Weights, cardio and stuff log

21 clustered squats; 6,5 - 60kg, 5,5 - 70kg. Working these back in. Starting low to restore my form.

I'm also working squats back into my training... Inspired by LOL I decided I would train full ROM squats. So I'm going low, starting low weight... and now I have low back pain... :) Hopefull it will go away soon...
I go down into a full squat. I do that because that's how I've always squatted (naturally, pre-weight training etc). I also have fairly good flexibility through my hips which was helped in no small part by karate (some years back). It's just natural for me. I think that's the key; doing what's natural.
30 mins moon-walker cardio w/the Mrs. Set a nice pace, no impact, good burn for the quads and calves.

I pushed back my upper body day because my back just needed that +1 to recover.
14 clustered one-arm BB rows; 5 - 50kg (warm ups), 5 - 70kg, 5,4 - 75kg. This felt difficult in the sense that walking 30kms will feel difficult. You can do it, it's not 'hard', just have to get there. I'm conscious of dropping the volume a little on my back exercises. I'll be bumping the load though.

1x10 hammer curls - 25kg. Just cos. Again ... although really, I want to strengthen the tendons on the inner of my elbows with some direct work.

9 clustered landmine press; 5 - 20kg (warm ups), 5,4 - 45kgs. Did them raising it up from the floor. Will certainly be using the power rack next time so I don't have to do that; took a fair bit of energy. They felt great though. I can feel the strain on the left where it's injured somewhat, but not any pain. This indicates to me that they're suitable.

20 clustered cross-body, low >> high cable raises; 15 - 10kg, 5,5 - 20kg. Felt great for the shoulders. This sort of work seems to be assisting my left shoulder recovery.
20 clustered squats; 5 - 60kg, 5,5 - 70kg, 5 - 75kg. Form is coming along nicely. Going to continue the slow load progression.

3x15 calf raises; 160kg + BW. Using a different machine. Nice stretch, hits both heads well depending on feet positioning (and allows for that).

21 clustered leg curls; 6 - 65kg, 5,5 - 70kg, 5 - 75kg.

15 clustered leg extensions; 5 - 70kg, 5,5 - 75kg.

All good.
Here's what I do:

-Load up one end of the BB with the weight I'm using, put a 25kg plate on the other (collars all around ofc).

-Grab one end of the BB just below it's end point (you know, where the hand access ends at the bar beings), prop my other arm/hand on leg/bench/chair/support.

-Crank out rows.

-Build humongous lats and traps.

-Flex them to function as a sun-shade.

It's an awesome exercise. Like a DB Row/"Kroc Row" w/less awkwardness. It's by far my favourite back exercise now. Feet placement matters a lot ofc (same with any exercise, but for injury avoidance). But if you do any exercise the wrong way you're likely to hurt yourself.
Interesting. The gym I go to has one of those pivots where the Olympic bar slides in on one end, so I could easily do one -armed rows or landmine presses with it. I have already tried landmine presses, but didn't like them especially, though they are a great deltoid exercise. I will however try the one-armed barbell row, sounds good.
Yeh, that floor piece (slides around one end and is bolted to the floor) is the perfect piece. They don't have it at the gym I'm going to so instead I'm doing them with a weight at one end to keep that end down and force the lever motion.

Landmine presses need to start w/the head of the bar already 4-5ft off the floor (whatever it is). Too hard to lift it up otherwise.
18 clustered landmine presses, all weights are exclusive of BB; 5 - 20kg (warm ups), 5,4,5 - 40kg, 4 - 45kg.

13 clustered one-arm BB rows; 5 - 50kg (warm ups), 5 - 75kg, 4,4 - 77.5kg.

10 clustered cable cross-body, low-high; 5,5 - 20kg.
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13 clustered deads; 5 - 70kg, 3 - 120kg (warmups), 4,4 - 150kg, 5 - 155kg.

4 clustered one-arm BB rows; 4 - 77.5kg. This is the best way to work the back, I think. Deads followed by max 8 clustered reps of these. However, who can manage high load deads every other day once they're past 23 years of age? :p

19 clustered cable-cross, low-high; 5,5,5 - 20kg, 4 - 25kg.

16 clustered landmine press; 5 - 20kg (warm ups), 5,4,4 - 45kg, 3 - 47.5kgs.
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Here's what I do:

-Load up one end of the BB with the weight I'm using, put a 25kg plate on the other (collars all around ofc).

