Quad's Log

Some things have to change. I've discovered that I'm not one of those guys who can take anger to the gym and put it into the weights. When I'm happy and content, I feel strong. And happy. And content. When I've been frustrated, vexed, angry, disappointed, discouraged and trapped lately; I can barely even get myself into the gym.
My partnership is on the rocks; me and him are fighting mad...but I'm stuck here until I get the bills caught up. Either I'm gonna quit and just take my losses or he's gonna end it...I'm looking for other work even now while I'm doing this last large job. Time to renew my license and start looking for insurance rates, and get my subs and customers in order...find out who's with me or with him. Hard to trust anyone anymore; I've been lied on so much lately.
Hit the gym today, but I'm just not logging for now. I go in and do alternates each time; hitting back, legs, chest, and occasionally, arms. I guess the overhead presses are my deltwork too.
BTW: I'm even disliked because of being a BB'er - and I don't go around flaunting it or anything, outside of wearing tank tops at work sometimes. Ya can't win, huh?
good luck quad, sorry for your troubles.

I also think that your logs are inspirational.
Sheesh, Quad man. You're really taking a beating at the moment. I know it'll work out for you because you are a fighter. Don't let it eat you up though. Sometimes it's better to draw a line in the sand and just move on. And, if you are disliked because you lift weights (smacks of jealousy) then you won't be leaving anything behind that's worth worrying about.

There are lots of great people out there.

Chin up big man and all the very best!
Sorry 2 hear of your struggles. I think sometimes you're too nice to some of these cretins you get involved with, and they take advantage of you. Makes my ornery just thinking about it. A guy with your skill would be worth his weight in gold around these parts.

I hope it works out for you, and keep us posted.
Here comes an experiment of sorts. I got paid enough to get my worst bills out of the way, and of course, promises for a steadier pay regimen which I'll only believe when that happens...but I've been left alone to manage successfully this week, paid and feel better...and no work tomorrow, my favorite workout day. Should be a real improvement; looking forward to kicking my butt!
Thanx for the support, guys!
Thanks for that warning Quad, I have barely got my new business started and already one guy is trying to ride my coat-tails and keeps hinting at a partnership. Partnership?! He really has nothing concrete to offer to me though, he justs wants to partner because he can't finance starting his own business right now!

This makes me realize that I should be careful and stand on my own, I can only picture a business partnership ending in a messy manner like you described.

You are a tough dude, and I am sure you will get through this tough time, good luck!
I was in a partnership once. It didn't work either (although there was no acrimony). It certainly can work with the right person but both parties need to have clearly defined roles and be equally as committed. My feeling is that you have to get to know someone pretty well and be able to see clearly how the business will be improved before setting up a partnership becomes a sensible option.
I have learned:
a.) there needs to be a contract. It's called something else over here, but it's basically that...I can't remember the term.
b.) almost everyone tells me not to do business with family.
c.) there are always a dozen guys nearby who will want to partner with you due to their inadequacies, but very few who are actually bringing much to the table.
d.) people lie.
e.) being educated in some degree for business helps. I wasn't.
f.) discarded objective opinions from close freinds, wives, etc. were often right.
g.) you CAN be too nice to people. Dang.
h.) if your spirit says something is amiss, it is.
i.) honesty only works with all parties participating. (see g.)
j.) if you have a lazy partner, you will be carrying all the load. It will kill you. It did.
(scientific muscle @ Jun. 16 2007,01:49)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I can only picture a business partnership ending in a messy manner like you described.</div>
Save yourself the time, money, and heartache of a partnership -- find a guy you really don't like and buy him a business!

If you absolutely have to have someone to work with you, form your own corporation and hire the guy as an employee.

