The Essential Borge Fagerli (Blade)


Myo-reps - an Evolution and Revolution - Part 1
Myo-reps, revolution continues, Part 2 - Training Amount
Myo-reps part 3 - progression
Myo-reps - Part 4: Basic Version
(Børge A. Fagerli @ Mar. 04 2009)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The fundamental premise: Fiber Activation

In addition to Dan Moore and his MaxStimulation, I will give a great deal of credit for the development of Myo-reps method to the Swedish researcher Mathias Wernbom. He is perhaps best known as one of the main characters behind the comprehensive review of all relevant studies ever published on training for strength and hypertrophy, in which the variables exercise frequency, strain and the quantity was summarized. (1)

Wernbom is also the one who has seen the so-called occlusion effect (2), based on the Japanese Kaatsu studies where a trykkmansjett (similar to that used when measuring blood pressure) around the arms or legs have been able to induce dramatic increases in muscle mass on light weights down to 20% of 1 rep max (1RM), and in some cases just by going on the treadmill! Similar studies have shown 10-20% increases in muscle cross-section even for advanced lifters after only 2-4 weeks of training (3.4).

It's fairly accepted that one must train with heavy weights to achieve increases in strength and muscle mass, so what is the explanation for this phenomenon? Yes, fresh reports and studies, including the researcher Mathias Wernbom have been involved, as seen in the context of a long list of other studies that make up the pieces of the puzzle, pointing in the direction of the maximum fiber activation / recruitment is essential for maximum activation of the signals that are involved in both muscle growth and adaptations in the nervous system for strength gains.

There are three ways to achieve full activation. (There is strictly speaking more, but these are the ones of most practical value and relevance for Myo-reps method):

1. Lifting a light weight explosive. Also known as speed training. As long as you accelerate the weight maximum, you can come reasonably close to 100% activation. Torque, however, takes over pretty quickly, and you want to keep the reflective back of the rod is not going to fly into the air. Muscle experience thus maximum activation only in a short pulse (period) in a few milliseconds. One way to extend the impulse is to use elastic bands or machines, which progressively increasing workload throughout the movement and thus may require you to maintain acceleration.
2. Lift a heavy weight of approximately 5-6RM or heavier, and attempts to lift as explosively as possible. Although the movement is slow it will be as a result of stress achieve maximum fiber activation. Heavier weights lifted primarily by nerve impulses are coordinated, and not by increased fiber activation.
3. Lift light to moderate weight, or close to exhaustion. Muscle Fiber Activation follows the so-called &quot;size-principle&quot; in which the most persevering and weakest activated first, and then activated the larger and stronger muscle fibers as it is needed. When you reach one fatigue point generated is not sufficient voltage from the activated muscle fibers to that weight can be lifted. Fatigue can be neural - which among other things, involves a reflexive inhibition in the central and peripheral nervous systems of nerve impulses to muscles in order to avoid overloading. There will also be varying degrees of metabolic fatigue, the accumulation of H + ions and shortage of ATP (the primary source of energy that must be recycled for further muscle activity can occur).

To make a long story short all indications pointing in the direction of the No. 3 is the primary reason that so-called occlusion / Kaatsu-training is so effective.

Occlusion with a trykkmansjett reduces blood flow to muscles, and the physiological response to oxygen deficiency arising (hypoxia) is that we achieve the full fiber activation much faster. Thus, we can replicate this effect by training with the continuous span of the muscle to fatigue, even with light weights but still at least 50-60% strain (the most able 20-25 reps on this charge).

Wernbom has even performed EMG measurements on Myo-reps, and even with loads as light as 50-60% of 1RM as he pulses in fiber activation that corresponded to what one sees on 5RM heavy loads!

In order to maximize fiber activation, we can therefore conclude that you must avoid resting too long in the top or bottom position of an exercise, decrease the weight-controlled (2-3 seconds) and lifting as explosive as possible (but still under control). Under certain circumstances it may be an advantage with an isometric contraction or &quot;stop&quot; in the bottom position of varying duration (1-5 seconds), but you will therefore not rest or lose tension in the muscle.

