Ultimate muscle ??


New Member
Hello my first post, ive been using hst for a small while now with good results and enjoy using it but my new workout partner has been using another training system he saw on some website which hes claims hes been getting better results than me with and hesa pretty big guy.

Here it is: http://www.musculartrainingdevelopment.com/showthread.php?t=872

Just wondering if anyone with more knowledge about training could read through it and tell me if its bs or not ??
I haven't clicked the link. My guess is ... SPAM!!!!
uh no not spam...i was just wondering im not backing it atall. The guy claims the concentric part of a rep is completely useless and that people should only ever use weights they cant lift ie negatives constantly because these apparently produce the fastest gains which im unsure about. Then he bases all workout nutrition on the nutrient timing book which ive read was done on fasted individuals..so im not sure if it applies to everyone else. He also says a whole lot about hormones and other things that go over my head, i was just wanting someone with more knowledge to be able to point out its flaws so i can tell my mate and try and convince him to use HST instead
Okay, without spending all night reading all this guy's format, I can say that from a quick skimming of several articles that there's a lot of truth he's saying and some bunk.
Point is, any BB program will develop you to certain degrees, until you theoretically hit your genetic potential. If you will read the FAQ's and the articles from the main pages of HST, you'll find an entirely different world from the 'normal' concepts of failure training, and it's shortcomings.  We of the HST vanguard have 'crossed over' to the other side of training, with it's ability to heal joints, allow us to walk around without, let me say, WITHOUT DOMS...to grow muscle just as well as any, yes ANY other BB program, gain strength, and do all this with only 3 to 3-1/2 workouts a week.
This may sound like an advertisement, but it's just fact man. If your bud wants to torture himself, walk around in pain, spend all his time in the gym, and plateau his gains, let him. Just be sure to take pics of yourself and him today and show him in 6 months the difference between YOUR gains and his. Nothing speaks louder than the truth. I simply can't picture myself going back to the old way. Not many will.

BTW, how can he be a workout partner if you are doing HST? Submax and failure training don't mix. Can't.
got to join up to see it cant be bothered
I've seen this before. Basically it's just doing negatives and nothing else. Waste of time.
Couldn't read it because it forces you to register. I don't like it when I'm forced, and I am always inclined to be skeptical in those scenarios (why force me to register? Why not offer it for free? Look at HST).

Anyway, if Tot looked at it already and it's just a bunch of pure negatives, then it is a waste of your time and effort. You can find something better.

If your friend is bigger than you, then maybe that's because he's really bigger naturally (started out bigger than you), and he's been muscular even before he started on that training. If you both started out thin as a rail, then you used HST while he used his "Ultimate Muscle", and he had far better gains, that would surprise me a lot (assuming both your diets are excellent)

I don't know if it's exactly the same thing, but the thing I read before was called "Fast Muscles" and sounded a lot like this, promising the ultimate secret if only you'll pay whatever amount. It involved lifting more than your 1 RM at every workout...
Quad im on the negatives in my HST cycle right now so him being my partner works for now.
To read the article just shove in some fake email address and they let u sign up doesnt cost anything i think they just want members for the site.
Anyway the dude who wrote that article has some progress pics up aswell which show him gaining around 45lbs in what is claimed to be 5 months without any seeable fat gain and my friend claims he had similar results though im having to take his word for granted but he is a lot bigger than the last time i saw him.
Im wondering though..lots of people report their best gains to be in the negatives on this site also...so could someone explain why it would be less optimal to do negatives constantly rather than work up to using them?
(Mardarxz @ Oct. 31 2006,19:32)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Quad im on the negatives in my HST cycle right now so him being my partner works for now.
To read the article just shove in some fake email address and they let u sign up doesnt cost anything i think they just want members for the site.
Anyway the dude who wrote that article has some progress pics up aswell which show him gaining around 45lbs in what is claimed to be 5 months without any seeable fat gain and my friend claims he had similar results though im having to take his word for granted but he is a lot bigger than the last time i saw him.
Im wondering though..lots of people report their best gains to be in the negatives on this site also...so could someone explain why it would be less optimal to do negatives constantly rather than work up to using them?</div>
45 lb.s in 5 months with no visible fat gain is extreme, even if using a sky-scraper stack of steroids. Obviously these gains are being obtained using drugs. I don't want to sound cynical, but Anabolic Androgenous Steroids are so powerful at aiding hypertrophy, that the weight-training itself becomes secondary (actually third, since the order of importance in an extreme steroid cycle/bulk would be 1-drugs, 2-nutrition 3-weight-training.) So a guy (especially a relatively small guy) could gain a crap-load of muscle on any reasonably sane weight-training method, if he ate enough nutrients, and used the right drugs.

Ok, enough of my steroid cynicism! Back to the original question about using negatives only. The only problem I see with it is that it could quickly lead to over-training injuries since such huge loads can be used for negatives and the tendons take a beating during them. Alot of studies show that heavy eccentric-only training show a marked increase in tissue damage, a little damage maybe necessary to stimulate hypertrophy, but too much could lead to muscle tear, tendon damage, joint inflammation, etc. Other than that I would imagine negative-only training would show good hypertrophy results at least for awhile, but not necessarily better than conventional reps.