

New Member
I had my first workout monday of HST. I feel good today, hams are a little sore from the SL Deads, no biggy. Im thinking about supersetting some of the workout, something like:
Squats alone
SL Deads alone
Incline Dumbell Bench w/ Chins
Flat bench w/ Barbel Bent over Row
shrug w/side raise
barbell curl w/ skullcrushers
rear delt w/ abs (rope pulldown)
calves w/ barbell wrist curl

This all should be done around ~45mins tops
Any opinions?
Yeah, I superset too, otherwise I feel it'll take too long. I don't think it's hurting anything. Could be wrong though, but I'm going to keep supersetting until someone tells me its a bad idea. BTW those are basically my exact supersets.
I've always done them. This is my second real cycle, after taking about 6 months off from HST. I did my actual 2nd cycle after the first, but I missed workouts and such, so I didn't count it.
I used them in my first one and put on about 3/4 in to both my arms. And that is without any care to diet.
I'm doing it again now with good diet, so I'll tell you how that turns out when I'm done. Looks good so far, 1 week of 15s and 1 day of 10s and 1/2 on both arms already (not all muscle, pump, but still).
Nothing wrong with supersetting, guys. Bryan himself said in another thread that he almost always supersets to save time.
Suppersetting is the #### guys.

Saves time, gets to devel;op two parts or two different muscles quicker than one at a time.

Aspen, Zero, I am with you guys all the way, keep it up!

Aspen results look good especially in the last two cycles.

I have dropped soome and restarted some, it kinda goes wit the flow.

Again - saves time and gets the job done
Man, had my second day of training last night. Supersets are awesome. I've always done my squats, SL deads, and bent over rows with my shoes off...feels more stable for some reason. I had a guy come up to me (only a few guys in the gym from 9:30pm-10:30) and ask me why I was doing the same stuff he saw me do monday? Said I was gonna be burnt out in a week or so.  

Anyway, according to the calculator, I was suppose to squat 225 for 15... I was huffing around 10 lol. Every other excercise I can hit the 15 no prob.
edit: Also, slamming my 80g dextrose 40g protein shake right after workout, approx 10:30pm. Finding it hard to fall asleep around midnight...sugar rush anyone?
nothing wrong with supersets as long as no one jumps on your bench while your doing another exercise...

Also, slamming my 80g dextrose 40g protein shake right after workout, approx 10:30pm. Finding it hard to fall asleep around midnight...sugar rush anyone?

try mixing some oats instead of dextros good luck. :D

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Also, slamming my 80g dextrose 40g protein shake right after workout, approx 10:30pm. Finding it hard to fall asleep around midnight...sugar rush anyone?

That is way late for taking so much sugar, take that amount of dextrose with creatine before your workout, although I'd much prefer complex carbs, that dextrose unless it is mixed with creatine will not sustain you for very long

(ah, ah, ah)
 squats? 15? No wonder you were puffing that sugar rush, should have rather been there then

Follow the HST recommendation:

Protein with high carbs before workout (about 1 hour at least)
Protein with low carbs after workout (within the 1/2 hour) then within the next 1 hour after that a good meal.

Training that late cannot be good for you mate! Can't you do something about it?