12 clustered one-arm assisted chins, 3,3,3,3 - 55kgs. Can't decide if supinated or parallel is better. WIll try WG next time as well.
Woah! How are you doing these, Alex? I'm picturing you holding the bar with one hand; your other hand is grabbing your wrist; and then you're doing chins with an extra 55kg's (121lb) hanging from your belt?!! Man. I suck.
Haha ... no no, that's 55kg of assistance. So I'm lifting ballpark 55-60kg per arm (at around 17-19% bf right now. Too much good food about and felt like bulking my back for the last few months).
In terms of form, I'm putting the non lifting hand behind my back.
I imagine they will get easier once I have the form downpat and if/when I actually remember to bring the Versa Gripps to the gym
I'll say this for them too, they're absolutely the best bicep exercise I've found. Might be best for lats too (hard to say, as DB rows use more lats than a BB row).
I would return them again. It's a pain, but the store will replace them so you should just do it. Maybe there was a duff batch?
Quick Q re the Versas: does the wrist band part act as a wrap? ie. does it offer as much wrist support as a regular wrist wrap?