[Quad: If you don't seem to be able to take out your frustrations on the iron, getcherself a body bag and some boxing gloves. It may help.]
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">If you absolutely have to have someone to work with you, form your own corporation and hire the guy as an employee.</div>
I'm &quot;Vice President&quot; of JJAM Construction Management, Inc. - sounds impressive, doesn't it? But without a charter or anything more than my name on one piece of paper that HE has, along with the bank account, it means I'm really just that: an employee. We're also a paper corporation, with low assets according to him, to keep us from having anything to be sued for. I'd always wondered why I'd have to worry much about getting sued. Now I know, with a 'partner' like that.
Well, this doesn't have much to do with bodybuilding, so I'll get my oats and whey in, eat the spider, and hit my gym.
The 'experiment' didn't pan out with tons of new energy - there's just so much stress built up lately I guess. Weighed in at 201, still going down, along with my lifts. I probably should just SD, but I want to get in the clear enough to be able to do an HST cycle first. That will take energy.

225 x 8
245 x 7
245 x 4, different stance
275 x 1 crud.

Inclined BB
135 x 8
185 x 8
205 x 7
225 x 4
245 x 1

25 x 8
45 x 6
45 x 6
45...I dunno, quit somewhere...these went WAY down!

Camber bar Curls
120 x 20 MS

Weight going down but not the gut...trying my best to keep some loading on the muscles. Kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. I'm looking into the Keto, Anabolic, and BodyOpus diets right now maybe to decide on one.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Weight going down but not the gut...trying my best to keep some loading on the muscles. Kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. I'm looking into the Keto, Anabolic, and BodyOpus diets right now maybe to decide on one. </div>

I have a feeling you don't want to try one of those crazy diets, but the standard cut isn't working how you want it to. My advice (take with a grain of salt) is to try out the 912 HST cycle. It just came to mind recently because it was something that I was really interested in a year and a half ago.
Thanx for the LINK ya jerk! (jk!) No sweat; I'll find it.
Today was amazing. My suspicions were correct. I had to do phone work at home all morning; it went well, my partner was unusually congenial and even admitted I'm doing a great job at managing a job I've never tackled before...first compliment in maybe a year, so I'm feeling good for the gym.
Pendlay's (weigh-in 201)
135 WU
225 x 5
275 x 4
295 x 3
315 x 1/2

225 x 11

225 x 5
315 x 5
365 x 5
385 x 2
275 x 9 wheee.....

Flat Bench
225 x 5
255 x 5
275 x 2
295 x 0 ...a bit ambitious for that 1.5 BW
245 x 3 wrist failing
225 x 8

Funny Pushups x ? a lot.

CG Bench
185 x 8
205 x 8
225 x 3...wrist again. All in all a great workout; massive strength improvement that proves that for me; emotional state and stress is directly causal: I am superman when I am happy about something. I am Droopy Dog when I'm down.
Looked at the 912 HST thread...not a lot of interest; some suspicion of muscle loss due to the speed of loss: on those whom it works. My weight is going down, the abs begin to show a bit in the morning, but the &quot;love&quot; handles stick out like Mickey Mouse ears yet.
Anyone seen that new injection that melt fat? Spouse says she thinks it's B-12, but that wouldn't work.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
912 Progressive Load - The Sledgehammer Method for Dieting

What is progressive load?

Hypertrophy Specific training was developed from a review of scientific research detailing the stimuli and mechanisms for muscle growth. Progressive load is based on physiological principles, which were discovered in the laboratory. These principles were integrated into a method, training the muscle systematically, in order to produce hypertrophy.

The progressive load principles

Mechanical load
progressive load relies on the fact that mechanical load represents the main stimulus for muscle growth, not by exercise-induced hormonal changes, metabolic stress or muscle fatigue.

Chronic stimulus
In order for mechanical load to clearly produce hypertrophy, this stimulus must be used with sufficient frequency . A environment of chronic stimulation is produced, instead of only rare, acute attacks made on the material's structure. The research shows that the period of the adaptation does not persist after a training session longer than 24-48 hours. Therefore the stimulus is repeated at least every second day, in order to create a environment continuously beneficial for hypertrophy.