Next point is that we must maintain maximum activation so that each successive repetition is &quot;efficient&quot; - that is, expose all the activated muscle fibers of the burden and thus leads to a maximum signal response and the training effect.

How are we doing this? Yes, we will take only a short break before we continue, and by the rapid recycling of ATP, one can continue with the series of 1.5 reps of the same strain. It is therefore important to find a correct relation between fatigue and full fiber activation, for we know that too much fatigue will limit the heavy weights, we can lift and how many total reps, we can expose the muscle for. So there is a delicate balancing act - just NOK fatigue that we maintain close to 100% fiber activation, but not so much that we can not continue.

Therefore we will from now on be more aware of Reps RATE, or how explosive we can lift the weight. This in itself is of course to provide full fiber activation, but once reps slowed noticeably from one rep to the next we will begin tipping over the edge of too much fatigue. If we manage to keep us at this point rather than to transcend it, it's as if we can continue to run the reps for ages on some exercises. In the middle of a Myo-reps set, you can actually find that you are more explosive than in the beginning, an interesting neurological phenomenon.

This must of course be based on a subjective and honest self-assessment of both the reps and the speed in which subjective &quot;hard&quot; you must push yourself to complete the series, and embedded in Myo-reps, it is therefore added to something I call Attrition point, which we shall return in part 2</div>

MyRevolution Health &amp; Fitness Concept - diet
Advanced Concept - diet!
(Børge A. Fagerli @ Nov. 20 2009)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">This forms the basis for the Advanced Concept

By looking at the training session as the primary trigger, and take into account what happens in the short term and longer term in the consumption of various food topics, there will be a logical sequence of stages that look like this:

1. Immediately after the training - carbohydrate intake is limited, protein intake is kept high, fats from eggs, meat and fatter milk products. Fat sources will for the first 1.2 meals based more on one-and polyunsaturated fats. We call this protein phase.
2. As glycogen stores are filled up, and insulin sensitivity is reduced, the protein intake also decreases, fat intake will also be reduced, and primarily come from one-and polyunsaturated fats (especially omega-3). Based on how many meals you have before your next workout, you will increase your carbohydrate intake to ensure the re-filling of glycogen stores. We call this karbfasen.
3. Carbohydrates can be gradually reduced until the next training session, and a recent study spoke in favor of periodic fasting protocol, and suggest that you do not absolutely have to eat breakfast if you exercise early, and not have to eat within 2-4 hours before exercise. As long as you have filled up the glycogen stores the day before - or earlier in the day if you train late - so there may be advantages to have low insulin and aminosyrenivåer a period before exercise.
4. Previous studies have shown that the intake of carbohydrates and amino acids just before or just after, or - but not an hour before training - gave higher protein synthesis after exercise.

Since there are so many variables that determine how much to eat from each food course you should consider the following guidelines only as guidelines. As the Health &amp; Fitness Concept, we will also use the Advanced Concept hunger, but here it is used to determine how much to eat for each meal and how many meals you will eat. Be sure to take in mind how much you have trained and been in activity during the day, but you will soon see that hunger is a surprisingly accurate indicator. Consider also that when you have more fat on the body that can be mobilized as energy, you will need less calories to meet energy needs. Rather, let your body using both stored fat and incoming calories for muscle building and recovery. When fat percentage is lower the insulin sensitivity increase, fat mobilization will be lower and you will both be more hungry and suffer a higher carbohydrate intake.</div>
Thanks abanger. The translators work just about well enough to get the gist of the articles.

Børge's Myo-rep training is something I will be trying for smaller bodyparts and certain exercises first. It will obviously work (just as Max-Stim and HST both work) but how well it works will depend to a degree on the trainees ability/desire to train close to failure for much of the time. Not everyone will take to this style of training. I actually quite like the idea. It doesn't encourage training to failure like HIT, which I always found to be detrimental to my training as I kept getting colds (I put that down to the fact that my CNS was being hammered into submission to often). It takes elements that I liked from Dan's Max-stim but allows the use of lighter loads and higher reps (at least at the start of a cycle) while still achieving full fibre recruitment for a long enough time. Ultimately, it's success or failure for a trainee will depend on how much weight can be added to the bar over time, so load is still king.

