Weights, cardio and stuff log

2x 15 push ups w/the handles (obv obv)

Did ~30 or so plyometric reps for the lats. Plant your feet around the centre of a pole or strut of a squat-cage, grab it w/both hands, lean back until arms straight, then down and back for lats extension and pull yourself up explosively (easier to illustrate than explain). Probably pulling up ~ same weight as a push up, maybe a bit less. Just do it explosively, shouldn't be at all stressful, almost like a pulse stretch.
21 clustered reps @ BW + 20kgs - I think I shall relegate all plyometric work to workout days, there's a bit too much strain on the workout day AFTER a plyometric day, the reps were really hard today (but that recognisable hard when you know you're just a little bit spent from the day before).

Dips 5x5, BW +15kg

Mei curls x5, BW

DB Shoulder Press 2x5 - 30kg
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20 clustered reps @ BW + 20kgs, that came out at exactly 5 sets of 4 reps. Had really good control over the lats today, minimal involvement with the arms and didn't even use them on some of the reps (stopping before apex of the movement I guess). Took the weekend off, which was the first time I've had two consecutive days without training in months.

Dips 5x5, BW + 15kgs

DB Shoulder Press, 1x5 30kg, 1x5 32.5kg; 32.5 will be the new weight from now on, 35 in a couple of weeks, maybe sooner

DB curls, 2x15, 20kg

Plyometric DB Rows, 1x5, 32.5kg

Pushups, handles, normal spacing, 2x15
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19 Clustered chins, CG palms facing, BW + 21.5kg. Really good groove today.

Dips 5x5, BW + 15kg

Freestyle swimming, 900m, faster paced ala getting fitter and more efficient, will be aiming to push the distance.

DB Shoulder Press - 2x5, 32.5kg

DB curls 1x15, 20kg

Hammer curls 1x15, 20kg
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20 clustered chins, 5,4,4,4,3, ~15 counted loaded stretch, BW +21.5kgs, stayed in a good groove again, getting great lats activation.

Dips, 5x5, BW +15kgs - took the reps slow, really worked on form, did a closer grip for a little more triceps work.

DB Shoulder press, 2x5 -32.5kg

DB Rows, 2x15 - 32.5kg, supinated grip

DB Curls, 1x15 - 20kg

Hammer Curls 1x15 - 20kg
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20 clustered chins, 5,4,4,4,3, ~15 counted loaded stretch, BW +21.5kgs

Dips 5x5, BW +15kgs

Freestyle swimming, 1,000m

DB Shoulder Press, 2x5, 32.5kgs
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22 clustered chins, 5,5,4,4,4. BW +21.5kgs, felt great today, really good reps.

Dips, 5x5, BW + 15kgs

DB Shoulder Press, 2x5, 32.5kg

DB Rows, explosive concentric, 2x20, 32.5kg - let them drop and 'bounce' them up but still using strict form. More 'quick concentric' than bounce.
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20 clustered chins, 5,5,4,3,3. BW +23kgs. Good groove, extra bump to 23kgs was felt though :p

Dips 5x5, BW +15kgs

Freestyle swimming, 1,100m ... booooyah

DB Shoulder Press, 2x5 - 32.5kgs
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22 clustered chins, 5,5,4,4,4, 15 second loaded stretch, BW + 23kgs

1hr badminton singles ... die already

Dips 5x5, BW +15kgs

Freestyle 100m then ejected because lightning was brewing ...

DB Shoulder Press, 2x5 - 32.5kgs

5 Mei Curls, BW
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20 clustered chins, 5,6,5,4 CG palms facing, BW +23kgs - was killing it today, probably bump to +25kg's come Wednesday. I think the freestyle swimming is really helping here, especially for lats activation.

Dips, 5x5, BW +15kgs, used a closer grip, will stick w/it for a little while, I like to vary the grip every now and then.

Freestyle swimming, 1,000m

DB Shoulder Press, 2x5 - 32.5kg

Hammer curls, 2x5 - 32.5kg
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17 clustered chins, 5,4,4,4, CG palm facing, BW + 25kgs - sweet reps today

Dips, 5x5, BW + 15kgs

DB Shoulder Press, 2x5, 32.5kgs - probably going up to 33 or 35 next time

Freestyle swimming, 1,000m
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Nice chins. :cool:
I noticed your total reps dropped off a bit, so the total work is now less than it was a week or so ago. Eg. 17 x BW+25 < 22 x BW+23 (assuming your BW hasn't increased much). Was that on purpose? You could always add in a BW set at the end as a metabolic burn set. That way your total work done would increase a bit.
Yeh, not a bad idea to get the total work equalled out. I probably could have pushed up to 20+ but didn't want to acquire any lasting fatigue.

I imagine in a 10-14 days I'll be up to +30kgs.
Do you work out at home? I'm trying to figure out how one goes from chins to badminton to dips to swimming to shoulder presses and curls. Regardless - your chins are very, very impressive and your work is consistent and very noticeably moving forward.
Haha, yeh, I workout at home. I live about 5mins away from the local university so I use their pool and play badminton there. The boxing work I do at home w/my own bag (I usually don't note it down here, 'punched a lot' - not a useful notation :P). I have all the weights myself. Dips and chins obv. require minimal equipment and I have the bars + ~125kg of plates.

I haven't done bench or incline for a long long time, I find Dips to be preferable for those muscles (and a far more natural movement, personally). I mix up chins and rows periodically, but I'm loving doing chins right now and whilst DB Rows are amazing, it's like doing twice as much for your lower back (involved for each hand). BB Rows (Pendlay) are also v.nice but I don't have a good surface to do them off atm.
21 Clustered chins, 6,4,4,4,3, CG palms facing, +15 second loaded stretch/hang, BW +25kgs - felt really insane for the first two sets but I think going to 6 reps just killed me for the last two clusters of 4 and 3, close to failure at the end. Still, definitely didn't do the 'failure rep' so should be just fine.

Dips, 5x5, BW + 25kgs - felt like pushing myself. I think I'll go w/20kgs next session, hopefully find a better groove and go from there.

DB Shoulder Press, 2x5 - 32.5kgs - forgot to up the weight :p

Freestyle swimming, 1,000m - used hand paddles for the first time, and f*** me do they ever increase the workload. My back feels like I've just pulled a freight train along. I now completely understand why swimmers look like upside down coat hangers ... thoroughly recommended.

Hammer curls, 2x5 - 32.5kgs
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