Totentanz Makes a Comeback

Still working a ton, which leaves little time for things like eating properly or sleeping. I'm getting a promotion soon, supposedly, which would free me up at work a lot. Hopefully that would prevent me from working so much overtime (overtime that I don't get paid for, since I'm salaried...) and would let me devote the time I need to working out and eating.

Anyway, I currently feel like total **** which is probably due to only getting a few hours of sleep each night for the past couple weeks. Lack of sleep always eventually causes me to get sick. But luckily, a couple good nights of sleep brings me back to 100%. But... again, I probably won't be able to get a couple nights of good sleep until the week after next.

So basically, my cycle is ended. I haven't done any significant lifting since last week Tuesday, aside from some bodyweight dips and chins when I found appropriate places to do them - the doorways at work have enough of a ledge at the top that I can grab them with my fingertips and do chins or pullups, a couple tables next to each other for dips.
If I get some time this week, I'll try to test maxes on all my lifts, then after next week is over and I've finally gotten to rest, I'll start my next cycle.
Right there with you bro. I've maintained a bit by doing these infrequent failure style workouts, but hate the DOMS and extra exhaustion.
I wish I could recover as quick as you do. I hope that promotion works out for you too; sometimes it means MORE work!
(Totentanz @ May 15 2007,20:18)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm getting a promotion soon, supposedly, which would free me up at work a lot.</div>
I sure would like that kind of promotion!!!!!
Well, it's going to be more work, but less &quot;on the floor&quot; kind of work, and less &quot;getting called at 4 am to cover some *******'s shift&quot; kind of work, so in theory.... should allow me to focus more. I hope.

Maintaining. Yes, at least that seems to be working. I'm not trying the failure route, just getting in some solid work with dips and chins, maybe a little bit of other stuff when I have time.
Finally had a good workout again...

5x225 lbs
3x315 lbs
1x365 lbs
1x385 lbs
1x395 lbs
1x405 lbs

Rack Pull
4x385 lbs
1x405 lbs
1x415 lbs
1x435 lbs
1x455 lbs
1x485 lbs
0x500 lbs (failed attempt)
1x500 lbs

5xBodyweight (Today, I weigh 210 lbs)
5xBodyweight+25 lbs
5xBodyweight+35 lbs
3xBodyweight+50 lbs
1xBodyweight+60 lbs


5x120 lbs

Incline DB Bench Press
5x55 lb DBs
5x55 lb DBs
5x55 lb DBs

8x90 lbs
5x110 lbs
5x110 lbs

I was pretty happy with the deadlift. I haven't managed to pull 400 in a very long time. Rack pull surprised me. The 485 was hard, the 500 was nearly impossible. Maybe a 500 lb deadlift is within my grasp this year.

After the rack pull, I was pretty wiped out, so I just did masturbatory exercises for the rest of the session.
Thanks. I can't help but feel that I could have gone further in the deadlifts today though. I really had to psyche myself up to succeed on the 500 lb rackpull and I think if I had brought up that intensity when deadlifting, I could have gone beyond 405. Probably wouldn't have been able to do that 500 rack pull after that though...
You diddled WHAT for the rest of the...
Anyway, you gave me a short term goal: match your deads. Only I don't know about the rack pulls, that's a lot of punishment! I bet you're gonna own some DOMS bro!
Really, if I had done the rep sceme you did, I might have made my 405 last time. Hm.
I'm pretty sure you could have hit 405. I didn't do a whole lot of reps, I just wanted to pull some heavy weight off the floor, which meant there wasn't as much fatigue. I did the rack pulls after simply because I didn't feel like I had done enough, but I didn't want to do any more full deadlifts. DOMS is in my immediate future for sure. I probably won't get to lift again until Sunday anyway, so it doesn't really bother me that much.

Now, if I can just get up to 405x5, then that will be great.
Great lifting Tot. For rack pulls, how high is the bar off the floor? Still below knee level? Damn, I really need to build my Quad rack but I'm just too busy right now. I gotta have me some rack pulls.
(Lol @ May 30 2007,21:51)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Great lifting Tot. For rack pulls, how high is the bar off the floor? Still below knee level? Damn, I really need to build my Quad rack but I'm just too busy right now. I gotta have me some rack pulls.</div>
It's still just below knee level, I think. The fourth hole on my rack, which isn't saying much since mine appears to be a home made rack... I'm not really sure now that I think about it. I'll take a picture next time I do rack pulls. I'm going to borrow my brother's digital camera, since mine is dead, and make the wife take a pic, so I can prove that I've held 500 lbs in my hands. I'll get one from the front and then get a side pic to show how high I am starting.

I don't have any straps yet. I used to wear gloves but quit doing that a while back, however I was using chalk. I'm hoping to get some decent straps soon if I can find some good ones around here. Maybe even some cheap ones will suffice I suppose.
I made some excellent straps out of an old leather belt (musn't be too wide or too thick) based on an idea in Ripptoe's book. Just cut it to a length that's long enough to wrap around the base of your hand and to then allow the two ends to wrap around the bar for a turn or two. It takes a few attempts to get the length right so start with it a bit long and keep cutting bits off until you get it just right for your hand/bar combo. Much better than the strangle noose type straps. They provide just enough aid to help when fatigue would normally set in and spoil things during a multi-rep set or to provide that little extra hold for a big single.
I think I might try that, my hands hurt like hell today. There are two deep red lines across each palm today. I think the DOMS is worse in my hands and neck than it is in any part of my back.

So... straps may be a good idea at this point.
I can get one hand strapped, but then I am one-handed and the other hand can't strap itself, how do you guys do it?
I tried it yesterday several times, but could only get one hand strapped tight. There must be a trick.
(scientific muscle @ May 31 2007,23:36)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">There must be a trick.</div>
Aha! Oh yes, but it is only revealed to those in the 400+ club.
Lol, about how long a length did you need for your straps? I've got some old seat belts in a junk car that I might try and use too, or there is some webbing I could try. I only have one leather belt for some reason, and I have to wear it each day, so probably won't be cutting that one up at this point in time.