I think, if I'm understanding the 'Googlation' correctly, that Børge does not recommend Myo-reps for squats or deads. However, it is interesting that a set of milk squats/breathing squats/widowmaker squats, whatever you want to call them, turns out to be quite a good example of Myo-reps in action (assuming you are using a load which is around your 10RM). I can see why he wouldn't recommend them!
I've been using Myo-reps and Max Stim hybrids for most of my exercises the last few months, and the gains in size and strength are mind blowing!

I train &quot;whole body&quot; twice a week, either every 3-4 days for a 7 day cycle or 4-5 days for a 9 day cycle. Two 7 day cyles followed by two 9 day cycles and repeat.
Well I don't really train my upper directly all that much.

And most of my exercises, especially calf raises and Good mornings jump up 3 reps on the activation set every time I increase the load 5%!

On calf raises, 5 plates on the machine was my starting work weight,  2 months ago, now it's a my warmup weight on the way to 10 plates, and next session 11

With Good mornings I topped off at 275x5 training normally, at that time I could low bar fullsquat 375x5, then I decided to try Myo-rep them. I started at 225x8+3+3+2+2 on the 30th May. With 1-2 reps in the tank on the initial set. On the 15th of July I hit 265x8+3+3+2+2. I've also done 245x11+3+3+2+2
Every time I hit 11 reps on the initial set I go up 10lbs next session and drop back to 8 reps, and the next session I usually hit 11. So I'm expecting a 265x11+3+3+2+2 next week  
Needless to say my glutes and spinal erectors all the way up the back have blown up big time!

I've just started squatting again after a 3 month break due to knee issues, tight rectus femoris. And my GM feels easier than my squats right now! So I'm itching to Myo-rep them to get ratios back to where they should be, ie 75%.... I should be able to smash my previous best by a large margin!

Not only that, but I've actually been leaning up all this time. Lost 1.5 inches off my waist and bodyweight has gone from 207 to 200lbs.

IMO nothing approaches the strength and size increases of Myo-Reps rest pause style approach!!
When I started training I did 3 times a week whole body HIT style systems, and I would gain only 1 rep each session, and 2 reps on the giant set weeks, sorta like rest pause I suppose. Even in the last few years with regular 5x5, and other normal training approaches, 1 rep a session gain is the most, so to gain 3 reps a session with Myo-reps is amazing!

Maybe I just jive well with Myo-reps. The workout feel so short and I leave with so much more energy left in the tank. Although it can be mentally taxing with such exercises like GMs. The gains make the effort worth it though  
The concept of myo-reps and recent evidence on TUT leads me to believe that the &quot;secret formula&quot; lies largely within the principle of physics. Unarguably, biomechanics plays a major role in maximizing fiber activation. Surely, it's just a matter of time until hypertrophy is explained purely by a set of mathematical equations.  
Myo Reps is something that could be easily incorperated into HST, 1 set then do Myo-reps to the same amount of reps (15 +15, 10 +10, 5 +5).  I like HST with 12,10,8,6,4
SO I wouuld do as an example
of the first week

12 +4 +3 +3 +2

I wouuld imagine he doesn't recommend them for squats and deads because of the risk of injury to the smaller muscles involved in the movements, just a guess.  Personally I like rest pause for the big movements.  You could do leg presses and use myo-reps since it is a little less stressful on the lower back.
Uhn... this Myo-Reps stuff sounds really interesting and now I'm interested in trying it. Are there more sources of information on this, preferably non google translated?
You could always ask Blade about it directly over on his site. He has a forum there with an International section. His English is very good so if you enquired about Myo-reps there I'm sure he would point you in the right direction.
(omega99 @ Jul. 22 2009,11:28)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The concept of myo-reps and recent evidence on TUT leads me to believe that the &quot;secret formula&quot; lies largely within the principle of physics. Unarguably, biomechanics plays a major role in maximizing fiber activation. Surely, it's just a matter of time until hypertrophy is explained purely by a set of mathematical equations.  
I dunno about TUT

