13 clustered one-arm BB rows; 5 -50kgs (warm ups), 5 - 75kg, 4 - 77.5kg, 4 - 80kg. Child's play, frankly. Time to bump.
9 clustered shoulder press machine; 5 - 20 (per arm, warm up), 5,4 - 45. I assume this is a) in kg's, and b) a per arm setting. Felt 'OK', the injury is coming along nicely. I couldn't do 20 on this without pain previously.
1x10 - cable cross, 10kg
11 clustered cable cross, low-high; 5 - 20kg, 3,3 - 25kg. 25 felt a LOT heavier today than 2 days ago. Not sure why.
Here's a picture that gives a good idea of my feet placement for the lift;
I then grab the BB probably 5-8cm or so down from the plate and row it up to the chest. Slight hip lowering and back raising (back begins in a non-flexed position, just like a Pendlay Row). but really it's never more than 15 degrees above parallel I would say. Think of as like a BB Row (and when I say BB, I always mean Pendlay). A bit of language is OK, too much is stupid and you won't accomplish a damned thing. It's essentially replacing a DB with the BB and you're moving it like a giant lever, Isaac Newton style.
If the other end isn't weighted down, you'll pull the bar along a little and maybe that changes the load slightly. I tend to chuck 25-30kg on the end. 20 doesn't seem to be enough.
If you have access to that sheath's one end of the BB to the floor, like for a T-Bar, then I'd use it. Current gym is without, unfortunately.
Evening: 4km on the treadmill. Since adding in the cardio I've noticed my glutes are really loosening up at the hips. This might be partially due to the added resistance work for the legs, but I'm especially noticing in the past 8 days. Deadlift PRs incoming ... hopefully.