Skipping 15's


New Member
Hi all!

I was wondering, should I still train 6+2 weeks if I skip the 15's on this my second HST cycle?

If I normally do this:

- 2 weeks the 15's
- 2 weeks the 10's
- 2 weeks the 5's
- 2 weeks negs

Should I now do:
- 3 weeks 10's
- 3 weeks 5's
- 2 weeks negs


- 2 weeks 10's
- 2 weeks 5's
- 2 weeks negs

I would be very pleasant if someone would tell me which choice would be the wisest one
[b said:
Quote[/b] (colby2152 @ July 25 2005,12:45)]ditto, but why would you skip the 15's?
In the original HST article Bryan said that if you don't have any joint problems etc., you may skip the 15's. And I don't have any injuries, so I would like to skip the 15's :)
i've skipped the 15s many times, and i must say that my results have been much better when i did them.
Door #3

2 weeks 10's
2 weeks 5's
3 to 4 weeks 5rm with negs, incrementing up if and when able.

Heavier weight contributes more to the anabolic effect of training. When working in the >90% 1RM the potential lasts a good while even if using the same load, so to extend the heavier portion of the cycle IMHO would be the best. The length of time is predicated by your ability to sustain strength, not effect joints, and your mental state. In other words as long as you feel good and you are getting stronger continue on. I would reduce the volume to one set for each exercise and concentrate on the larger lifts while minimizing the smaller muscle group movements.
I agree with Dan. If you're going to extend one of the rep ranges, it should definitely be the post-5s. As he said, you can just keep on going with them until your gains plateau. Though if your joints start hurting real bad, I would probably stop then.
I guess it is my turn to get advice too!

I did my 15's religiously and the 10's, the 5's when I skipped one day, the next workout I'd repeat what I missed
so I guess I have been a good boy

However :mad: even though I am growing very well
hopping to post some picks real soon, I get some real joint pains after training (most of the upper body joints) , this persists for a while until after I bath, after which it subsides a little, by the next day, it is hardly there!

Could this be that I am going too heavy?

I seem to be fine, maybe with exception of bench, and I am thinking of maybe trying doing just peck decks instead for a while to build up some strength in the meantime!

Most of the other exercises I do just dandy, chins for instance I am up to 29 Kgs for 5's (that is my middle boy hanging on my back while I do it, a much easier way than tying up dumbells etc

Or am I just getting old? Doubt it, I am not even 40 yet

Advice guys, advice!
Looks like I might have found the answer in a post by Dan mentioning Bryan:

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Decrease volume if : You are experiencing over use pain, and strain symptoms in joints and/or muscles.

The above is very much how I feel, Dan please confirm, should I do this, is it too much volume, I do mostly 2 sets (5's) stepping onto negs from tomorrow due to having missed one w/o (Good boy remember LOL
), therefore I repeated the weights of the missed session and did it as 5's.

The only lifts that take me a while are Squats/Deadlifts and bench, where I warm up well 'till I get to the target weight, xomething like 50% x 12 / 70% x 8 / 85% x 6 / target (100%) x 5, which takes time but feels right.

If anyone recommends less warmup sets, please give protocol!

(South African slang
, means....thank you)
Hi Fausto, what's up?

Anyway, I can only say you'll have to try the reduced volume to see how impacts both your joints and your growth.

Personally my joints give me problems because of 40 years of being stupid, elbows and knees mostly, but I have learned that my knee pain can be eased by going no lower than parallel in squats, my elbow discomfort is always there when I lift but goes away during SD  
. Unfortunately I am too ignorant to takes Bryan's advice on rehabbing the elbows as I don't wish to take the heavy work out of my cycle right, but that's my problem and I recognise it.

Read the last two posts in the FAQ
Selecting exercises and related topics, also some stuff on injury management Bryan's comments on elbows can be applied to other joints as well and I personally used it to rehab a strained pec minor once and my shoulders and I haven't had shoulder problems since ;)

Also read Steve McDermitt's stuff that he has posted about shoulder rehab it was pretty darn good advice.

Nothing too serious, mate! ;)

Just complaining I guess!
It is not that bad, but I realized when I read your thread answer to someone else, mentioning the vaery thing I am wondering about.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Personally my joints give me problems because of 40 years of being stupid, elbows and knees mostly, but I have learned that my knee pain can be eased by going no lower than parallel in squats, my elbow discomfort is always there when I lift but goes away during SD

Hey, at least you admitting it, some of us won't even go there! I find it heals and teaches one, when one admits stupidity, for one it shows that you definitely will not get into that trap again!

You see, now that I realize, I can tell I am doing two sets mostly and after the bench its a scream,
mostly 45 seconds rest between sets, and...move on. That too could be a problem, maybe more rest and less volume would fix the problem.

I am not quite willing to sacrifice my growth tough! But that with the weight I am lifting should be fine!

Thanks Dan