Progressive Overloading
Over time, the muscle tissue adapts to the mechanical load and becomes resistant to the training signal. This adaptation can take place already in a very short time. As soon as this happens, hypertrophy starts to fall, while neural and metabolic adaptation may continue. In order to steer against this effect, mechanical load, the training weight must be increased in regular intervals.

Strategic Deconditioning
As soon as it is no longer possible to increase the training weight, the muscle tissue's conditioning must be reduced. This procedure is accompanied with a sufficiently long training break, in which the muscle gives its adjustment up to the no longer existing environment attraction. After this strategic training break, the muscle tissue is again stimulated with the mechanical load and can hypertrophy can occur further.

912: Optimizing for Dieting

This progressive load plan is optimized for dieting. This is, however, not for getting cut or for slow regulated dieting (i.e. &quot;steady progress&quot;.) 912HST is a sledgehammer method for people who want to lose larger quantities of fat as quickly as possible. Who wants to wait for months for their wash board abs?

912HST is designated after the timetable of its workplan, where a twelve-day training phase is followed by a nine-day strategic deconditioning (SD). The unusually short duration of the training period permits maximum volume and maximum frequency. In only twelve days one can practically train as much as one wants, without burning out. One mantains during the entire training period a high calorie deficit between 500 to 2000kcal, depending upon how quickly one wants to lose. Loading days are not performed. The twelve days are too short to cause an excessively strong effect on metabolic slowdown. Then, during the nine-day SD one eats without calorie deficit, whereby the metabolism can recover again completely and be prepared for the next cycle.

With 912 one begins the cycle somewhat at a hevier than the conventional progressive load. 80% 1RM is the minimum weight. With exercises, which one can implement as negatives, the takeoff weight may even be yet high. One increases up to the schwerstmoegliche weight. Is trained (naturally) each day, whereby one should make at least each third day a resistance increase. The following SD is not sufficient, in order to decondition completely, however it is long enough in order to make the above 80% load again effective.

How does it work?

Effective resistance training causes high energy consumption more than during the exercise. In addition, the muscle regeneration requires a significant energy supply. One induces post-exercise energy consumption, or EPOC (excess post office exercise oxygen consumption.) There is also energy required for repairing muscle tissue, glycogen synthesis and creatine phosphate's high-energy needs and. The post exercise trainings energy consumption depends particularly on the training weight. The higher the resistance, the higher the following EPOC. With a training such as 912HST, post exercise can burn calories of at least 100% of that burned during the training session. That means: a 80kg athlete with a metabolic burn rate of approx. 1800kcal burns another 1800kcal per 912HST session. Moreover, the energy consumption of the training is actually not yet considered. Thus, heavy training burns a lot of energy, which tears into the diet and burns bodyfat.

To the training-induced energy consumption a further factor is added. Heavy, eccentric training according to the progressive load principles, with high volume and high frequency, provides not only maximum energy consumption, but also the complete repair of the muscle mass or with smaller caloric deficits even muscle growth. With 912HST one can gain its lean mass independently of the caloric deficit! The protein for the regeneration and for possible muscle growth gets itself the body from other materials, if it is not sufficiently supplied with the food. A diet as a short as a twelve-day phase would not be sufficient with appropriate training to lose muscle tissue.

Cluster training

912 benefits from a system of fatigue management called cluster training. Cluster training is simply and easily splitting up the training sets into individual, smaller fragments. The reason behind it is to avoid muscular exhaustion, in order to more easily mantain high training volume and high frequency. An example for clarity: One plans a total volume of 10 repetitions per session with a certain exercise. Instead of implementing these 10 reps into one set, which would be very fatiguing, one divides it as desired up, e.g. on 5+5, or 3+3+3+1, with short rests between them. Its total fatigue does not play a role. It does not matter how one divides it, only the total number of repetitions.

The training plan

In order to guarantee maximum success, 912HST prefers exercises that are suitable for heavy, eccentric repetitions and permit as high a stretch of the contracting muscle as possible. These two criteria are the most imporant factors in hypertrophy. Strong stretch during simultaneous mechanical load leads to microtrauma, whose regeneration is very demanding in calories, which us for our dieters is naturally very welcome.

