What should I do?


New Member
Today is the 2nd week of my 5's, third workout. Basically, the last workout of the 5's.

1.) I am not going to be able to do negatives since I am currently training alone. But I read I can do the 5's again for two more weeks. For that, do I train with the same weight I did during the 5 cycle? Wasn't sure here.

2.) I am going out of town this Thursday and coming back Monday night. i will not be around a gym until Tuesday. What should I do?


For the next two weeks you would just continue using your 5 RM. You could try negatives alone on some exercies though, depending on your routine. Just be careful.
1) Just continue using your 5RM for two more weeks. If your strength has increased, and you can do more weight for your 5RM, then continue increasing the load. For example, if your old 5RM is 180 lbs (the workout you just did) but your new 5RM is 200 lbs (because your strength went up), then gradually increase the load from 180 to 200 during the post-5's.

2)Workout before leaving and workout again soon after you get back. During the trip though, enjoy some recovery time.