot sooner than you would have otherwise, no matter how clean your diet is.