tell me if this is ok


New Member
I read on another website about different variations of HST. The one I am thinking of doing :

Workout A (Example)
Incl Filies
DB Rows
Lat PUlls
Shoulder DB raises Side and rear
Ovrhd DB Ext
BB Curls
Flat BB Bench

Workout B
Leg press
Inc Bench
DB Pullovers
Milt Press
Tri PRess downs
Cnctration curls DB
FLat Flies

Then on Monday do workout A
Wed Workout B
Fri workout A
Monday workout B

and so on
I am not experienced with HST, but I am wondering what your question is.

Your routine is similar to what I am doing (changing some of the exercises.) Others here on the forum said it was a good way to do a cycle as I get to change up the exercises.

One thing I do that is different is I share two exericses between my A and B workouts: shrugs & lat pulldowns (I hate seated rows anymore)

what I was saying is that every workout is going to be changed but the muscle is not. Like on MOnday I would do leg press then wed, I would still do legs but this time squats. I was going to switch it up but now that I think abotu it. I am going to do workouts A for 1 week then change to workout B.
I dunno- I think you have a good workout here- Why did you change your mind and base your switch offs on a week rather than every other w/o?
Well, and I may be wrong about this but thsi is what I think.

After so long of doing the same weight you muscles get used to the same movement. I figured by switching them up I would stop that from happening. But, I thought about it and I think doing it every workout is not good becaue after a while you muscles will get use to that. I THINK. Then you would have to come up with a 3rd routine to "trick" them even more.

If you do it on a weekly basis you muscles will not get use to them and you can use only the two routines instead of have to find a third one. I could be wrong about this. But, I am just going to switch every week. I have one more day of workout A then I will be going to workout B for another week.
You don't need to try to trick your muscles. With HST, you increase the weight every workout - this is progressive load. Progressive load is sufficient to keep your muscles growing. Alternating exercises is not necessary at all, though you can do it if you really want to. If this is your first HST cycle, I would recommend not alternating exercises. Do the same routine 3 times a week, increasing the weight each workout as prescribed by the basic HST setup.

I am with Tot here, keep things simple

And add dead lifts to w/o B either stiff legged or full romanian deads, you will thank your body for doing so.