
I've never experienced shrinkage with sdrol, done a couple of cycles of it in the past. Didn't experience the kidney pain that some complain of, guess I'm suited to it.
Testicle shrinkage is usually only something you see on longer cycles, like 10-16 week cycles. Even then, not necessarily going to happen.
Yeah they grow back, LOL. You should look into PCT though to prevent problems since after cycle your natural (and external source) t-levels are virtually gone for awhile.
You can also take HCG during your cycle to prevent shrinkage, and supposedly that keeps some of your natural test going still as well. HCG is not generally appropriate during PCT though, only during cycle.
I started the M-Drol on Wednesday and for the last 2 nights I slept like crap. Night sweats and weird-ass dreams like I’m on acid. Is typical or possible side effect from this stuff? I’m only taking 1 pill a day.
(Totentanz @ May 10 2007,22:55)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You can also take HCG during your cycle to prevent shrinkage, and supposedly that keeps some of your natural test going still as well.  HCG is not generally appropriate during PCT though, only during cycle.</div>
I know nothing about drugs, so I`m asking as a stupid Joe:doesn`t HCG desensitize the testes to LH?Dose you should be fairly conservative with it(say 250 I.U.s)?
Yes, too much HCG is definitely not a good thing. You do see guys doing like 1000 IUs which is definitely not good... unless specifically prescribed by a doctor for some reason, (though I don't know of too many doctors who prescribe HCG) but for the purpose here you could probably do 250 IUs once or twice week. I have no personal experience with this, but it seems like 250 IUs twice a week should be plenty to prevent testicular shrinkage. I really don't think daily dosing is necessary, but some of the bro-chodes out there would disagree.
Using HCG post-cycle is kind of dumb. Guys use it to reverse testicular atrophy... uh... why not

But anyway, if any of you are seriously curious about it, you should probably do your own research on it.
I think Swale is one of the most autorithative voices when it comes to PCT. He has written on HCG extensively. What`s beyond retarded(I think, I dunno about drugs) is to do the huge 5000/10000 IU post cycle once in order to &quot;get the boys runnin&quot;.
(Totentanz @ May 10 2007,20:29)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Testicle shrinkage is usually only something you see on longer cycles, like 10-16 week cycles. Even then, not necessarily going to happen.</div>
I can't agree with you on this statement. Shutdown generally occurs after 14 days of being &quot;on&quot;. Hence the reasoning for blade's 2on/2off.

The boys will shrink much before the 10 week mark!

(of coarse the above depends on dosage and drug, but shutdown generally happens at about 2 weeks unless you are on such a low dose that it doesnt do anything.)
I'm not arguing anything about shutdown. I'm stating that testicular shrinkage does not always occur, and definitely not with short cycles. Just because your test is supressed does not necessarily mean you are going to experience shrinkage. Many guys report minimal, if any, testicular shrinkage on standard test cycles. Of course they are supressed, despite the fact that they haven't noticed shrinkage.
...and truthfully, supression begins long before the 2 week mark, regardless of drug used, even Anavar causes quick surpression despite the common notion that Anavar does not do this.

Personally, on my Winstrol cycle that I did a couple years ago, I was on for a while during my cut and never experienced any shrinkage at all.