training the same muscle group on HST routine?



howdy all, I'm looking to start training propperly again and could use a little help with working out my routine. I'm planning out my HST Routine here -
but a few things have confused me slightly. Firstly can I include more than one excercise in that routine which trains the same muscle group? Here's a few excercises that I have planned so far (correct me if I've got any of the following wrong:

- Bench Press (chest, shoulders, back, triceps)

- Dumbell Hammer Curls (I like this one because it works the biceps, forearms AND the Brachialis) -

- Dumbell Concentration Curls (isolates the biceps and is good for getting a peak contraction in the muscles) -

- Dumbell Kickbacks (good exercise to hit all three heads of the triceps with a good peak contraction) -

Does it matter that i'm training/isolating the biceps in both the DB hammer curls and the concentration curls? The kickbacks are training the triceps and the BB press is training the triceps and chest primarily.

I have to choose my excercises carefully as not to aggravate my back (tricep dumbell extensions and military press i've left out on purpose). Also I can't do anything to aggravate my knees (Both knees are gimpy) so i've left out things like bent over bb rows etc.

I'm combining this with swimming and other light cardio that doesn't aggravate my knees.

Does anyone have a screenshot of their HST chart I could take a nosey at by any chance? I want to make sure mine looks right as certain things like the dumbell hammer curls i've allocated 10kgs over a 6 rep max (RM) with an incremement of 2 but thats left me with 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 over the two week period for that rep set?

sorry if any of this is difficult to follow, i'll take a screenshot of mine in a moment.
Here's a quick go at it, I haven't managed to find out what my RM is yet for "15" & "10" but I want to make sure I've got this right first:
I was hoping to start it monday if I can get the correct excercises and schedule sorted.
btw I was planning to ease into muscle training (as opposed to strength training). I want to see how I cope with this lot first.
Doh, "Internal Sever error" trickery?

can someone delete the multiple threads for me except for this one I can't seem to find a delete button anywhere.
Unless you are not trying to build size, I would forget about the isolations. I would concentrate on benching and rowing 1.5x bodyweight and doing dips and chins with at least an added 100 pounds around your waist.
I agree with Liege. Do some higher-repped isolation work for a bit more sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, or "pump-growth" if you will. Focus on heavy compounds and lifting more weight to get bigger.
(liegelord @ Jun. 15 2006,23:11)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I would concentrate on benching and rowing 1.5x bodyweight and doing dips and chins with at least an added 100 pounds around your waist.</div>
cheers for that, would you suggest leaving out all those exercises then and just sticking with the bench press and chins? Or could you suggest a list of excercises that would be good for building general mass? Dips and rowing are no good on my knees so i'll to leave those out.

I think i'm more confused than I was before with what excercises to use. I'm a little limited to what equipment I have but I do have a chin up bar, should I still do those in accordance with the hst chart (15-10-5) increasing/decreasing the weight strapped around me?
(Tom Treutlein @ Jun. 16 2006,04:15)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I agree with Liege. Do some higher-repped isolation work for a bit more sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, or &quot;pump-growth&quot; if you will. Focus on heavy compounds and lifting more weight to get bigger.</div>
I'm not too sure what this is, isn't the higher repped isolation work what you do on the 15 and 10 reps in that chart? I only filled in the 5/6 reps at the end as an example (I still have to work out the 15's and 10's once I know what exercises to do).

I've not heard of that &quot;sarcoplasmic hypertrophy/pump-growth&quot; before
For general mass, these are what you want to focus on:
BB Bentover Row
BB Bench Press
Weighted Dips
Weighted Chins
Overhead Press

Pick and choose or alternate these, but they should be your biggest lifts and more load means more growth, assuming your diet is sufficient.
actually I think I confused myself with the dips, what are they exactly? I was thinking it was the deadlift for some reason which i'm avoiding as I don't want to be putting extra strain on my knees/lower back. I don't think the bb bentover row will do them any good either. Squating theirs no chance of me being able to do that. I know their are a few problems that can occur from not training every muscle like that but I can't risk putting unnesecery strain on my knees and tearing them again (i'm doing specific excercises such as swimming to build up my knee strength again). I'm not sure what the overhead press is either? It's not dumbell extensions behind the head is it?
A real simple routine which should not stress your back much:

Incline Bench Press
Single Arm Dumbell Rows or Chest Supported Rows
Underhand ChinUps

You will get alot of carry over to our shoulders from Incline and Dips.

If you wanted to add arm isolations;

Laying Tricep Extensions (Skull Crushers)
Seated Bicep Curls

You really need to look at serious rehab of the knees and back not just for weight training but for long term health, if they never get any stress then they will never get stronger.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Does anyone have a screenshot of their HST chart I could take a nosey at by any chance?</div>


Here's my current HST w/o schedule. It might give you some ideas. I'm alternating between A and B w/os and doing 2 sets 15s, 3 sets 10s, 4 sets 5s + 1 set of 10RM if possible (to keep overall work done increasing). I'm aiming for 30 reps each mesocycle. So far it has been OK but I haven't hit the 5s yet!

Lol's 4th HST Cycle

Ignore the calf raise weights. I don't bother with 15s for calves and go straight into 10s (a la Vicious! See Pimp my HST pdf).

For the post 5s I continue to push for new 5RMs in all exercises and then I use those weights or do negs for a further 2 weeks or until my joints tell me it's time to SD.

Hope that helps,