-Grab one end of the BB just below it's end point (you know, where the hand access ends at the bar beings), prop my other arm/hand on leg/bench/chair/support.

-Crank out rows.

-Build humongous lats and traps.

-Flex them to function as a sun-shade.

It's an awesome exercise. Like a DB Row/"Kroc Row" w/less awkwardness. It's by far my favourite back exercise now. Feet placement matters a lot ofc (same with any exercise, but for injury avoidance). But if you do any exercise the wrong way you're likely to hurt yourself.

Quick Q: Do you straddle the bar or stand to one side of it? I experimented a bit the other night and found that straddling the bar seemed most stable for me. Great exercise BTW. My grip is usually not the weak link in pulling movements but I found that this is one movement where straps are really worth wearing for maximum back attack. :)
Quick Q: Do you straddle the bar or stand to one side of it? I experimented a bit the other night and found that straddling the bar seemed most stable for me. Great exercise BTW. My grip is usually not the weak link in pulling movements but I found that this is one movement where straps are really worth wearing for maximum back attack. :)

To add to this question, do you put one knee on a bench like a DB row? Or do you bend over like a pendlay row with one arm/hand supported?
Quick Q: Do you straddle the bar or stand to one side of it? I experimented a bit the other night and found that straddling the bar seemed most stable for me. Great exercise BTW. My grip is usually not the weak link in pulling movements but I found that this is one movement where straps are really worth wearing for maximum back attack. :)

I stand on one side of it. Probably wary of lifting that bar too high if I was straddling it ;)

To add to this question, do you put one knee on a bench like a DB row? Or do you bend over like a pendlay row with one arm/hand supported?

Both legs firmly planted. I support myself by putting the non-lifting arm on my thigh/knee. Could go on a bench/chair/stool/whatever. I just cbf'd finding one of the few spare ones in the gym.
Quick Q: Do you straddle the bar or stand to one side of it? I experimented a bit the other night and found that straddling the bar seemed most stable for me. Great exercise BTW. My grip is usually not the weak link in pulling movements but I found that this is one movement where straps are really worth wearing for maximum back attack. :)

I stand on one side of it. Probably wary of lifting that bar too high if I was straddling it ;)
I was wondering about that... I figured if you could work through the pain, then so could I! :D
I stand next to it. Better ROM IMO, you don't have to worry about smashing into the crown jewels, and it's a fantastic stretch for traps and lats both.

I also use Versa's for this. Those or straps are pretty necessary IMO. Your grip will definitely give before your back.
I was relying exclusively on deadlifts for my traps this week, but now that I have injured my lower back, I'll be back to rowing for awhile. I am going to try these for sure. If its too hard on my hip, I'll use that awesome technogym row machine that you are so envious of! But really, these one armed barbell rows sound even better!
13 clustered one-arm BB rows; 5 -50kgs (warm ups), 5 - 75kg, 4 - 77.5kg, 4 - 80kg. Child's play, frankly. Time to bump.

9 clustered shoulder press machine; 5 - 20 (per arm, warm up), 5,4 - 45. I assume this is a) in kg's, and b) a per arm setting. Felt 'OK', the injury is coming along nicely. I couldn't do 20 on this without pain previously.

1x10 - cable cross, 10kg

11 clustered cable cross, low-high; 5 - 20kg, 3,3 - 25kg. 25 felt a LOT heavier today than 2 days ago. Not sure why.

Here's a picture that gives a good idea of my feet placement for the lift;


I then grab the BB probably 5-8cm or so down from the plate and row it up to the chest. Slight hip lowering and back raising (back begins in a non-flexed position, just like a Pendlay Row). but really it's never more than 15 degrees above parallel I would say. Think of as like a BB Row (and when I say BB, I always mean Pendlay). A bit of language is OK, too much is stupid and you won't accomplish a damned thing. It's essentially replacing a DB with the BB and you're moving it like a giant lever, Isaac Newton style.

If the other end isn't weighted down, you'll pull the bar along a little and maybe that changes the load slightly. I tend to chuck 25-30kg on the end. 20 doesn't seem to be enough.

If you have access to that sheath's one end of the BB to the floor, like for a T-Bar, then I'd use it. Current gym is without, unfortunately.

Evening: 4km on the treadmill. Since adding in the cardio I've noticed my glutes are really loosening up at the hips. This might be partially due to the added resistance work for the legs, but I'm especially noticing in the past 8 days. Deadlift PRs incoming ... hopefully.
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