Testo Levels and facial hair...


New Member
I wasnt sure where to place this post, but i figured why not here?

Im currently 21 years old and i cant grow a beard at all, its quite weird, but I`ve tested my testo-level with my doctor one year ago and he said the it was normal and it has nothing to do with testo levels, and he also said I didnt have any physical signs of low testo..

My testo-level was 11.7, and i have read that it should be between 9 and 35, but then again when i tested it was in a perod where I was eating poorly, working alot, and maye overtraing..

Does anyone know much about signs of low-testolevels?
and especially about the whole thing about testo vs. facial hair?
facial hair patterns are largely genetic. I have some american indian blood, (my great, great grandmother was native american, and also someone on my mom's side too I think). Most native american's can't grow facial hair, and though I am over 90% european, caucasian blood, I can only grow a thin beard on my chin and that is about it, and I am 28! I don't know much about test-levels, but your doctor is right, don't worry about the beard. I save a ton of money on razors, I only have to shave like 3 times a week and it takes me no time!
Also I have no hair on chest or back, so I naturally look like a waxed bodybuilder!
Hair growth is genetic like SM said, not indicative of test levels. I couldn't grow a full beard when I was 21, it only grew in patches. Now I'm 26 and I have to shave at least daily, twice a day if I want to look clean shaven all day long. I used to have no hair at all on my chest, except a small trail, now I have hair everywhere. My point is that you can't really determine a lot about hair growth at 21.
(scientific muscle @ Oct. 12 2006,21:02)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Also I have no hair on chest or back, so I naturally look like a waxed bodybuilder!</div>
Ah! That explains it Sci. I thought you had gone to the trouble of a full body shave just for your avatar.
Men's Nair works better and is easier than shaving. Just don't get it on your nipples or it burns like crazy.
As posted earlier. Facial hair is mostly genetic and nto much to do with testo. You can have high testo-levels and still no beard to talk about. But I think that if you get higher testo leves your beard will increase some.
I myself have just some thin beard on my chin and some on my upper lip, a small patch on the chest and small thin patches on each upper arm, but thats about it
(Im 25)
I come from Norway, and up here most guys my age has got heavy facail hair growth..

But I guess its the musclemass that count when to determine how much of a man you are

I that case I dont have much competition around here anyway, most of them are all a bunch of alcoholic non-training smokers
By the way. Freezing a lot will make you grow hair all over your body. Thats why anorectic people often get more body hair since they are cold so often due to low metabolism.

Just stand 1 hour naked in the cold every day and the hair will start coming sooner or later lol
(Sniggel @ Oct. 13 2006,15:53)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">By the way. Freezing a lot will make you grow hair all over your body. Thats why anorectic people often get more body hair since they are cold so often due to low metabolism.

Just stand 1 hour naked in the cold every day and the hair will start coming sooner or later lol
, funny Sniggel!
I was just about to post on this topic!! I recently noticed that I am shaving more often. I had always only needed to shave twice per week. I just have very light facial hair growth. But in the past month or so, I've had to start shaving every other day. I mean I need to -- it looks really bad if I don't. Not sure of the sudden change, but wondered if training could increase test, increasing the growth rate?
(Sniggel @ Oct. 13 2006,23:53)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">By the way. Freezing a lot will make you grow hair all over your body. Thats why anorectic people often get more body hair since they are cold so often due to low metabolism.

Just stand 1 hour naked in the cold every day and the hair will start coming sooner or later lol
Maybe Ill try that sniggel, but Ill cover up my back, dont want no heavy growth of hair on my back
(Owndawg @ Oct. 14 2006,12:54)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Sniggel @ Oct. 13 2006,23:53)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">By the way. Freezing a lot will make you grow hair all over your body. Thats why anorectic people often get more body hair since they are cold so often due to low metabolism.

Just stand 1 hour naked in the cold every day and the hair will start coming sooner or later lol
Maybe Ill try that sniggel, but Ill cover up my back, dont want no heavy growth of hair on my back
Good luck!
When I was 17 I had average hair growth but then I started working out heavily and I got a &quot;swollen&quot; and &quot;sore&quot; nipple. I went to the doctor and he said it wasn't swollen, it was a breast growth from having really high test. I asked him how can THAT grow a breast and he said my body started producing more estrogen too, to council out the test. He said it would eventually go away but I didn't trust that so I stopped working out (in fear that triggered everything somehow) and it did go down but its never really gone away.

Right after that I got a lot of hair all over my body and I go through at least 1 razor a week unless I want to grow it out. It gets expensive, especially considering I use the &quot;Fusion&quot; variety of razors.
(Owndawg @ Oct. 13 2006,14:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I come from Norway, and up here most guys my age has got heavy facail hair growth..

But I guess its the musclemass that count when to determine how much of a man you are

I find the measure of a man is not size at all. Many BB'ers are total buttheads, which gives us all a bad name.
Show me a little guy who treats his wife with respect, has a sense of honor, dignity, morality, is a good father, and can walk away from a fight or use tact to avoid them. Such things are the measure of a real man.

Anybody can be angry, self-absorbed, proud, boastful, egotistical, etc.

Regardless of character though, I do respect the efforts of anyone who succeeds in the iron game. It's a tough sport.