Slapshotz' SST journal

50 lb. DBs is my 1 rm for DB curls. I did 3 sets of 10 with 35s yesterday...wicked pump. I love dumbell curls, you can vary the wrist and grip while you curl, I start out with hammer grip and sometimes vary the angle slightly. I haven'y done any curling BUT dumbells in years.
Congrats on all the PB's! Wow, you are really strong on chins too. I may have to go to In & out this week for a double.

Guilt seems to really motivate you.
Q-Dood wrote:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">That is an awesome DB curl Slaps! Ya beat me! Somehow I'm sure you're hams and calves, lower back and head swing have something to do with that!!! Ha! I saw a kid at the gym a while back curling WAY over his abilities...he looked like someone who'd just hit his thumb with a hammer!</div>

Ah, you'd be surprised, Q-dood! My form was actually pretty good, although I was doing a slight mambo at the end to squeeze out an extra rep
. The form on my barbbell curl....well.....that's another story. I admitted to some swaying in the breeze on that one.

Sci Wrote:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I haven'y done any curling BUT dumbells in years.</div>

I always like to finish off my biceps workout with dumbbell curls. For some reason, I can never be completely with a biceps workout unless I get a pump.

Liege wrote:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Congrats on all the PB's! Wow, you are really strong on chins too. I may have to go to In &amp; out this week for a double. Guilt seems to really motivate you.</div>

Tks, liege! I'm suffering this morning, though, b/c of the double....DOMS all over the place, which I'm not used to.
The fact that guilt motivates me can be attributed to a Christian upbringing...d'oh!

Split Jerk:
95 - 8
135 - 4
155 - 2
175 - 1 ***PB@175
185 - 1 ***PB@185 - Goal Reached!
135 - 5

Barbbell Shrugs:
225 - 10
315 - 10
405 - 10
505 - 4 ***PB@505
545 - Static Hold (Previous static hold @ 535)
455 - 8 ***PB,455@8 Reps

***Rotator cuff work

NOTES: Lotsa PBs today, and even reached my goal for the split jerks!! But I can see the writing on the wall. I need a small SD.

When I was warming up, I felt sluggish as heck. As things went on, it got better, but it really took a lot of effort to get psyched for my big lifts, despite shooting for PBs. When I was done, I was zapped.

I think I'm going to take the next 4 days off from the weights, and make Saturday my next lifting day. I'll do two cardio sessions in the next 4 days, but no weights.

Next session is supposed to be chest, but if I feel up to it, I may try for the new PB deadlift, and skip chest this go-round. I'll have to think about it.

In any event, it was cool to finally hit my goal for split jerks, and pretty gnarley to hoist 545, even if I was just holding it there
Your strength is phenomenal for someone your size. It seems that your use of very intense, infrequent workouts works well for strength. I will probably try this when my HST cycle is done. I remember reading you only do the big lifts every other week or so, like deadlifts, squat, bench etc. Obviously it works wonders for strength in your case (but maybe not so hot for hypertrophy).
(scientific muscle @ Apr. 16 2007,19:54)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Your strength is phenomenal for someone your size.  It seems that your use of very intense, infrequent workouts works well for strength.  I will probably try this when my HST cycle is done.  I remember reading you only do the big lifts every other week or so, like deadlifts, squat, bench etc.  Obviously it works wonders for strength in your case (but maybe not so hot for hypertrophy).</div>
Excellent observations, Sci.

First off, thanks for the props (as my bud Q-dood would say!)

I'm training entirely for strength right now, as you said...but I'm also cutting at the same time, which makes my program a bit of an anomoly.

The only major lift that I do every other week right now is the deadlift...everything else is still once per week, or once every ten days, depending on how many days I take off in between workouts. This is because those ME deadlift days really take a lot out of me...more so than any other lift.

And you're correct in your statement about this type of training and hypertrophy. The two simply don't mix very well. However, I have been able to maintain most of my LBM while cutting. I have ranged between a 1:3 and 1:4 lbm/fat loss ratio so far.

If you ever decide to train for strength, I highly recommend doing so during a period where you are cutting. Part of the key to strength training, at least for me, is to trick the CNS into still thinking that it needs to hang on to lbm despite the reduced caloric intake &amp; increased cardio. I can't prove the mechanics, but my gut tells me that relentlessly pursuing strength goals during a cut can work loads better than the high-volume approach typically recommended for that purpose.