I even rest up to 30secs between mini-sets
But one thing for sure the perceived level of effort in the mini-sets is like doing a 90% effort level lift, even the weight feels heavy in on your back like a 90% lift!

the intial set wipes out and fatigues all the slower fibers, they're still knocked by the time you do the mini-sets. This forces your body to recruit any unfatigued high threshold fibers and force them to adapt. And the slower fibers only get one signifcant bout of stimulus before they are knocked out. Selective hypertrophy in a sense

This is how I see it
Loads in the 70% range do not recruit all fibers until near the end of an all out set
if I use a load at 70%, about a 10RM, and stop 1-2 reps short of failure, the high threshold fibers haven't been really needed to be called in, and if they are they're not worked enough to be fatigued.

Now I rest 10-30secs to recharge ATP, and do those mini-sets. It feels hard and a triple is near limit. For a 70% load to feel like that, perceived effort of a 90% of 1RM load, a large % of the muscle fibers must have been fatigued. And it won't be the really high threshold fibers, because we stopped short of failure. So it means the slower end and intermediate range fibers have been fatigued

Sure some of the slower fibers will have recovered to rejoin the effort, but a lot of them won't have, otherwise you would be able to do a lot more than 3 reps
You get the benefits of full fiber activation and high rate coding of lifting at 85-90% of 1RM, but without the same risks, plus with enough volume to force the body to adapt

contrast with regular multi-set and long rest protocols, the slower fibers get a chance to recover and join the fun on each set and you expose them to greater levels of stimulus and also consume more energy
Less energy consumed in a workout = more energy left for the body to adapt to the stimulus after the workout.
I rarely crack 150g of protein, and I'm leaning up right now. I don't take any supps, and gains have been mind blowing  
I posted this in another thread; thot it pertinent here:
Actually, Myoreps is more like the old Progressive Rest Pause than MS, although all 3 use the same weight throughout and all use pauses. In Progressives, you go to near failure in each set but start with 5 secs M-time and add 5 seconds each set up to 30 seconds. Twice in a week is too much.
Our chest day with MyoReps was off the hook! Now I'm wondering how to use them. I mean, every other workout, or every time or third workout or...? I guess I'll have to spend some time this weekend studying the links. I appreciate you guys posting your experiences with this. This is another awesome system!
This sounds like a great method. I will defintiely try it. If I don't like it for some reason, I will go bakc to regular max-stimulation training, but this sounds even more efficient to me so far. Using continuous reps to recruit more muscle fiber during the mini-sets later on. Basically Blade (Borge) found a very efficient way to make as many EFFECTIVE reps as possible without wasting vital energies on wasteful lifts, and overtaxing the body needlessly. In that sense it is very similar to max-stim, were Dan's is using m-time instead to increase volume and decrease fatigue and thus make the set more efficient.

Honestly though, Borge's idea if Myoreps sounds even more efficient to me. Instead of taking a break every rep, Borge uses fatigue to the advantageo fexteniding a set and getting more full-recruitment reps in without needing to much volume to get it.
The main thing for me is that it allows you to use lighter weights and it still get the benefits of lifting heavier weights as far as recruitment and rate coding goes. Nice for your joints. So that's why I think my strength is also rapidly improving as far as the CNS aspect goes. Off course a bigger muscle is a stronger msucle too  

I use it at every session and every exercise just about, but I do take more rest days between each session.
And I don't go to near failure, well on calf raises I do. Just the nature of calves
I also do a lot of soft tissue and foam rolling work inbetween sessions, and take walks to speed up recovery and soreness
I also have deload periods where I train light, low volume and normally.

And only on large movements do I use the full 10-15 extra myo-reps. Other smaller exercises I only do 5 total, ie 10+3+2.
A good rule of thumb is to aim for 8-11 reps on the activation set and 10 myo-reps after that. So 8-10+3+3+2+2. If you hit 11 reps, add 5% more the next time and drop the reps back to 8, and you can add 1 rep every session until you hit 11. But I usually go from 8 to 11 in 2 sessions!  
MyoReps is also a time-saver - you won't waste so much time in the gym.
I'm planning on using MyoReps (yes I was, even before reading this thread) for supplemental excercises, after having taken care of the strength focused lifts like Squats, DLs and Bench (peak tension stimulus).

