Progressing in my training maintaining low enough %bf doing bodyrecomp, increasing base calories by small bits (+~0.5kg BW), wait until the extra BW settles in and gets recomped, etc.
I assume this is a really bad joke, right ... ? Because as a retort goes, it's about as accurate and effective as an eastern block democracy ...
1. If you don't want to have additional fat, some would say good for you (I certainly wouldn't be one of them. Hormone management being rather important to general and future health). Excess fat and obesity are not the same thing. Near irrelevant (other than being the cause of a disorder) as to a discussion of healthy body self-image and mental/psychological disorders surrounding bodyfat issues.
2. You do realise that your fear of obesity is the driving cause behind your body image struggle? We can hope, at least.
3. Obesity is a classification of physical state, anorexia nervosa (and its forms//variants) are mental health disorders.
4. And perhaps most absurd, you're assuming, implying or categorising me as obese, despite never seeing a picture of me and this is the kicker ... you think that has ANYTHING to do with your mental health?
There's how many people in here who have achieved a body that I would think you'd be satisfied with/close to (certainly @Lol , @Totentanz and others no doubt), but you have absolutely no regard or respect for freely given advice.
@Blade nailed it.