SCI's HST cycle


Deadlifts- 285x20
Bench- 170x20
Dips- (BW+35) x20

All loads are roughly 78% of 1rm. Getting heavy now, I love it. My arms are so pumped up it is difficult to even type this right now.

In the last few months my trapezius has become my best bodypart by far with all my devotion to high-rep deadlifts this year. I never had nor really cared about big traps, but now that I have them I love em. Look good in or out of a shirt.
My traps started goin' when I started consistently shrugging over 450.  Next to arms, traps are my favorite body part to work.

Nice MS deadlift, btw!
Like Slaps, my traps came out at extreme weights and high reps with them. For some reason, deads don't even hit them for me, so I'm doing shrugs on dead day. Haven't tried MS for deads yet; they might get involved then, but I don't know if that would be enough for development.
I've always considered traps, lats, and arms as or more important for a BB'er. You just don't look like a BB'er without them, and they certainly are what fills out a shirt. Lots of guys who don't lift have chests.
I've actually considered supersetting shrugs and deadlifts, so that halfway through a rep, while standing I do a shrug, then finish the second half of the rep. I might try that out next DL workout and see how much extra energy it uses because I want to make sure and keep good form.
(DanOz @ May 18 2007,04:45)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Even MS style, 20 rep deads have got to take it out of you! Does your form suffer at all?</div>
No, form is good. Yes, it is very demanding though, physically and mentally.
(UFGatorDude30 @ May 18 2007,09:42)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I've actually considered supersetting shrugs and deadlifts, so that halfway through a rep, while standing I do a shrug, then finish the second half of the rep.  I might try that out next DL workout and see how much extra energy it uses because I want to make sure and keep good form.</div>
I put too much into my deads to fool around with shrugs on them. It would just take too much away.
3 weeks into my test-cycle and the stuff is finally is hitting me full-blown. I got on the scale tonight and am 212! I know some of it simply food/water, but this is crazy. I have been hovering between 205 and 208 for the last couple of weeks. I didn't step on the scale for a couple of days and wham! 212. Pretty awesome.
(scientific muscle @ May 20 2007,01:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">3 weeks into my test-cycle and the stuff is finally is hitting me full-blown. I got on the scale tonight and am 212! I know some of it simply food/water, but this is crazy. I have been hovering between 205 and 208 for the last couple of weeks. I didn't step on the scale for a couple of days and wham! 212. Pretty awesome.</div>
Had you eaten enough during that time you would have gained weight without the juice.
(scientific muscle @ May 21 2007,03:01)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">When I am done with this cycle I will post my before and after pics...and new PRs.  I am no longer going to post my daily training here though.</div>
Ya see what happens when you go over to the dark side? We get the silent treatment!

So where are you posting then? Dan's site? I'll go and see...

Well, yes and no. Yes there's a thread similar to this one but it hasn't got any more up-to-date info than here.

Anyway, keep up the good work and do report back in a month or so.
I 'll report in from time to time. I am now working purely on intuition, doing some serious shoulder-health work and ramping up my sets in the big lifts. Frequenecy and volume are also intuitive recently.

Top lifts recently:
squats- 285x3
bench press- 205x2
standing press- 145x1 PR
DB Rows- 90sx5
As working in the sun is kicking my butt, ladders making my legs sore, and stress loading up, my instinctive system is failing: I don't feel able to workout after work and can't get into bed early enough. (crazy wife?)
I would be that with the right vitamins () - a guy would &quot;feel&quot; like hitting it hard and regular. I'd take the yohimbe, but it's tough enough to get to sleep as is. Age sux.
Pulled 375 pounds today. Double-overhand grip, no straps, just a belt. Technically this is a PR, but it wasn't that hard, and I am pretty sure I could pull 405 with a mixed grip. Just don't want to push myself too hard just yet.
That's awesome Sci. You will be joining the ranks of the Four-Hundreders very shortly.