This is how I want to look

Not bad, at least he doesn't have the huge chunks of deodorant hanging off his pit hair like that one time on MTV... if anyone remembers that.

Yeah, he's looking pretty good. I'd rather be a bit bigger, but I wouldn't complain if I could look like that right now.
Not bad, Joe.

Could have somewhat bigger chest but the rest looks cool.
(Totentanz @ Feb. 07 2007,22:01)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Not bad, at least he doesn't have the huge chunks of deodorant hanging off his pit hair like that one time on MTV...  if anyone remembers that.</div>
LOL....I do remember that!
(the_dark_master @ Feb. 08 2007,18:21)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Nice, but what % photoshop?
None, LL has been big like that for the past 10 years and has been cut a lot of the time.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">the_dark_master @ Feb. 08 2007,18:21)
Nice, but what % photoshop?  

None, LL has been big like that for the past 10 years and has been cut a lot of the time.</div>
Yeah, right
 I probably should have left it as a statement - and missed off the question mark
(lcars @ Feb. 10 2007,06:12)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">ll looks cool,however he has admitted to using gh for years.keeps him lean and jacked.</div>
Did not know that?
My wife, the reigning expert on all things celebre', informs me that he's been that way for a long time. I saw an article on him in a magazine telling about his workout - all the pics there looked like that one; thin but very jacked. His workout was pretty good for not being HST too.
As for aspiring to that kind of body; it's a point you pass trying to get to Ahn-old. If you're just trying to get there, it may take you much longer.
I have not seen any pictures of you Joe. But based on your stats I would guess you are already pretty close to this. He doesn't impress me much. Nice arms, the rest of him is so-so. If I had bigger arms and cut down I would look very close to that. I think I read you have 16&quot;+ arms and low bodyfat, so you are definitely not too far from LL.
(scientific muscle @ Feb. 11 2007,22:17)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I have not seen any pictures of you Joe.  But based on your stats I would guess you are already pretty close to this.  He doesn't impress me much.  Nice arms, the rest of him is so-so.  If I had bigger arms and cut down I would look very close to that.  I think I read you have 16&quot;+ arms and low bodyfat, so you are definitely not too far from LL.</div>
im a little surprised by this.
LL looks good and has looked good for a long time. i dont think it matters how much he weighs, how big his arms are or chest is. he has good shape, proportion and muscle size and ive never seen him looking more then @10 % bf.
there are quite a few folks out there who are convinced they have a well proportioned, muscular body if only they took the time and effort to cut down. very few of those folks actually have that body or ever cut down to find out.
sci ive read your posts and you certainly seem well on your way to whatever your goals are i guess im just a little surprised a quality physique (imo) for a non BB like LL  does not impress you much.

btw, those are not so-so delts or even traps.

oh well, opinion vary.
Yes, he has good proportion and I forgot to mention the nice deltoids.

LL looks good. I am just saying that Joe Muscle is already very close to that. So basically Joe is very close to his goal!
I will post a pic soon. I am getting close to 15% bodyfat and I will be cutting once I get there.

Remember when I started this bulk in August I was 176 at 8.4% BF roughly and Right Now I am according to the scales yesterday 194 at 13.6% bf
(Joe.Muscle @ Feb. 12 2007,08:43)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I will post a pic soon. I am getting close to 15% bodyfat and I will be cutting once I get there.

Remember when I started this bulk in August I was 176 at 8.4% BF roughly and Right Now I am according to the scales yesterday 194 at 13.6% bf</div>
Awesome results Joe, now &quot;join the cut&quot; with me and a few others this spring, so we can post the ripped results this summer!
Thanks Colby.

I tried to stay lean year round last year and that was a big mistake.

I learned that the hard way and thanks to everyone here this year I have thrown caution to the wind.

Its been tough b/c I like to look lean...but you have to eat to gain...thats for sure!
(Joe.Muscle @ Feb. 07 2007,21:35)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Hey guys LL cool J is looking good!</div> is hilarious.  I can't believe they did an article about what LL does to stay in shape.  I mean, he looks great but he's always looked that way.  He just has great genetics.  Next they will probably ask 50 Cent to talk about what he does to stay in shape. He has always looked good too.
his core tells me he is isn´t squatting enough ( in relation to his upper boddy)