Deads; 5 - 120kg, 3 - 170kg, 1 - 190kg, 1 - 200kg (warm ups); 1 - 220kg, 1 - 230kg, 1 - 240kg, 1 - 250kg, 1 - 260kg. 280kg - 1/2 FAIL. 2 - 245kg.
Low block pulls; 3,3 - 260kg, 1 - 270kg.
Wasn't going to go for anything other than a bunch of doubles at 250kg, but the 260kg came up fast so I thought why not. Nearly cleared the knee, taped it but bar had drifted a bit forward at the break and I lost energy and speed pulling it back in. Will try for it again on Monday, and get in a bunch of volume work tonight then just do upper stuff tomorrow.
Second session; 1 - 220kg, 1 - 240kg, 1 - 250kg, 1 - 260kg. 3,3 - 245kg.
Bench; 5 - 80kg, 5 - 100kg, 1 - 120kg, 1 - 130kg.
Squats; 5 - 60kg, 5 - 100kg, 1 - 120kg, 1 - 130kg, 1 - 130kg, 1 - 140kg, 1 - 150kg. 3 - 120kg.
LS Rows; 13 - 110kg.