Restless legs (Quad) post training


New Member
Hi guys
Did some searching on this, but never hit anything relating this to traning. Had some hits on long distance running, but safe to say, that's not on the menu right now. Prob. related though, but found no real answers.

Anyway, do any of you experince Quad restlessness a day post training? ..usually the following evening.
If so, any explanation as to why and what do about it? driving me crazy right now. :P

I know i'm not getting enough callories as I'm curently getting rid of some excessive cargo. Going slow though, so wouldn't guess it to be the problem.
Are you taking any vitamins? I get a lot of this as long as muscle cramping, etc if I do not have enough of specific minerals, especially when cutting back calories.
Thanks, this was my initial thought also. I could think of Iron, Calcium and Magnesium deficiency able to have this effect. (By best guess)
As far as I know, Iron levels would take weeks to restore, so went for that right away.. I don't eat much read meat (mostly fish), but do take the daily multi-vitamin.
Could iron be the problem? Any specific minerals you'd recommend?
Generally speaking, iron isn't going to be an issue for most men unless your diet is really deficient. You can get iron from plenty of other sources aside from red meat, so I would tend to think that iron is probably not the problem. It is possible, but I couldn't say unless you got your iron levels checked. Have you donated blood or anything like that?

I find that potassium supplementation helps a lot. Other than that, if you are on a cut, you should be taking calcium, magnesium, a multi, zinc and then fish oils. But try the potassium and see how that helps, it seems to help ease muscle cramping, twitching and etc for me. For cutting, on top of all that stuff, if you aren't getting a good source of dietary calcium such as milk, I would take some vitamin D on top of the other stuff I already mentioned.
I didn't donate blood and had hemoglobin tested a year back or so. It's was actually a little to high. But ate very differently then.
Might drop the iron then, even though it wouldn't hurt.

Looked up potassium (kalium in Danish) and it seem a likely culprit, as it is regulated by the kidneys. I drink a lot (maybe to much) of water, so one might imagine to much is flushed out. Also deficiency symptoms seem to somewhat match.. I'll pick some up asap.
Else, all but zink, I think I have covered.

Thanks once again.
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