It is important to train each muscle directly and neglect nothing. Neglected muscles are not protected against atrophy. The exercise are:

For Gluteus and Hamstrings (thigh back) the squat is the perfect exercise. The more deeply one squats, the more stretched these musces are. quats are not a priority exercise for quads!

Leg extension
For this reason we give still little more stress to the Quads, by working them over again with the leg extension.

Calf raise
In no case may one neglect the calves. Standing calf raise is more suitable than the sitting variant, in order to stretch the target muscle.

Negative Chins
Closegrip chins with the supinated or the V-shaped grip possess excellent ability to stretch the Lat. In addition one can use weights beyond the 1RM, if one facilitates the concentric movement phase employing legs. One pays attention to achieve after each repetition a good eccentric cadence. Subsequently, one can add one or two sets of loaded streches to the failure with the retaining strength with the same weight.

Since chins stress rather the Lat and less muscles of the upper back, e.g. the lower portion of the trapezoid muscle, 912HST completes back training with prevented rudders, an exercise, which is important for the structure of the back. If necessary one can implement it also at a suitable machine. A particularly good in the assortment has hammer Strength.

Dips permit heavy eccentric repetitions when strong stretch to chest muscles and are therefore the preferential basic exercise for chest and Trizeps. As is the case for the Klimmzuegen one should go also here as deeply as possible.

One preferably uses shrugs with particularly high weight, which corresponds in approximately, which one would normally cross-lift. It since-lifts at the cable assembly (in such a way adjusted that the cable rauskommt on handhigh) puts most tension on the lower portion of the movement and is suitable therefore rather as since lifting with Kurzhanteln.

Biceps and Triceps
If one still has the energy, one can add another drop or strip set of any biceps and tricep movement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Only twelve days train? Isn't that somewhat too short?

A: No! A twelve-day cycle appears somewhat short in the comparison to the conventional, progressive load, but one must regard the relationship from WO days to SD plus non-WO days. A normal cycle, with which each second day one trains and which a 14 SD follows, has a ratio from 21 training days to (21 non-WO days + 14 days SD = 35 inactive days. That results in a training of 0.6. 912HST has a ratio of12 training days to 9 SD days = 12:9 and has thus a quotient of 1.3. Mathematically, 912HST contains more than twice as much training per time unit in the comparison to the classical progressive load.

Q: Right then. But isn't the SD much too short, to completely decondition ? One trains on 912 with very heavy weights, which conditions the muscle tissue very strongly.

A: The nine-day SD is enough, in order to respond again to weights of approx. 80%. A complete Decondition is not necessary, since we begin with 912 anyway relatively heavily.

Q: But why only twelve days training? One could begin with less difficulty and lift through six weeks.

A: In order to really drive the energy usage into astronomical heights and therefore accelerate Dieting strongly, we must put on enormously high volume with 912HST with very high frequency. That leads on a long-term basis to burning out and over training symptoms. The short cycle permits us to train almost as much as desired. In only twelve days one does not burn out. The following SD permits complete regeneration and makes thus a further high-volume training period possible.

Q: May I add Cardio and/or interval training, in order to accelerate the thing still another little?

A: Naturally, everything is permitted. One considers however that Cardio and interval training in comparison to heavy weight training produces only a very small transformation of energy. The basis of the training must remain heavy training.

Q: No loading days? I thought, those would be so important, in order to hold the metabolism above.

A: Those also important, however 912HST has only a relatively short Diet phase. After the twelve days, the metabolism cannot drop so far that the dieting becomes ineffective. That is alone already prevented by training. The following SD is, as it were, a replacement for Refeeds, since during rest, one eats and the metabolism is once again set in motion.

Q: Which role does nutrition play? How am I to eat?

A: With the nutrition, attention is only actually to the calorie deficit. Whether one is now a follower of the Ketogenic Diet or trusts in good old low fat, does not make a difference. I recommend however to consume carbohydrates at least after training in order to fill up the glycogen stores at least partly again. That is more beneficial for the achievement in training than completely carbhohydrate nutrition. Naturally, attention must be moreover paid to protein, a high protein supply of approx. 2g. per kilogram body weight. But it does not necessary mean a bodybuilding diet.