As Blade mentions, it's important to keep the muscle working by keeping the tension so the muscle fatigues to the point where most of the muscle fibers are recruited. There is a technique I have picked up lately, called a 'double rep', where you do not complete a rep in one fluid motion, but instead you halt the momentum of the extension half way (after a flexion), and repeat the flexion one more time, then extend the weight fully - that is one rep. This increases TUT and you get plenty of fiber activation. Results? I have not felt this worked out since trying the breathing squat... which is, BTW, very similar to MyoReps. I haven't had decent DOMS for some years - now it has returned ten-fold! Some days I can hardly walk.

By using 'double reps' in the MyoReps activation set, the time to full fiber activation can be shortened even more. Another technique worth mentioning is Functional Isometrics (FI), also created for extending TUT. For every rep, you aim to perform a maximal isometric contraction for 5 seconds. Preferally in the stretched positions, or somewhere close to it. But keeping the weight still might not be the optimum growth simulus. The reversal of the momentum in the 'double rep' is in itself a powerful tension stimulus.

Throwing in a dose of both techniques we end up with something that reminds me of X Reps (extended reps), where you do mini-partials, or 'pulses', similar to the 'double rep'. I know X Reps have its share of haters on this fora, but I won't throw the baby out with the bathing water. If something have a value somewhere, then use it there: namely at the end of the activation set and at fatigue points 1 and 2. Keep in mind that this, like MyoReps, aims to optimize fiber recruitment.

Combine all three and you get a pre-fatigue technique ('double reps') and a super-recruitment strategy (MyoReps+X Reps).  

To make some fun out of it, we may call this... 'MyoReps 2 the X-treme' or simply 'MyoReps 2X'. 
I remember breathing squats: I couldn't do them, between a slow pacemaker and lack of cardio - but I can do MyoReps.
I did them for my auxiliary work after my weekly deadlift new max and felt fine until today. Legs are a bit sore and VERY tight, an odd feeling. This has to be good for strength, and it's good to hear that you can do it every workout without problems.
I may do the same for all the compounds, hitting them with singles or 3's to a max, then MyoRepping the companion exersizes for that awesome pump, and in my case, CARDIO!
There is no need to get complicated, I just rep normally and don't try to create too much fatigue - it works
I do use pauses, top and bottom on calf raises though. Due to the to the short range of motion
Pulls and deadlifts are the only thing I don't myo-rep, I use 30 sec Max Stim, and autoregulate the volume. When I can't control the eccentric I terminate the set. I average around 7-8 total reps on clean deadlifts and 10 on rackpulls. More than that is too taxing

I dropped another 1/4 of an inch off my waist this week and my bodyweight went up a touch!
Leg and calf measurement up, while everything but my waist has stayed the same in size compared to last week. I think I gained 2lbs of muscle this week and dropped 1lb of fat  

yeah I also hit 265x11+3+3+3+2 on good mornings as predicted a few days ago  

going up to 275lbs next time!!!
I'm with ya, Cool! I was doing auxiliaries after the dead sets anyway, so Myo makes it even faster.
The stiff legged deads I did last were extreme and exhausting; I couldn't get enough air and was sweating like a bull. Myo deads probably wouldn't be much more fun either.
I did full leg extensions and that's what's the stiffest: quads. And tonite, reading the articles, I see Blade recommends NOT fully extending on those.
A new PR every workout by week 10 for me:
...but it only takes about 20 minutes. Doesn't even feel like you worked out. I could lift more each week, but stay with the program...because I could lift more each week.

edit: I lift 75% of those weights, to finish with 460, not 620. Don't want to start any rumors.
I think that's the key, get a strong stimulus, but not anymore, and use the energy left to create gains Building muscle takes a lot of energy.
I read somewhere that burn patients sometimes die not because of the injuries, but because they starve to death! Rebuilding skin takes a lot of energy, so I'd imagine muscle is much the same....

You can either train for fun, or train for gains - not both IMO