Should prohormones be classified legally in the same group as PCP, heroin, crack, and other Schedual III drugs?
[b said:Quote[/b] ]...this is the US version and the shameful editing is to be deplored. A couple of austrolipithicus (gasp) have sex. Like creatures have been doing for hundreds of millions of years. But in the US edition this scene is blurred out.
Are Americans so pitifully prudish that they can stomach to see thousands of unnnatural acts of people shooting and killing each other in myriads of ways, but can't stomach 2 seconds of the most natural act in the world, sex, which if it wasn't blurred out, people would see was masked my grass anyway?
yes which is why i believ that some kind of action MUST be taken. Whether that action should be a total ban or somekind of genuine governiong body type regulation im not sure.[b said:Quote[/b] (Cylus @ Oct. 29 2003,11:07)]You need a license to ride a motorcycle and be of age to both drink and smoke. Since everyone enjoys comparing these things, does that raise the question as to whether or not there should be an age requirement (or something similiar, license, test, informational class, etc...) on prohormones and the like? Should any legal substance with a dangerous potential, if used the wrong way, be subject to such requirements in order to prevent misuse?
At least in the cases you mention, you KNOW that you are potentially going to damage yourself because they're so mainstream, such that the harmful consequences are very apparent. Such is not the case of prohormones, imho.
[b said:Quote[/b] ]At least in the cases you mention, you KNOW that you are potentially going to damage yourself because they're so mainstream, such that the harmful consequences are very apparent. Such is not the case of prohormones, imho.
[b said:Quote[/b] ]At this point, where we already have the verdict on alcohol and smoke and yet nothing is being done, banning prohormones would be insulting our intelligence.
Hah, agreed! Crazy @$$ conundrum, ain't it? I'd prolly be more biased if I actively took them or planned on it but, at the moment, I'm mostly just interested in seeing how it turns out and how people defend the legality/morality of 'em[b said:Quote[/b] (micmic @ Oct. 29 2003,2:32)]So, we also have to make sure that we are mature to accept a prohibition and that it will actually be effective. And you know that the way things are, such a prohibition will be a joke![]()
I consider it a pretty clear clut violation of social contract.[b said:Quote[/b] (Bryan Haycock @ Oct. 28 2003,6:04)]Should prohormones be classified legally in the same group as PCP, heroin, crack, and other Schedual III drugs?
Theoretically again, you are correct. But I insist that it will lead to the "why-not-me" syndrome:[b said:Quote[/b] (RainierWolfcastle @ Oct. 30 2003,10:55)]I personally think that prohormones should be treated the same same as steriods and should be restricted. By restricted I mean.
* You need to have a doctors script to get it
* It should be relatively easy to get a doctors script
Steriods and prohormones have a very similar effect and this is why I think they should be treated the same. Steriods as a drug that are often abused, but if used correctly can be quite useful.
Making people go through a doctor will help reduce abuse. You still have the problem that most doctors are as dumb as a bucketful of nails but I think it is a step in the right direction.
That's a bit off topic (though I understand the why you bring it up). Nevertheless, please don't turn this thread into a debate about marijuana. That is a topic for other message boards.[b said:Quote[/b] (Arbitro @ Oct. 30 2003,9:31)]Should marijuana be legalized (gov't regulated, taxed, etc. etc.)?