Q: You said the body could get itself the protein for growth and regeneration from other material. What do you mean by it?

A: If the muscle is forced to grow with insufficient protein and energy input by an enormously strong growth signal (as with 912) to, then it can gain protein for skin, hair, fingernails, organs, bone, the immune system etc., necessary for it. The necessary energy comes naturally from the fatty tissue. In addition the body can use amino acids to a certain degree; (bears in hibernation completely use amino acids completely and lose no lean mass - unfortunately humans cannot do this). That means that the body can grow and regenerate at short notice independently of the nutrition. This is a further advantage of the short train/rest period of 912. On a long-term basis, thus over months and years, one naturally requires sufficient nutrition.</div>
912HST is designated after the timetable of its workplan, where a twelve-day training phase is followed by a nine-day strategic deconditioning (SD). The unusually short duration of the training period permits maximum volume and maximum frequency. In only twelve days one can practically train as much as one wants, without burning out. One mantains during the entire training period a high calorie deficit between 500 to 2000kcal, depending upon how quickly one wants to lose.


You can manipulate it however you want. I SERIOUSLY plan on doing this later in the summer when I do my 12th cycle (want to put a slow bulk in between). I would set the deficit to a maximum of 31*lbs of fat - see my Optimizing Caloric Intake for more info. Max-Stim could probably work great with 912 due to the clustering and high load/volume. My workouts would be longer than normal so I could burn more calories letting me eat more.
First I'll have to get past being burned out! That's some serious work, and no way could I handle it now. May try it though, when things pick up a bit. (especially energy)
I always feel like I need a nap, even when I get up. This has gotten really bad on and off in the last two or so years, and I think it's stressors. If that is an accumulative thing, that is. Sleep, diet, vitamins, coffee, herbals nor even sex doesn't seem to fix it.
06/16 weight 202 06/21 weight 200
225 x 8 225 x 5
245 x 7 275 x 4
245 x 4 295 x 3
275 x 4 315 x 3
225 x 10
Incline BB Overhead Press
135 x 8 115 x 8
185 x 8 115 x 8
205 x 7 135 x 5
225 x 4 155 x 2-just don't have it today
245 x 1
Curls Crossover Curls
120 x 20 MS 50 x 10 (each stack of course)
70 x 8
80 x 6
90 x 5
Pullups Cable Curls
25 x 8 70 x 10
45 x 6 70 x 10 (whole stack)
45 x 6
45 x ?
Pec Deck
150 x 8
170 x 8
190 x 4
180 x 7 no rest to:
170 x 5
You can see my instinctive choices here (there is a workout between them; I just wanted to compare squats from a no-energy day to a day of management only: huge difference.) My strengths are all over the place. No rhyme or reason to it.
06/18 (the missing workout) Weigh-in 201
Deads Flat Bench Pendlays CG Bench
225 x 5 225 x 5 135 WU 185 x 8
315 x 5 225 x 5 225 x 5 205 x 8
365 x 5 275 x 2 275 x 4 225 x 3 (wrist failure)
385 x 2 295 x 0 295 x 3
275 x 9 245 x 3 315 x 1/2
wrist failed 225 x 11
225 x 8
Man, I wish &quot;tabs&quot; would work in these windows! Hard to compress a post. Would save a lot of bandwidth, I think. My right wrist is giving me fits, even wrapped tight. I guess I'll do a cycle of glucosamine/chondroitin since the EFA's aren't fixing it.
Today's workout was almost identical to the one above...only weaker. Weigh-in was 200 lbs. I tried to use a couple of thrmo's (Redline sample packet) and they just made me feel nervous and weak. I'm about to look into the ol' Vanadyl Sulfate as a cutting aid.

edit: I did. Save your money. Thinking about HMB now. At least it has some proof.