What's your Diet with the HST Training?


New Member
Hello everybody,

I'm new and I'm from Switzerland, I'm 24 years old.

I will give a try to the HST routine and I want to know if anyone have some advice for
the nutrition I have to follow with this training...

Sorry for my poor level in English.. Hope that I will progress with this Forum!


Your english is fine/understandable.

Anyways when I first started I didn't really pay attention to diet other than protein shakes after workout... Got results.

Joined the Army and ran too much resulting in both legs being close to broken. So i ate ALOT of food. Protein/Carbs... mainly carbs. Seemed like I got kinda fat and muscular.

Then I tried no/little carbs... Hard to increase weights while doing this

So now i'm using moderate carbs and alot of protein. Is working Smooooooooooooooooooth :)

I usually have a protein shake in the morning
eggs+cheese and turkey(if they have it), bacon, plain oatmeal with raisins and strawberries... maybe 2-3 french toast sticks

more protein shake

whatever they have for lunch... today was salisbury steak... i had 2. and some brocolli and mashed potatoes

i accidentally slept past dinner chow today -_-.... but last night i had baked fish and green beans + cup of milk.

I also eat nuts(almonds/peanuts/cashews) and beef jerkey throughout the day.
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My best results were when I allowed myself to gain enough weight that I was slowly getting fatter and fatter. I got up to 22% bodyfat and gained a lot of muscle and strength. Carbs are very important. I used to eat a high protein, moderate fat and fairly low carb (compared to most people) diet and I got slow results. Once I started upping my carbs significantly, the mass and strength started to just pile on. Carbs are the key, assuming protein is sufficient of course. As I said, my best results were when I let myself get fatter... in the past I would always stop bulking around 15% bodyfat because I was scared of getting too fat, so I would cut back down to 8-10% bodyfat before bulking again. It seemed like a never ending cycle... bulk a few months, cut a couple months, rinse, repeat.
I finally figured... cutting is easy, I know how to lose the fat, that's not a problem. So why do I keep compromising my gains by stopping my bulking cycle when I get scared of the fat? I kept going, bulked for probably 6-9 months straight, kind of like a gestational period in the womb... hit tons of PRs, gained a lot of mass, and then I spent a good several months slowly cutting down, kept pretty much all the new muscle, not only maintained strength but improved it. So, the moral of my story is that getting fat was one of the greatest things I ever did for my physique and my strength.

General rules for me when trying to gain mass:
Eat as close as possible to 2 grams of protein per lb of bodyweight (appx 4 grams per kg of bodyweight)
20-30% of calories from fat
Remainder from carbs - preferrably more complex carbs but sugars prior to lifting is ok
Total Calories should be equal to 18-20 x bodyweight in lbs (appx 40 - 44 x bodyweight in kgs)
Okay, thanks a lot for the answers guys!
I was confused about the carbs because I had a book, I don't know if you know it, "better than steroids" by Dr
Warren Willey and he shows different style of diet and for bulk he preconize a sort of Zig Zag ( Low carbs day/Even Carbs Day and High Carbs day) and I didn't give it a try for that. Did you hear something about that?

Are you guys training HST since how many year?


Well, diet has always been one of the harder aspects to master, especially with so many different opinions out there.

A former member of this forum, wrote a 'pimp my HST' e-book. He is/was a personal trainer I believe.
This is his advice:

"Generally, I use the below formula to calculate needs. I think about 75% of people just lifting HST-style can fit into this template.
1) Protein = BW or LBM * 2.
2) WO day: Carbs = 100 – 166% of protein intake
3) Rest day (no cardio, sports, etc.) : Carbs = 70-100% of protein intake
4) Fat: At least 25-50% of protein calories "

If you read what he advocates, it is along the lines of carb cycling - what you were refering to with reference to Dr Willey's book.
Carb cycling is a very effective method of dieting.

I am currently using the above advice in a Intermittent Fasting diet plan.
IF is worth considering, though can be hard to do when bulking, due to trying to get enough calories in, in the limited time frame.

Hope this helps. Feel free to pm me, or post any further questions.
I have been using HST principles since 2002 - with great results.

I currently do Intermittent Fasting (bulk mode) in conjunction with HST. I find it to be very effective.

Here is the regimen I follow:

Workout Days;
3600 - 4000 calories
+500 grams Carbs (dont even set a limit)
low fat

Rest days
2600-2800 calories
low carb
High Fat up to 250 grams

I cycle calories and carbs and I find it effectively allocated to when I need it the most (after workout)

Key: consume a s*** ton of cals after workout. Carbs Carbs Carbs. VERY important for growth do NOT avoid them.