If the volume is high, you can't lift as heavy. If you can't lift as heavy, and you are cutting calories and increasing cardio, lbm is going to drop like a ton of bricks (at least it will for those whose genetics are not of the kick-a$$ mine!
That's been my experience, anyway.

Ed Coan (one of the strongest powerlifters ever) uses a routine like that. He does something like Monday-Squat, Wednesday-Bench, Friday-Deadlift.

Very SST, Ed coan is small for his strength. He can outlift almost anyone even 100 lb.s more than him. I will definitely keep this idea in my mind. After I have added some more size, I will try an Ed Coan type SST routine as I prepare for powerlifting.
Sci wrote:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">After I have added some more size, I will try an Ed Coan type SST routine as I prepare for powerlifting.</div>
Sounds like a good move to me!

Liege wrote:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Congrats on the PB's! Are those shrugs done strict?</div>

Tks, Liege! The shrugs were pretty strict. I did about 7 reps, but only 4 were good, so that's what I counted. At this point, it's all about baby steps
I'm glad to see that our endless emails have proven out! My next cut will be heavy as well, with low volume.
Now get back to HST and put on some MEAT bro!
(quadancer @ Apr. 18 2007,21:38)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm glad to see that our endless emails have proven out! My next cut will be heavy as well, with low volume.
Now get back to HST and put on some MEAT bro!  
Jeez....always trying to fatten me up!

The next month is going to be wickedly hard to gain further PRs, I'm afraid...I know I'm down a couple pounds, and now seriously close to my BF goals, but for the first time in awhile, I'm starting to feel the lethargy that comes from an extended cut.

I'm not totally exhausted like last time, but there is an element of fatigue in there that's hard to ignore. My mini decon is almost over, and tomorrow it's back to the gym.

I may just shoot to get around 8% even, and leave it at that. 7's would have been nice, but I'm just not ready to do this into June, should it be required. We're moving next month, and with all the hoop-la surrounding that, my diet may suffer a tad.

In any event, I'm going to ride the fat loss train into May, as originally planned....and I'll still be shooting for those PRs!

Barbbell Bench Press

95 - 20
135 - 10
185 - 5
225 - 5
300 - 1 negative
315 - 1 negative
335 - 1 negative
225 - 7

**On the 335s, I did something kind of neat. I hoisted the weight off of the rack, and re-racked it. I did that a few times before doing the negative...just to get the feel of the weight. After that, 225 felt feather light (of course, stamina gave out after the 7th rep

Weighted Dips

BW+45 - 10
BW+45 - 10

***Plus 2 sets of pushdowns

NOTES: Overall, I'm pretty pleased with the effort. Getting stronger at this point is going to be challenging, as I'm still in a caloric deficit, but I'm just gonna keep on keepin' on.
(Slapshotz @ Apr. 21 2007,11:25)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Overall, I'm pretty pleased with the effort. Getting stronger at this point is going to be challenging, as I'm still in a caloric deficit, but I'm just gonna keep on keepin' on.</div>
When it gets tough, cluster or use max-stim.
Russ wrote:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Good work, strength training is the shite... </div>

Thanks, Russ! It sure is...this is the most fun I've had lifting, ever!

Liege wrote:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">When it gets tough, cluster or use max-stim.</div>

Liege, I think I may have to switch to max stim sooner than I had originally planned...but I'm trying not to be too hasty with the changes b/4 I give my negative/partial/static plan a chance to work. It may be a dud, but I've only tried it for a couple workouts now.

But if I find that the &quot;wall&quot; I've hit is several feet higher by the end of the first week of May, I'm going the route of max stim. Trouble is, MS is always talked about in conjunction with hypertrophy/caloric excess. I'm not sure how effective it would be in a state of caloric deficit. Any ideas? Whatever I do, the volume has to be kinda light. I'll re-read the MS manual again over the weekend and see if I can glean any nuggets.
Max-stim is not only for hypertrophy, it is simply a way to manage fatigue in your training. It works excellent for powerlifting/strength..much like doing singles.

Work's been nuts, and I've been feeling under the weather...NOT a good combo

Tomorrow, I'll get my butt back in the gym. I'm so far behind on everyone's log, I'll need a few hours to catch up on it all (which I don't quite have to spare yet...d'oh!)