Hi guys
Did some searching on this, but never hit anything relating this to traning. Had some hits on long distance running, but safe to say, that's not on the menu right now. Prob. related though, but found no real answers.
Anyway, do any of you experince Quad restlessness a day post training? ..usually the following evening.
If so, any explanation as to why and what do about it? ..it driving me crazy right now.
I know i'm not getting enough callories as I'm curently getting rid of some excessive cargo. Going slow though, so wouldn't guess it to be the problem.
Did some searching on this, but never hit anything relating this to traning. Had some hits on long distance running, but safe to say, that's not on the menu right now. Prob. related though, but found no real answers.
Anyway, do any of you experince Quad restlessness a day post training? ..usually the following evening.
If so, any explanation as to why and what do about it? ..it driving me crazy right now.

I know i'm not getting enough callories as I'm curently getting rid of some excessive cargo. Going slow though, so wouldn't guess it to be the problem.