SCI's HST cycle

(scientific muscle @ May 23 2007,21:09)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Pulled 375 pounds today.  Double-overhand grip, no straps, just a belt.  Technically this is a PR, but it wasn't that hard, and I am pretty sure I could pull 405 with a mixed grip.  Just don't want to push myself too hard just yet.</div>
Nice lift on the 375 - don't count your chickens on the 405 - post it when you've done it! That will be a great lift.
(scientific muscle @ May 24 2007,04:56)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'll do it next week then!
This cycle got royally ***ked. I am in the 7th week of my training cycle and it is not going anywhere like as planned. Without going into detail I ended up only being 'on' for weeks 3-6, and now I am out. Anyway, I have made some nice gains and PCT will be a breeze with such a low dosage and short cycle. I am currently around 206 and eating at maintenance. In a short time I will be cutting.
Even though the cycle got all screwed I got stronger and made some nice gains.
Legs are thick, pecs, delts, and traps got bigger. Arms and lats didn't make much visible progress. I should look really good once I cut down to about 190 and under 10% bf. Strength is up and I am simply maintaining right now on PCT.

To those who were watching my log...sorry it didn't go as planned. I will still post before and after pics at the end of the training cycle.
Sorry it didn't work out as planned, sci. On the bright side, if you didn't find the bulk all that rewarding, you are sure to find the cut rewarding
Certainly, no vitamins are needed to get shredded. Best of luck!
Damnit! I didn't even get 405 off the floor. I am not even sure what the weak link is, but I have a feeling its my glutes. I felt alot of tension developing in the hip area but it felt insufficient to get the weight moving. It is definitely a lack of hip strength, hopefully the squats back in my routine will help.
You 400+ deadlifters must have big asses!

Sometimes I wish I were just a bit shorter to have better leverage.

Oh well, I am typing in frustration, I guess I'll go back to it and deadlift 315 for as many reps as possible.
Yeah, we taller guys are at a bit of a disadvantage. I know short people who pull over 400 easily but surely don't look like they can even lift a soup can. It sucks, but oh well.

About the big ass comment... uh, yeah, that seems to be true. I get called &quot;big butt&quot; at work a lot.

Didn't you rack pull over 400 a while back?
Yeah, I can rack-pull 400, I guess since the hips are at a mechanical advantage. That extra bit of flexion in regular deadlift makes it that much harder. I may add platform deadlifts to help bring up this weak point.
I am in a terribly bad mood since failing the lift. It really pisses me off. I may even try Ed Coan's deadlift routine next. Its suppose to either greatly increase your deadlift or kill you in the process....
I want to keep focusing on deadlifts in my next routine as well. Maybe I'll take a look at that Ed Coan routine... what I was thinking for my next one was to take one day a week for deadlift training, and then do HST on the other two days. Or something along those lines. I think that would work, but who knows.
Believe it or not I am basically as 'big' as I want to be in the bodybuilder sense, and failing this lift made it even more apparent to me......
I WANT STRENGTH MUCH MORE THAN HYPERTROPHY! I am done with HST, SST from now on will be my focus. (more intensity/less frequency/etc.)
(scientific muscle @ May 30 2007,20:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Believe it or not I am basically as 'big' as I want to be in the bodybuilder sense, and failing this lift made it even more apparent to me......
I WANT STRENGTH MUCH MORE THAN HYPERTROPHY!  I am done with HST, SST from now on will be my focus. (more intensity/less frequency/etc.)</div>
i thought that was your goal all along? werent you simply gaining size (hopefully mostly muscle) in order to estab. a better foundation for power lifting?

it seems your quite disappointed with your prev. HST cycle espec. since you were supplementing but im not so sure you should be. you easily moved past the 200lb barrier you had trouble with as well as added both size and strength. your vitamin cycle was mild and brief indeed so your gains are primarily yours (natural) and that coupled with the fact youve been lifting for a little over a yr, id say your doing well.

it seems more like some very hi expectations with a little impatience thrown in thats giving you problems.

im far from an expert but id say for @ 1 year youve set the table nicely for a powerlifting future. it doesnt happen overnight (well for some it does, just not you or me) but 1 year is as close to &quot;overnight&quot; as it gets for avg. joes like us.

you should look to see if there is a power gym nearby. i realize it might not be for you but i think it would be worth a try if even for a few months. falling in with the right training crowd/gym could make a huge difference compared to going it alone with just your basement gym and the internet.

unless youve done that already, its worth a try.

good luck
thanks bluejacket, your post is really encouraging.

You are right, I am being an impatient ass. I have been lifting for only a year seriously and have made incredible gains. My expectations are high, its the way I have always been. But sometimes I need to count my blessings and set realistic goals.

I have done quite well and I am very happy with my physique. And for the gentically average, becoming very strong takes years. So I need to think long-term.
(scientific muscle @ May 31 2007,01:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Believe it or not I am basically as 'big' as I want to be in the bodybuilder sense</div>


Edited to say: Darn, you've replied to Blue's post while I was typing this!


Blue beat me to it but I was going to say:

I don't believe you Sci. Like Blue I think that seems like frustrated talk to me (sprinkled with a little impatience too perhaps?).

If you want to hit 500lb deads you are going to have to be bigger and I think that HST/MaxStim coupled with SST will get you there if you just hang in there.

Don't forget that you've also been setting up your own business recently which always takes its toll on the rest of you life (I know mine does). Give yourself a pat on the back, take a deep breath and lift that iron!  
You sound a lot like me. I started training because i wanted to get strong, after a few years (5-6?) I started appreciating the muscles I got as well and my training got more serious. Since i noticed that i gained muscle when I got stronger (doh?) I trained a lot with high weights and few reps and I also learned to eat. I noticed getting bigger got me stronger and going stronger gave me more muscle so I was shifting from wanting more muscle and wanting strength.
Now i think I want both, but ultimately strength is more important than muscle to me.

I´d rather look semi-muscular and have great strength than being big and lean with only decent strength.
(Morgoth the Dark Enemy @ Jun. 01 2007,18:44)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">De gustibus et coloribus non discutabunt(the last word may be misspelled, it`s been a while since I used latin)</div>
And now for the translation into a language I understand easier please.
(scientific muscle @ May 30 2007,19:06)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Damnit! You 400+ deadlifters must have big asses!

OK slapz, are you going to own up to having a big ass? I think pound for pound you may be the strongest deadlifter after stevejones, who has fessed up to having a big ass.
(liegelord @ Jun. 05 2007,02:40)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(scientific muscle @ May 30 2007,19:06)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Damnit!  You 400+ deadlifters must have big asses!

OK slapz, are you going to own up to having a big ass?  I think pound for pound you may be the strongest deadlifter after stevejones, who has fessed up to having a big ass.</div>
Ha! Honestly, I'm a pretty skinny guy for a p-lifter, and my ass is in proportion with the rest of me. I certainly don't need to go to the tailor to have my jeans taken out in the backside area!!