
I would like to promote HST by wearing a t-shirt or muscle T. Any chance they will be sold again? I am sure at least a limited edition printing would sell out. Or they could be pre-ordered.
put me down for three...one for each workout/week.
Here's a website.


You design a shirt online. They print it and ship it to you. You can upload images to them, so you could send them the HST logo from the website.


All you should need is Bryan's permission.
I made this on their web site. Didn't process the order. It doesn't really exist.

Of course you'd clean up the logo a little with some software, but you get the idea.
(Runjor @ Apr. 17 2007,12:40)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">i would buy one or two myself.</div>
Well, maybe I should look into it...I still wear mine all the time.
I'd buy a few. T-shirts would be great for wearing around, but for workouts a sleeveless shirt would be better. I'm no where near the biggest guy around here, but get a good pump and sleeves start to bind on you.
Grey rocks, and I agree that sleeves are a bother with some exersizes.
Tanks would be a popular choice. Maybe a tatoo or two...
Sorry about the yellow in my example. I noticed the logo has gold in it, so I tried to match that.

Grey or black would be cool.
I would prefer black. Doesn't show the stains that way. I sweat an inordinate amount, so... light colored = bad